
Aerial Chronicles: I'm the fucking villain!

What would you do if you became the bad guy in your favorite video game? That's what happens to our protagonist, a skilled and ruthless gamer who calls himself "Spectre". His passion is the virtual reality game Aerial Chronicles, where he dominates his rivals with his skill and cunning. But one day, everything changes. For some unknown reason, our protagonist wakes up in the body of Kylo Stormcrest, a secondary character in the game who is a noble and weak villain. Kylo has no special abilities, only his title of duke. How will he survive in this hostile and dangerous world? Will he be able to change his destiny and become a hero? Or will he remain the same old Spectre?

DaoistAdQYQ3 · Fantaisie
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46 Chs

I'm not alone... (part 2)

//The queen is not like Luna, she only knows things///

//The references to Spectre will come later, I don't know what's going on, this kind of chapters are getting longer and longer he,he///

//The next chapter we'll finish with the dungeon and start with the world plot///

(Oh, I remember! Isn't this bitch my half-sister?)

I remembered this curious "plot twist" from Adelina's plot, where it is explained to us that Valeria Steele is our half-sister.

I remember it well because Valeria was a very difficult nuisance to calm down ever since we met her at the goddess ceremony and she saw Adelina's potential. She started bothering us out of jealousy or maybe because she thought her mother was going to replace her.

How did we find out? Well, it's very simple.

Just when we were about to kill her, her mother magically appears and tells us not to kill her.

The Countess tells us that she had an affair with Baron Sherden and that from that affair Adelina was born.

There's not much context behind that, as that bitch likes to keep this kind of thing hidden....

After that, she offers to "sponsor" them and a promise that Valeria will never bother us again.

(Technically there is no choice...).

The game doesn't let you kill her, since, if you try and disregard the Countess, high-level assassins will appear and well... you know how it ends.

That's the last time we see Valeria in person, as it's later explained to us that she magically became pregnant by someone (we're not told who) and after giving birth, she was sent to the convent to live out the rest of her days as a nun.

(Compared to what she did, that ending is very... merciful.)

*Ñom *Ñom

I thought as I ate this thing that tastes like chicken.

The meal continued as the countess talked to my "cheap mother" and asked Adam some questions.

That's without forgetting to give me a few discreet glances.

And finally, after some time, someone brought up a general topic with an unexpected question.

"By the way, Baroness Sherden.... Who is that young lady over there?" Valeria asked with an expression of genuine curiosity as she pointed at me.

*Uncomfortable silence

Just as she finished saying that, my cheap mother and my real mother put down their silverware and frowned at the same time as they looked at her.

(No... Does she know who I am? Did she hit her head, too?)

Theoretically, she should already know of my existence, since the countess has often come to visit me on the pretext of doing business with my father, Baron Sherden (according to my recollection).

(After all, the countess is not stupid, she knows that there is great value in my existence).

Valeria would also come and "play" with a young Adelina.

"She is the daughter of Baron Sherden, Adelina Sherden, don't you remember her? Whenever I came for business, you would play together," the countess said quizzically as she stared at her.

(Wait... Is she insulting me? Something like, "And who is this? Hmm! I don't remember someone as lowly as you.")

"O-oh, I remember...", Valeria replied in a strange tone.

"..." I didn't say anything, just looked at her briefly.

"I hope you don't mind, little Adelina. Valeria also hit her head," the countess said in an apologetic tone.

At that moment, Valeria looked at her with a look not very happy about that excuse.


"No, no problem, dear countess. Adam also took a hit that left him a bit... out of place," I said in a casual tone, without losing respect for her.

My cheap mother looked at me approvingly, probably because I showed no sign of annoyance even though what Valeria said could easily pass for an insult, at least according to the noble customs of this place.

(Equally, not that I could do much if I got angry about it either...).

The rest of the lunch continued in silence....


[ Murmuring Sword (Uncommon) ]

Its blade, while not flaunting gaudy ornamentation, reflects a faint luminescence, as if it holds within it secrets whispered by the shadows.

The dark leather-wrapped hilt provides a comfortable grip, while the pommel is inscribed with ancient symbols.

(It's... a good object, at least at this stage).

What I hold in my hands is a "gift" from the Countess, I say "gift" because it's more like an investment she makes.

(She doesn't give these kinds of gifts casually).

You see, right after lunch, the countess suddenly pulled out a sword from her ring and gave it to me saying:

"Little Adelina, I remembered that you like swords, so... Look what I brought you, isn't it pretty?"

Then she urged me with a smile to go try it out in the yard.

Honestly, it seemed like she wanted to get me out of the dining room quickly....

(Well, not that I minded too much either).

Probably, it had to do with Adam's plot.

Without thinking about it anymore, I went straight to the courtyard to test the sword.

Already in the courtyard, I started to have some regrets.

