
Aetheric Chronicles: Reborn As An Extra

In the bustling city of Eldoria, nestled between ancient forests and towering mountains, lies the renowned Celestial Arcane Academy—a hub of magical learning and the central setting of the revered fantasy novel, "Aetheric Chronicles." Unbeknownst to the residents of Eldoria, a young Earthling named Alex awakens in the academy, a place he recognizes all too well from the pages of his favorite novel. Gifted with an OP ability yet unable to use it properly, Alex quickly realizes that he is not merely a student but a living embodiment of a character from "Aetheric Chronicles", an extra or a side character to be more precise. As he navigates the grand halls of the academy, he's met with a surprising twist—characters deviating from the expected plotline, unforeseen events altering the carefully crafted narrative. Eager to maintain the balance between the known world of "Aetheric Chronicles" and the unpredictable reality he finds himself in, Alex immerses himself in magical studies, forming bonds with familiar faces and unlocking latent abilities tied to his character's past. However, the unpredictable nature of his presence in the novel's universe sparks whispers of prophecy and conspiracy among the academy's inhabitants. Guided by his knowledge of the novel's lore, Alex faces dilemmas that challenge the very essence of his character. Will he follow the prescribed destiny laid out in the novel, or will he forge a new path and risk unraveling the delicate threads of the fantasy world? _____ ___ __ Gift a Super Gift - Get a Mass Release! Car - 1 chapter. Dragon - 3 chapters. Castle - 6-7 chapters + Bonus for the Gifter. Spaceship - 7-8 chapters + Bonus for the Gifter. Gachapon - 10-12 chapters + Bonus for the Gifter (Give a name for a character or smth else.) I will also release two bonus chapters weakly as well. Let's go. _____ __ __

Peace_in_Chaos · Fantaisie
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156 Chs

The Villain's mistake. The PET meets the MC

"W-what is a monster doing here? N-No! Get away from me!"



"Damn it! Where is the academy looking? There is a monster roaming around!"



After the failure of the first vic-uhm, I mean student, others started to enter the forest as well.

Honestly, they weren't better than the first student, instantly panicking and fainting in fear. While some tried to run but eventually ended up like the former ones.

There wasn't even one student who passed the first test yet.

Well, it must be because the Main Characters haven't arrived yet.

"Oh, look. A new batch is coming!"

My thoughts were disrupted by the old man's voice.

"Oh, let me see." I nodded and looked at the screen. Well, speak of the devil.

As the new batch of students entered the forest, my attention was immediately drawn to two particular groups making their way through the dense underbrush.

The first group consisted of Ren, Emeric, and Lyra, three students who were part of the main cast. Ren, with his calm and composed demeanor, was the real leader of the group, though only he knew about it. While the villain, Emeric, was the 'leader' of the group as well since his 'friend' Lyra and himself wholeheartedly believed it. 

But I don't mean Emeric is stupid or bad. He can actually be smart at times. It's just that - he loses his composure whenever he sees the MC or Aria. I really wonder if a person can be like this. This is a real world after all... Right?

Anyway, moving on there is the second group, consisting of Aurelius, the MC, and my little sister Aurelia. Unlike the first group, they seemed to be more cautious and reserved, which must be due to Aurelius's ultra instincts. Every MC has it, right?

"Do you recognize them?" I heard the old man asking.

"Yeah. All five of them were in the top ten." I replied while thinking of something. Then I continued. "And... they are all geniuses."

"Oh, geniuses you say?" A weird smile appeared on the old man's face. 

"Indeed," I replied, keeping my tone neutral despite the odd expression on the old man's face. 

Hehe, the second step is done.

"Good, good. I am really fond of training GENIUSES." The old man spoke not hiding his smile.

"But, let's first watch their performance," He said. "Only then can I think of the best way to train them..."

"Yes," I replied.

Although I already know what will happen now from the novel, I am really excited to see it in real life, in action. Seeing is believing, right?

'Sorry, guys, but you have to be stronger.'

'And in order for that, you have to suffer a little bit. Yeah, only a little...'

As the two groups ventured further into the forest, the unlucky one to meet the PET was none other than the first group. At first, they wanted to fight with the PET, but after assessing the situation and knowing they couldn't defeat it by themselves, they quickly fled.

The interesting thing happened soon after - the first group who was being chased by the PET ended up meeting the second group - the MC's group.

As the two groups collided in the forest, chaos erupted amidst the dense undergrowth. At first, both groups were surprised.

And guess what, Emeric did what a villain would do - with his 'cunning' mind already concocting a plan, he wasted no time in springing into action. With a sly grin, he subtly positioned Aurelius and Aurelia between his group and the approaching threat, the PET, wanting to use them as a shield so his group could escape.

"Quick, let's use them as a distraction and make a run for it!" Emeric whispered urgently to Ren and Lyra, his eyes gleaming with a mix of joy and determination.

But as Emeric attempted to manipulate the situation to his advantage, Ren and Lyra's faces twisted in dismay, their moral compasses refusing to allow them to abandon their fellow classmates to the mercy of the oncoming threat.

Well, that was how it was written in the novel and things are happening exactly like that.

"Emeric, I know you had a fight with Aurelius. But we can't leave them behind just for that!" Ren protested, his voice laced with seriousness and disappointment. "I will stay and help them. And I advise you the same."

Heh, what a good guy. Must be his past and family's influence.

"Um... I... I also think it's bad to use others like this," Lyra added hesitantly, her voice wavering slightly as she glanced nervously at Aurelius and Aurelia. "We should try to help them, not sacrifice them for our own safety."

'Emeric, you are outnumbered.' I thought, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and anticipation.

But Emeric, being the stubborn and prideful character he was, refused to back down, his eyes narrowing with frustration as he realized they weren't listening to him.

"Hmph, fine. Do what you want. I'll go on ahead by myself," he muttered, his tone brimming with resentment as he turned on his heel and dashed off into the forest, leaving Ren, Lyra, and the MC's group behind.

And this was the first biggest mistake he made.

This will later lead to creating a bridge between him and his group.

Anyway, after he fled, Ren and Lyra joined the MC and my sister. The PET was already standing before them, ready to show its might.


As the PET let out its deafening roar, the forest seemed to shake with its intensity, leaves rustling and branches swaying in response to the powerful sound waves.

But amidst the chaos and fear that gripped the others, there was one person who remained surprisingly calm and composed.

The MC, Aurelius, stood tall and unwavering, his expression one of determination rather than fear. His steely gaze met the glowing eyes of the PET, a silent challenge in his demeanor that seemed to unnerve the towering beast.