
After 1000 Years

Warning! Mature content! While on vacation in Seoul, Yena accidentally buys an antique which gets her involved with an Imoogi named Lucifer. Being held hostage by Imoogi, instead of getting bad treatment, Yena got the sweetest treatment in her life. "Give me my Yeouiju and I'll set you free." 'B-but it is already destroyed. Am I going to be stuck here with him forever?'

Apples_Cha · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

A Crocodile

Lucifer who just turned into human form was surprised to hear Yena's scream. He immediately ran to the bathroom and saw Yena struggling in the bath up.

"Yena!" Lucifer rushed over, cut off the black hair that was entangling Yena's neck with his scales, and pulled the girl.

"Khhkkk!" Yena held her neck which seemed to be about to break. She almost suffocated to death. Her face was pale because for a moment there was no blood flowing.

Lucifer hugged Yena with one hand while his two sharp eyes flashed coldly at a creature that emerged from the bathup.

Long black hair swelled up to the surface of the water followed by the appearance of a person's head. The creature's face is not visible because it is covered with hair.

Even so, Lucifer could feel his bloodthirsty gaze fixed on Yena.

"How could this lowly creature be missed?" Lucifer snorted softly. At the same time, his hand moved like a shadow and gripped the creature's neck.



Lucifer slammed it to the floor and choked it with one hand.


"No! Lucifer!" The frightened yena grabbed Lucifer's hand when she saw that the creature might die soon.

"Shit! Go away!" Lucifer threw the creature outside. The drenched and hideous figure then crawled out of the way.

"Huu what... is that?" Yena hung limply in Lucifer's arms.

Her face was still pale with fright.

"Don't be afraid. It's just a lowly being," said Lucifer. He pulled Yena and sat her on the sink to examine her red neck.

"Was that a ghost?" She asked.

"Yeah, that kind is Cheuksin, creatures like that usually inhabit the bathroom. It's my fault, I didn't check this place properly." Lucifer said softly. His expression was still as flat as ever, but right now the look in his eyes was very innocent.

Yena was interested in holding his face. Her small hand touched the side of Lucifer's cold face.

"I'm fine." She said.

"You're hurt." Lucifer whispered. He stuck out his tongue and licked her neck. It's a habit of licking wounds or bruises, but isn't this too much?


Yena was stunned, but she had no intention of rejecting Lucifer at all. Maybe because she got carried away, or because she liked it?

Yena felt crazy with this atmosphere.


Lucifer sucked her neck softly.

"Kwakk!" A familiar loud voice interrupted them.

"Breakfast breakfast! B--"

The crow entered the room. Because the bathroom door was wide open so he could immediately see the sweet sight inside.

"Wow!!! I don't see anything!" Leon shouted frantically. The bird put down the food it was carrying and covered his eyes with his wings.

"W-wait, it's nothing. Lucifer is just treating me--" Yena said nervously.

"I really can't see it!"

"Did nothing! Don't you think it's weird!" Yena denies.

"Then why is he naked? what kind of treatment to have to be naked like this?!"

"Ah?" Yena is stunned. She shifted her gaze forward, downwards to be more precise.

Instantly the blood from all over her body ran to her face.

"Aa--" She couldn't even scream.

Lucifer didn't seem to realize that he wasn't wearing any clothes. It can't be helped, after transforming he immediately ran to the bathroom when he heard Yena's scream.

"You are disturbing!!" Lucifer chuckled.


On the bedroom floor, the three people, Lucifer, Yena, and Leon sat with their respective bowls of bulgogi still steaming.

This time Leon had breakfast with them in celebration of the housewarming, he said.

"Oh so you guys just found Cheuksin herethe area around here has been inhabited by spirits for a long time," said Leon.

"Well, I'll clean them up later." Lucifer said while glancing at Yena who was eating solemnly. The girl just looked down and didn't say anything.

Lucifer thinks Yena is still very scared because of the ghost, but the truth is the girl is trying to keep her sanity. Early in the morning, she had a lot of surprises.

Yena touched her chest to make sure her heart was still where it was.

"Are you okay? does it still hurt?" Lucifer asked. He reached out his hand to examine Yena's neck. However, the girl brushed it off and inched away from him. She really couldn't bear to look at Lucifer's face for now.

Even at night, Yena still didn't want to talk to Lucifer.

Until it was time to sleep, she couldn't avoid Lucifer anymore because for the time being he was her warm blanket.

Yena was curled up inside the snake coil with her eyes still wide open.

"Still afraid?" whispered Lucifer.

"No, just in shock." Yena thought.

Saw Yena unmoved, Lucifer stuck out his tongue and licked Yena's shoulder.

Only then did the girl startles and curse, "Oh my gosh! Can you stop licking people?!"

"Shh." Lucifer just hissed and returned to his position.

Yena touched her shoulder and said regretfully, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."

"I just..., please, stop acting like that." She mumbled. "You make me misunderstood." She added to herself.

"Why? You don't like it?" Lucifer moved his tail and put Yena to sleep again. the reptile again wet Yena's neck stubbornly.

Yena put on a helpless expression.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. If you continue like this I'd better sleep on the floor."

"Just a moment--"

"What? Do you think my neck is candy?" Yena chuckled softly. Today who knows how many times Lucifer had tried so hard to get her neck? Even though she was still sick, Yena didn't want that kind of treatment.

"No, not candy, but sweet," said Lucifer.

God, what is this again?!

Yena curled up and covered her reddened face with both hands.

Every day Lucifer is showing his skills more and more. Sometimes Yena feels that he is actually a crocodile, not a snake.

The bad night passed slowly. In the morning Yena woke up with a pale face.

The enterprising Leon has arrived. Seeing Yena's appearance he asked in surprise, "Are you sick?"

"No no. I just had a bad dream." Yena massaged her temples with a headache.

"Lucifer, we have to save Rumi immediately. I had a dream, Rumi was very very scared and suffering," Yena said to Lucifer who had just come out of the bathroom wet.

The man with a fresh and eye-catching appearance shook his head firmly, "Didn't I tell you, she will be fine. Arion won't hurt her."

"I know. Even though Arion won't hurt her, still Rumi must be scared. I can't ignore her. She was dragged away because of me." Yena said worriedly also feeling guilty. She had almost forgotten about Rumi's troubles because of Lucifer. Now her brain went back to panic.

Lucifer grabbed Yena's shoulders and said seriously, "Listen to me. We need a good plan. Going there without any preparation is like committing suicide."