(I'm starting to regret not doing the knighting tutorials...).

I never bothered much to learn the knight role stuff, this clear why you only needed to swing the sword a few times for the monsters to die in the initial stage.

(Plus there was always someone there to help me in case something happened).

After unlocking mana and playing as a mage, I completely forgot about that role.

(I never touched a sword again since learning magic).

And it's not like the game forces you to learn either.



I pondered about learning swordplay while wielding it randomly.


(How boring...), I thought as I looked at the ceiling of my room.

After hours of unsuccessfully trying to imitate some of the best knights in the game that I have in my memory, I went back to my room.

Curiously, on the way, I could see how the maids were putting a stupidly expensive suit on Adam.

(It looked good...)

Basically, Adam's plot starts tonight and he will most likely be cast as a "social friend". Plus, he gets a free "exemplary heroine" like Valeria.

(How envious)

Being trained by the best knights and mages in the realm is basically an idiot-proof tutorial that the game offered male players.

And while Adelina has a similar instance, it's further down the line and depends a lot on the objective you encounter.

(Tsk, Tsk, now... which one of these stalkers should I choose...?)

No matter which of all the capture targets you choose, you'll be guaranteed at least one enemy named "Villain".

(I'll think about it later... when I have to run away), I thought lazily and immediately set out to sleep.


A few hours later...

"I can't sleep," I exclaimed as I looked up at my bedroom ceiling.

It's a little strange for me, someone who normally falls asleep quickly, to be without any shred of sleep at this hour.

(I guess coming into this world is already starting to take its toll on me.)

In fact, I'm surprised at how quickly I accepted that this world was real. I don't remember having a strong enough mind to deal with what it entails.

*Front door opening



(Oh! Are they here already?... Strange, why don't I hear their voices?)

Usually when you come home from a party with your friends or family, you talk about what you thought was great or what you didn't like about it, especially when you have kids in the group.

(Maybe Adam was a little too rude?)

It was a stupid thought, but it wasn't without merit. After all, he is a transmigrant and a possible scumbag, unlike the virgin he was supposed to be.

*Studio door.

(That sound... it's coming from the study.... Why don't they go to sleep? Is there something else to say? Does it have something to do with the fucking uncomfortable silence I'm feeling?)

Unanswered questions lingered in my mind.

This matter had me really intrigued, so I decided to investigate.

*Soft step

*Small creak

(Damn door!)

*Soft step

I walked softly until I reached the studio doors. Fortunately, there wasn't much lighting, which entailed that none of the maids were active.

So it was very easy to sneak up to the half-closed doors of the study.

As I peeked an eye through the doorway, the sight was shocking....

The countess was sitting on a sofa, while Adam and Valeria sat across from her on another sofa.

Nothing unusual up to there, but if you look closer....

The Countess's face.

(WOW, that's the typical face of having eaten a good piece of shit, you know, the kind that hurts your soul)

(What the hell did you do, Adam?)

I could even see the Countess massaging her eyebrows to calm her anger.

You know you've really screwed up hard when someone like the Countess, who is trained to scam... I mean, "negotiate to the best deal", is showing those kinds of expressions so vividly.

(Let's see, what kind of faces are you making?).

I focused my attention on the couple and saw them.

(Okay, this is serious, but... how serious?)

What I saw was a sobbing Valeria, plus her cheek looked swollen, with a mark visible enough to know what caused that.

(No doubt it was a slap with passion).

And next to her, Adam also had marks on both cheeks, but unlike Valeria, his expression was....

(It doesn't look like regret... it's more like humiliation?, resentment?, both?)

You could tell the guy didn't look remorseful, but more like he was a child caught in his attempted prank and about to throw a tantrum.

"Valeria... what you did... was it at will?", in a low, but deeply angry voice, the countess wanted to confirm something.

"Yes... mother, listen to me, I did...", in a pitiful voice, she tried to excuse herself, but before she could continue.

"SILENCE!", the countess silenced her with a shrill shout.

(Oh? Was it Valeria who made the mess?).

After a small, but agonizing silence....

"Adam, you...really...touched my engaged daughter...AT THE PRINCESS'S PARTY AND IN FRONT OF THE QUEEN?!", the countess tried to calm her anger, but it seems circumstances would not allow her to do so.

"Aunt! It's not my fault! I never thought that bastard would show up with the queen!", Adam replied, trying to defend himself.

"SHUT UP!", but the countess didn't want that kind of response, so she approached him and....


Another slap to the collection, but that didn't matter to me anymore because....


*Hysterical screams.

*Hysterical screams.

The countess at that point began to let off steam by screaming left and right with both children, and as she did so, pieces of information about what happened came together in my mind.

*Soft footsteps

*Little squeak.

It wasn't until I got to my bed that I processed what I heard.

Adam was discovered.

