
Aeternitatem Genesis

Humanity has entered an almost entirely digital age. After the turn of the 22nd century, games and entertainment have become something ordinary people may live on. The year is 2143, and a new VR game has entered the market. Not one that stands out in every conceivable way. Not one that breaks and reinvents the wheel of modern VRMMORPGS. What makes Aeternitatem Genesis unique is its gameplay. Most modern fantasy games circle around classes. But what makes a player stand out is their choices. The decisions and outcomes of a quest. This is what's in store for Aeternitatem Genesis. The achievements they garner in their time. A class and the grade it carries hold little weight, not the end all, and be all of a player's existence. Reputation with the inhabitants of Aeternitatem Genesis is integral to the progress and standing in one's time. It allows ordinary players. Ordinary people. Not the rich with unlimited resources and time. To become someone special in Aeternitatem Genesis. The story of such a person begins on the day of it's release.

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Character Arts (Heavy Spoilers!!!)

(This will be updated as time goes on and the story's characters are revealed.)

Justin Xander's real-life looks/game character looks.

Blake Xander's real-life looks/game character looks.

Lillian Xander's real-life looks/game character looks.

Sir Rehan (NPC)

Haleen (NPC)

Darren Fulwitter (NPC)

Zackery Fulwitter (NPC)

Eliza Fard Cira Zada (NPC)

Sierra Zarra (NPC)