
Aetheria: Reincarnated to a world of swords and magic!!

In the world of Aetheria the Kingdom of Heisenberg Embarks on a journey of Conquering and Dominating the Whole world with it's advanced Technology against Magical Kingdoms.

Daoist8g69MA · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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3 Chs


In the busy streets of Manila, the capital city of the Philippines a young man named James Madrid can be seen running from the Authorities as he escapes in the Alleyways of Tondo...

Okitnana met mangitaray ak lang ti lames ada pay makakita...nagmalas nga aldaw haa...

(Motherf@ckers, I just slipped one fish and now they are chasing me...what an unlucky day) 

The authorities chasing after James lost sight of him as James quickly jumped into the sewage...

Where is he!? shouted by the police to his buddy, but his buddy lost sight of him when they were about to make a turn into the dark alleyways.

Sorry Sir! Nakatakas sya eh... Biglang liko kasi sya tas may humarang sa aking daan.

(I am Sorry Sir! He escaped, there was a sudden turn in the alleyway, and as I was about to catch him something fell, and I lost sight of him)

Pot@ yung bangusss!! wala nang silbi... ka bwisit naman na araw to...

James muttered to himself as the thing he stole lost its value and is now worthless, as it was also submerged in the dirty water of the sewage-filled with dog poops and even Human poops.

After the police left the area... James who is inside the sewage, jumped out and cautiously left too, avoiding the detection of the police on his way back to his home..

Arrived in a messy place, Dust accumulating on the tiles and his clothes piled anywhere with plates and casseroles filling up the kitchen...

James sat on the floor worrying about the food he should eat to fill his empty stomach


Pot@ if not for those B@stards I could have eaten something somehow..

Argh I'm so hungry I could die...

James Intoned holding his stomach as the pain continuously Intensified...

After a while, James who sat down on the floor has now fallen asleep

~~~~~ 3 hours later~~~~~


the dogs standing guard at his house started to bark at the people who walked past the gate...

James who fell asleep, woke up with his stomach also growling as if begging for food.

James, Irritated by the barking of the dogs went out and shut (Muted) them making the dogs silent for a while... 

Clank* The sound of a Baton hitting the Steel making it Vibrate and produce an ear piercing sound*


Tumalna ka! nag ringur kayo la unay nga ason aya shouted by james to the dogs whimpering...

(Silence! Shut the hell up you dogs!)

With his Stomach growling once more, James went out of his house and searched for food... and when desperation came he saw a trashcan with a pizza and Halo Halo's dumped inside...

Although dirty he doesn't have a choice but to eat it... even forcing himself to swallow the rotten pizza whole even if he can't stomach it, he still forces it to his mouth including the rotten Halo' halo too with other plastics and other materials contaminating it...

Gargh.. Grumbles... Nag Imasen aya(It's so yummy)... he said as he continuously ate the rotten Pizza and Halo-halo after a while his tummy stopped growling but he felt sicker... with a feeling of vomiting but not actually vomiting.

James sat on the road just beside the Trashbin he searched... with the people passing by feeling disgusted by his looks...

Ew! Yuck! So disgusting ptsuu* said a passing stranger as she spits on him and walking away feeling disgusted by the likes of him...

Tarantado!... kita mo..... na....ngang.... nag hihirap yung tao gaganunin mo pa!

(Bullshit! You already see me suffering like this and you still do that shit!!)

Shouted angrily by James to the stranger who spat on him. 

The passing stranger looked back and raised her hands showing her middle Finger ..I..

You fucker!!! Shouted by James furiously charging at her as he loses his temper

The Girl seeing James rushing towards her shouted for help

Tulong!!(Help) Tulong!! May Rapist po dito!! she shouted as loud as she could immediately garnering the attention of the other people traversing the same street.

The tambays who were drinking liquor immediately rushed in to save the stupid Lady

James was unaware that on the other side of the road, a group of tambay would rush in and save the arse of the stupid lady, he continued rushing to her as fast as he could, and when he was about to reach her...

Hawakan nyo! Shouted by an elder as he commanded the young'ons to hold James 

Heto na hawak ko na!! Said by another man holding james...

Punches, Kicks, and even slamming rocks all landed at James continuously as one man restricted him and the others continuously used him as a punching bag as if venting all their anger to him...

The stupid lady then smirked and said... Hmpp Trash that's what you get for rushing at me!

James hearing this, gritted his teeth, gripped his fists, and gathered all his strength with his head turning red and violet from all the beatings he got... he slipped from the constraints of the Other tambay and tried to punch the Girl who was smirking at him... 

Youuu!! F@ckerrr Die!!!

his fist nearly landed on the face of the stupid girl but.... alas he passed out...

when his consciousness returned, he found himself lying on one of the Hospital beds

with the ceiling yellow and green he scanned the area only to see a police officer guarding the ward and the nurses and doctors tending to his Injuries...

What a shitty life... he murmured to himself losing all hopes to live...

He then closed his eyes one more time and tried to stop his breathing... but alas his body is too stubborn not listening to the command of his brain... In every attempt he makes to stop his breathing, his mouth would gasp for air...

After a while when the Doctors noticed that he was awake, they notified the police of his condition and the police made their way to the room...

James expecting that his life is already fucked gave up pretending and just faced the situation with the little reputation of a rapist he has left...

Can the patient talk? asked by Spo1 Ricardo Lamosa to the Doctor In-charge of James...

I am not quite sure about that sir... but you should give him more time to rest the Doctor responded worrying that the Police would force his patient to conduct their investigation.

Spo1 Ricardo Lamosa then scanned James body and found that he gained a lot of bruises and injuries in all part of his body... with everything turning pale and violet...

seeing as James is powerless, he decided to stop the Investigation for a while...

Alright, I'll come back after he regains a little bit of his strength, after saying this Lamosa left the room and told his men to guard it in case the patient tries to escape...

Phew~ I wish this life ends soon... It's a fckin hell... James thought to himself while staring at the window.

In the following days, James slowly regained some of his strength and was even fed by the nurses... but he worries even more as the food he is given is also included on the tab of the hospital fees.

Day 03 in the hospital and Spo3 Lamosa came back resuming with the Investigation he was tasked 

James who can now talk knew that sooner or later the police would resume their Investigation and now faced Lamosa...

You are James Madrid who lives in **** Tondo, Manila... correct? Inquired by Lamosa as if seeking Confirmation to James who is lying on the Bed...


James heard him but still did not respond...