The one who discovered him was Kylo Stromcrest, plus he was accompanied by Arabella Stromcrest.

This scenario in itself is bad enough to ruin all continuity in Adam's story, plus it also changes mine slightly.

But that's not all.

The queen magically also appeared along with Elara.


If it was only Arabella who found out, the consequences wouldn't be so wide, and in the worst case scenario, Adam would be exiled by the countess to prevent Arabella from killing him.

But things are different when the queen gets involved in this matter.

You're basically spitting in the princess's face in front of the queen by showing this kind of scenario.

"Oh my god," my head started spinning as I tried to come up with an outcome where Adam magically survives.

(There isn't one, it doesn't exist!)


(I have a damn feeling that this is going to affect me...).

"Should I get the hell out?"

Now that Adam Sherden has touched the fiancée of the Duchess's youngest son, it wouldn't be unusual for our entire family to be executed.

(I'll sleep for a few hours and when I wake up I'll elope from here.)

I hadn't slept at all, apart from that short half hour since I arrived in this world, and although Adelina's body is very resistant, it will inevitably become exhausted. Besides, it must be remembered that I am still very young.

(I will enjoy the comfort of this bed for the last time).



*Shaky movement.

(...hmmm, what's going on?)

I felt as if my bed had turned into a bus, a very old one.

"Are you waking up already, sleep some more...", I heard a voice, but I guess it was my imagination.


And a gigantic drowsiness assaulted me.


"So... this little girl is the treasure that Baron Sherden will give to the Stromcrest to save that... child."

(Hmmm, who is it?)

I heard an unfamiliar voice very close, but my laziness prevented me from opening my eyes.

(I'm cold...)

Where is the sheet?

*Hand searching


"Oh, he's waking up," I heard that voice again....

(What's this, it's so... soft...)

*Boing *Boing

"Fu fu fu, this little girl is so curious," this time I could hear that playful voice more clearly, it was a woman's....

*Gently pulling her hand away.

"No, little girl, I'm not your mother, and... you're too old to drink milk."

I felt a hand gently pull me away, something that annoyed me, of course, so I had no choice but to open my eyes.


As I rubbed my eyes to see more clearly, I could see the owner of that voice.

"Those are pretty eyes."

A blonde woman, extremely beautiful.

Her blue eyes were like two sapphires that radiated kindness and wisdom.

Her playful smile was capable of charming anyone, male or female.

But there was a problem...

(Who is she?… I've been kidnapped?!!!!!)

I was so alarmed that I immediately tried to get up.


(Where the hell am I?! This... Is this some kind of European garden?).

*shaken breath.

I was getting really alarmed, but just at that moment....

"Adelina!!!, be more respectful to the queen!!!", I heard a very familiar voice, a voice I heard yesterday....

(Adelina? Oh... I remember now).

Yesterday's events echoed in my head, but that didn't explain the current situation.

(What am I doing here? Why was I lying on the queen's lap?)

"Don't worry Rubiletta, child, come here, don't worry," said the queen putting her hand on my back and "gently" guiding my head back to her lap.


I made no move to stop her, rather, I could not.

It's like when you force a chicken to stay on your lap, sometimes they struggle a little, but then they stay completely still.

(I don't understand anything...)

"Rubiletta, you know how much I appreciate you, don't you, friend?", the queen, not caring much about my state, continued her conversation with the person who was present besides me.

Needless to say it was the countess.

"Yes, I know very well that the queen is very fond of me, and I feel honored."

"I appreciate you so much that I took the trouble to give you a special... schedule so that you would not meet my dear sister."

"...I am grateful."

"Also, I am "accepting" this little doll, even though that child should... be subject to a certain special law."


"You're very lucky, if little Kylo was Arabella's biological child, I wouldn't even consider giving you a chance because of that child and your daughter's offense."

(That... is what I heard yesterday... but accept me? WAIT.... DON'T TELL ME YOU'RE SELLING ME OUT!)

"...", the countess did not know how to respond to that and remained silent.

"Still, your daughter hurt my sister's treasure and as a wise queen, I cannot be unfair to her. After all, she is my sister and Duchess Stromcrest."

"I will not protect that child from Arabella, plus both children are excluded from the special tradition regarding the subject of the Ilora continental academy," the queen continued.

"...I thank you for your magnanimity, my queen."

I couldn't help but calm down when I heard that. Adam was excluded from the education allowance along with Valeria? That's a big problem.

(Adam's plot is completely screwed up!).

"I also had some financial penalties in mind for you, but I've decided to bet in your favor. Do I remember that you have a nice magic field in your county? I'd like to send my daughter there when the time is right."

(Magic field? I don't remember that...).

"... I... would be delighted to welcome her highness Princess Elara to my territory. I will begin preparations immediately," the countess seemed surprised that the queen knew that, but instantly pulled herself together.

