
Adventurous: The Tales of the Man Who Lived In Another World

Hoshi is a full-time 25-year-old office worker who suffered from an unexpected death. Regretting what he had done and what happened in his life, a Goddess heard his wish and gave him a new life, but in exchange, he must be a hero. Reincarnated in another world as an adventurer, what will happen to him? Is Hoshi will overcome his mistakes? And what a deep secret that world has? Could it be a random reincarnation world or world for the unknown?

satchisensei · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Prologue to the Ancesion of the Hero

Wake up, wake up! Mr. Outlander!" Alisa moved his shoulder to wake him up.

"W-What's the matter?" He told Alisa shockingly.

"The ground is shaking! It's here. It was awakened." Alisa said while some teardrops fell on the floor. "The Drakevishap is awakened!" Alisa shouted while pulling Mr. Outlander's arms.

"What's happening?" Mr. Outlander asked Alisa while they were running towards the tavern's exit.

"It was the legendary dragon who has sealed thousands of years ago. We don't know how and why the seal was broken but we know one thing," Alisa stopped, catching her breath when they reached the road where all people are rushing for their lives.

"The Drakevishap's awakening will be the end of the world, as the legend claims." She paused again, taking a deep breath. "Now, hurry! The creature was spotted in the city." She pulled Mr. Outlander away from the tavern, following all the other refugees.

Mr. Outlander tried to catch his breath too. When he finally had enough oxygen back in his lungs, he started asking about something which was going through his mind, "You're right. There's no time for explanations so just follow me!" He told Alisa with urgency.

Alisa nodded and followed Mr. Outlander closely.

As they were running, a big chunk of rock was thrown in the direction of Mr. Outlander.

"Look out! " Alisa pushed him as much as she could, leaving her to be the one crushed in the boulder.

"ALISA!" he shouted but all he can see was blood and Alisa's broken arms. He wants to get Alisa's body but it's too late. He hurriedly gets Alisa's ring and ran towards the town's exit. But something came to his mind.

"Why am I always running to my problems? Why? In my real world or this world, I got reincarnated, and I always ran into problems I've built. Maybe it's time to use it. This is the time." Mr. Outlander told himself, as he pulls out the polearm, the weapon that the Goddess gave to him when he was reincarnated in this world.

"This time, I will never run to the mistakes I made!" he shouted as he charges in front of the Drakevishap, awakening the powers the Goddess gave him.

He jumped so high that he reach the head of the monster and swing the spear at its neck. The attack was powerful enough that it destroyed the scales on its head, breaking the scale which allowed it to breathe freely. Then it turns around, aiming at Mr. Outlander, and attacks him.

He was able to deflect and block most of the attacks. However, he was still losing blood. Then the creature landed a strong punch on his face, sending him flying backward.

"I have to end this quickly before I lose consciousness..." he thought and then charged at the dragon with all the energy left within him. He thrusts the spear towards the dragon's eyes, successfully wounding the monster and dropping a yellow bright gem, a token of victory.

Mr. Outlander picked the gem, but before he could stand up, his vision suddenly goes black, and his consciousness fades away.

"What the hell is this Hoshi?! You have 12 damn hours to create a simple report yet you can't even finish it to perfection?" the boss' voice echoed throughout the office. The man sitting on the chair turned and faced his employer. Hoshi was his name and he was an employee of Hoshino Company.

"I'm sorry sir, but I already submitted all my reports and documents," Hoshi replied with a calm tone, although inside he felt his heart beating rapidly. He was scared; he did want to deal with any further arguments today since they were almost over for the day. The boss glared at Hoshi then sighed heavily as if he was about to explode any minute now.

"Do you know that what you are doing is wrong?" The boss stood up and walked slowly toward Hoshi. He stared at Hoshi intensely with a burning anger in his eyes. He grabbed Hoshi by his shoulders harshly and looked at him straight in his eyes.

Hoshi was speechless. What was happening? His eyes were wide open but he was not able to move at all; it was like something was holding his hands.

"Get out and fix this document before I fire you. This is your last chance Hoshi." the boss whispered to him.

Hoshi got out of the office, with a cold hand and a plan on his head - he must finish this despite everything and no matter what.

"Are you okay? " a woman's voice calmingly asked Hoshi who was sitting beside his table.

"A little. I just got into some mistakes I need to finish this night." Hoshi replied with a sigh to Lea, the lady beside his desk.

"I can help you, you know," Lea said while fixing her finished documents.

"No no it's fine, it's just some minor mistakes and much more where you helped me a lot since I became an employee of this office.

"Okay, as you said but call me if you need help, okay?" Lea said and waved goodbye to Hoshi.

it's 8 in the night, and Hoshi is still typing and finding the errors on the document. He must finish this before 12.

He felt hungry when the clock turned eleven. He grabs his wallet and decides to go to the nearest convenience store.

He bought some ramen and drinks and got back on his track back to the office. Before he even goes back to the building, he sees a group of men in a circle around a lady. Hoshi, a gentleman, decides to check it.

"Excuse me," he walks towards them. "Is there anything wrong?" He asks while looking at the lady.

The men stop and turn to look at Hoshi. One of the men was wearing a white shirt which is unbuttoned to reveal his chest. The others also wore different clothes, and he recognize the woman as Lea.

"Lea? What are you doing here?" Hoshi asked Lea.

"These creeps want me to go with them but any refuse I make, they still force me to come to their house.

" I'm sorry sirs but this girl is with me," Hoshi told the man as they walked out.

"No no no, that chick is going with us." One of the guys grabbed Hoshi's shoulders and knocked him back.

"So this is your girlfriend? Oh, she looks so sweet." the guy holds Lea's jaw and pulls out his gun. "Wanna see the thing you want to do to her for a long time? I bet she didn't even want you to do that! hahaha! the two other guys laughed too as they pulled their guns from their pockets.

" No, get away from her!" Hoshi tried to stand but the two guys pointed their guns at Hoshi.

"Oops, if you touched her, it'll be the end of you two. Let's see what this chick got here." The guy said as his arms wanders around Lea's chest.

"Oh, a big one."

"Cup C boss?" the one jokingly ask.

"Cup D probably, haha," the guy holding Lea said as Lea is in tears.

Hoshi doesn't dare to protect Lea because he's afraid.

"It's okay Hoshi, just let this thing pass so we won't be hurt," Lea said as she was in tears.

Suddenly, the guy rips Lea's blouse, revealing the inside protection of her breast.

The three of them laugh maniacally at the sight.

"Ha, she is not wearing a bra under this. What? You don't think she needs protection when this guy is around? Hahaha!" the two of them said as they kept laughing uncontrollably.

Hoshi gritted his teeth and clenched his fists and without any decision or hesitation, he charged unarmed at the guys.

"Won't hey!" the one guy, shocked, accidentally pulled his trigger when he saw Hoshi was charging at him and sent a bullet at Hoshi's chest.

The three guys suddenly ran away from the scene, leaving Lea crying in front of Hoshi.

"No! Hoshi! Help!" Lea cried loudly as she's begging for help.

"Hoshi doesn't die! I still need you! I want you! I love you!" Lea cried uncontrolled as she was holding Hoshi's head.

"I-i-am, sorry, Lea. I l-l-love," Hoshi didn't finish his last phrases to Lea. As he said the last word, his breath suddenly stopped, leaving Lea crying so much.