
Adventurous Patient

Daniel has been welcomed by the same nurse as always. "How is your time here Mr Daniel?" "You ask me the same question over and over again, it's not going to change." Daniel has spent most of his years in a psychiatric hospital, diagnosed with psychopathic tendencies. As the nurse left his pills on the bedside table, a man cloaked in a black business suit approached through the door frame. "Are you Daniel ******?" He asked Daniel gave a slight nod while chugging his pills. "I'd appreciate your time to sign this contract." It read 'By signing this you agree to..' The conditions were absurd, but what else was he supposed to do in a white room filled with nothing but his own thoughts. With the motion of his hand, his life had become owned by the shrouded man. After taking a swig of water and placing down a magazine he grabbed the helmet. "Link Start" --- I do not own the title of "SAO" and any name affiliated with it.

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18 Chs

Orange paper

"Make yourself useful" He said spitting on the weak looking boy before him and kicking him in the back, making the him faulter and stumble towards the wolves.

The boy felt his body go in slow motion as he was cast into a pack of flesh eating monsters. "I don't wanna die!" He yelled as his back was being torn apart by the wolves.

The rest of the party brushed off his remarks and ran away into the distance away from the pack of wolves.

"Why me? I did everything I could to survive and support them, is that not enough!?" He sobbed out loud, his health bar was reaching orange. He dropped his weapon as he was pushed, the boy was as clumsy as he was foolish. "Those pricks don't care about me, I'm just a tool!" He yelled, his health now sinking into red.

"Fuck them and everyone!" He shouted punching one of the many wolves in the face.


"Shit" He said looking at the multiple hungry eyes staring him down. He used all his might in that punch, he was mentally drained. The boy stood still, struck by fear once again.

He closed his eyes and braced for himself to leave this world, putting his arms against his face.

"Lance!" A loud shout came from beside him. Daniel dashed through the wolves, leaving several corpses behind him.

+10 XP

+10 XP

+10 XP

+10 XP

+10 XP

+10 XP

+10 XP

"I'm a hundred exp away from level 12, then I'll get my new skill. Fuck yeah!" Daniel said looking through his status screen. Nothing made him happier then obtaining a new way to fuck around.

'How could he kill all those wolves in a matter of milliseconds, How is that even possible' The boy said staring at Daniel's glossy spear and badass looking armour.

"Oh, another kid" Daniel said, feeling a little disappointed it wasn't a hot girl. 'I wish I had a girlfriend' He thought wiping away his imaginary tears.

"Here, some equipment and a healing pot" Daniel said opening his trading window and inserting an arrangement of items and a singular health potion. "The equipment is a little under leveled, but I'm sure it's better than the shit your wearing now" Daniel said looking at the boy's dirty clothes, closer to rags than clothes.

"Uh.. T-Thank you!" The boy said quickly accepting the trade conditions. "I'm Nebbish, but my real name is Luke. I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID MY REAL NAME, IM SUCH AN IDIOT!" Nebbish said, breaking down into a nervous wreck.

"Well, at least you are self aware of it" Daniel said. "See ya, I've got some grinding to do!" He ran into the green meadows once again.

"Wait I forgot to tell him to invite me to his party!" Nebbish said, running in the direction that Daniel was heading.


"Where is it?" Mrs Lloyd said rummaging through a draw of files beneath a desk. As she approached the last file in the draw, a familiar orange paper entered her sight line.

"Found it!" She said aloud. A bright smile shone from her face, her eyes staring at the paper with joy. "I've found him" Mrs Lloyd said rolling the drawer back into place.


A loud siren roared through the offices and hallways, indicating an intruder has entered. Mrs Lloyd panicked and stuffed the orange paper into her bag and started sprinting out of the office and down the hallway. A camera at every corner, she couldn't escape without being seen.

Her sprint turned to a run and her breathing became heavy, her calves started to burn. 'The exit is around the next corner' She thought trying to push herself. Mrs Lloyd dragged herself around the corner to see two armed guards blocking the exit.

"Shit!" She shouted alerting the guards of her presence. The guards started running towards her, she began to run back the way she came. She couldn't think of a way out of this place, how could she save the file?

An idea rushed to her head, she suddenly halted her steps and ran into the office next to her. As she entered the office she quickly turned around and locked it.

She stared out the window, a large dumpster with a pile of trash was right below the window. "You're stuck, just give up!" A muffled voice came from beyond the door.

Mrs Lloyd sweat, think over her likely hood of surviving the fall. She was 5 stories up, her chances were extremely slim. She threw her handbag out the window and into the dumpster below her. As her handbag hit the base of the dumpster the door burst open and a number of guards came barging in.

"I swear I will get you back" She said was pushed to the ground and cuffed. "You've made a grave mistake Mrs Lloyd, Patrick always did like the dumb ones" A man with slick back hair and a cigarette said looking down upon Mrs Lloyd.

"Don't you fucking dare speak my husband's name!" She shouted gazing back at him. "Boss Itsu, she had this on her" A guard approached the man and handed him a bright red keycard.

"Where did you get this?" Itsu said looking down at Mrs Lloyd with a serious tone of voice. "Wouldn't you like to know" She said, being sat up upon the wall.


Mrs Lloyd spat in Itsu's face, "You will regret that" He said wiping his face with his hankerchief.