"This is also in your favor. Take advantage of your time as hostess to patch things up with little Kylo. He's still young, try to win his forgiveness and sympathy."

"I understand."

"Then I'll cover for you regarding my sister, plus we'll be in touch, especially with things related to the little toys you keep at the border," as she said that, the queen smiled in a... creepy way.

(Does the queen know that you're smuggling weapons?)

"I'll give you time to say goodbye to your daughter," the queen casually finished with these shocking words.


The moment the queen said that, both the countess and I tensed our bodies and opened our eyes wide.

(How much does this woman know?)

"Oh, ho ho ho, my apologies, I think I made a mistake, I meant to say... niece," laughing, the queen gently got up and left.

"Ha ha ha ha, the queen is very funny, don't you think?", the countess immediately came over and told me that as she sat down next to me.

(You're sweating a little bit, you know).

After that, she came closer and whispered to me:

-Adelina, you are very beautiful, take advantage of your beauty and you will see that this could be the opportunity of a lifetime.

I couldn't help but make a face of undisguised betrayal.

"Behave yourself," but she didn't care and immediately went to talk to the queen.

(What now?)


After that, the queen was very kind and delegated her personal maid to teach me the basic manners of being a maid, and told me to learn them diligently with the promise....

"I will give you a chance, child. If you're talented, I'll convince Arabella to make you little Kylo's concubine, and if you take advantage of your beauty... maybe you can get revenge, isn't that great?"

(The queen is scary...)

Some time later, Duchess Arabella arrived and had a very long discussion, an hour or more.

In the end, she had no choice but to give in and, reluctantly, took me with her.

(I'm afraid...) The way Arabella looked at me was very... intense.

It was so uncomfortable that I began to wonder how I got here, how it all happened, and why I felt such a sense of incongruity.

(The Kylo in Adelina's story had "that" fetish, so there's no way I could have discovered Adam... unless...)

I shook my head in denial, but if you think about it, is that scenario impossible? Theoretically no.

It wasn't until I saw Kylo feeding Sherry Stromcrest a familiar item that I realized I wasn't alone.


*sob *sob *sob

I cried.

For the first time in this world, I felt violated, and the worst part is that I enjoyed it.

(I even responded with passion, what the hell happened to me?)

You see, after meeting Kylo and being assigned as his personal servant, the days were pretty normal, VERY normal.

Kylo wasn't mean to me, but he certainly didn't seem interested in me or my beauty.

(I guess he thinks I'm like the original Adelina and will get a lot of boyfriends).

I also realized that he was a fucking rich guy, VERY rich and also VERY cheap.

(Damn, you have a hypersexy beauty like me to invest in, but you'd rather give legendary items to your sister, plus... how could she possibly be okay after eating so many?)

Sherry was a complete mystery to me, plus for some reason she seems to be afraid of me.

Time passed and Kylo was accepted as Elara's social friend, on top of that the queen surprisingly included me in that lineup as well.

I met Frederick, a target I shouldn't meet until Elara's 15th birthday party, and along with the others I began to study the world related.

It was fun.

Every day, every month, was fun.

Even in demanding training, I had quite a bit of fun along with Kylo, who was slowly catching up with the others.

(I guess he should have a spare trait in his inventory, shouldn't he? How envious.)

All was going well, at least until this day.

*Sob *Sob

(I should take advantage of this, shouldn't I, after all... I am the victim!)

Unfortunately, it didn't work well with Kylo, as he made a more disgusted face with each passing second, as if he was seeing an ugly bug.

"You touched me, you kissed me, *hip!, you marked my body," I said pitifully as I tried to generate some sort of guilt in him.

*Disgusted look.

"*hip!, maybe I could forget it if you give me...," the moment I tried to demand something, his face....

**Look of even more disgust.

(≖_≖ )

(I don't think it's going to work... Shall we go for plan B?)

From Kylo's mouth I have learned how terrible this world is, yes, even more terrible than I remembered.

So, to ensure my own integrity, I've decided to earn Kylo's trust whatever it takes.

"*hip!, maybe I could forget about it... if you help me become strong," I said with determination, this time with no intention of backing down.

(I don't want to go around the world alone looking for weapons and elixirs while risking my life...)

*Thoughtful look.

"I guess it suits me if you're strong... plus I need some dogs," with a small nod, he replied.


"Dogs?", I asked, a little confused.

"Minions, thugs, followers, bootlickers, robins, you know," he replied, giving me some clearer examples.

( ≖.≖)

"But first I need your help, I have a plan on the fifth floor of the dungeon..."

And at that moment he told me his grand plan to make sure to gain Elara's maximum sympathy.

Something simple, but...

"Are you sure?"

"No problem, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to accept."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

If you find any errors, don't hesitate to let me know!

DaoistAdQYQ3creators' thoughts