
World Trial

It was now Monday. Axel was walking to school with a smile on his face as he remembered the things that happened during the weekends. But then he remembered the message he recieved from Ryuji and frowned.

Ryuji wanted to go back into the palace after school but Axel was kinda against the idea. With the palace being a reflection of the owners heart, he's noticed that Kamoshida's heart is starting to become borderline psychotic.

The most notable change was how shadow Kamoshida didn't show any lust towards shadow Ann as he just started whipping and beating her. This drew red flags inside Axel's mind as he started worrying for Ann's and Shiho's safety.

What was most startling though, was the fact that Stella reported to him that Kamoshida has been coming over to Shiho's house when she was out to discuss something with her parents.

When he asked her what they were talking about, Stella told him that she didn't know as they were being way too cautious and secretive about it. She only managed to see them together before they left to somewhere.

Rubbing the side of his head, Axel sighed as he had a headache over the situation.

Suddenly, the world turned grey as everything froze. Axel started freaking out when the system started beeping in his head.



Before he could freak out, a screen appeared infront of him.

[World Trial: Persona 5

Objective: Survive until the end of Kamoshida's palace. The host must aid 'Akira Kurusu', 'Ryuji Sakamoto', 'Ann Takamaki' and 'Morgana' in their conquest of Shadow Kamoshida's Palace.

Restriction(s): All abilities that do not originate from the 'Persona 5' world will be sealed.

Host will be unable to use the system to gather information.

The system will not be able to talk to the host unless the host initiates the conversation.

Boon(s): All 'Persona 5' abilities will be available for use.

Host may purchase Shadows and Personas from the system.

Host may store an unlimited amount of Shadows and Personas inside the systems inventory. However, the host may only have 10 Personas on his person at a time. Current summon limit: 1.

All Personas and Shadows that have ever existed will be available inside the system store for purchase.

Reward(s): Gains the title 'Unhindered: Persona 5', (System Point(s): 555,555), (Multiverse Gacha Ticket(s): ???), ???, ???, ???, ???.

Failure: Death, All changes caused by the host will be erased.]

Axel eyes popped out of his skull as he screamed, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!! SYSTEM!!! EXPLAIN THIS BULLSHIT!!!"

[…The world trial is a rite a world traveler has to undergo when he has directly changed the fate of the world. Due to the host interfering with the fate of this world too much, the world has determined you to be a hostile element.]

Veins pulsed on Axel's forehead as he growled, "So your telling me… that if I change the 'fate' of a world too much, said world will force this type of death quest on me!?!"


"And it didn't cross your mind to… oh, I don't know, TELL ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE I FUCKING START THE DAMN QUEST!!!"

[Sadly, I am unable to inform you of things like this. I too am bound by certain laws. I'm… really sorry I couldn't tell you about this, Axel.]

Taking a couple deep breaths, Axel tried hard to calm down. After hearing what the system said, he knew that it wasn't it's fault that the system didn't inform him and he didn't want to just get angry at it for nothing.

When he was finally calm, Axel noticed that the world around him started to move again. He didn't need to ask the system what changes he made since he had a pretty good idea on what he did.

"I guess dating Ann was the thing that pushed the world over its limit." Muttered Axel with a sigh.

He took out with phone and messaged Ryuji and Akira that he was okay with going back to the castle. A couple seconds later, Ryuji sent a smiling emoji to the chat as he said, "Let's grab some ramen before we head there!"

Shaking his head, Axel continued on his way to school.


School was relatively normal, minus the shock everyone experienced when Ann broke the news about her dating Axel. Mishima and the boys congratulated him while also expressing their jealously of still being single.

At one point, Axel saw Ann drag off Makoto and Shiho for a private talk but paid it no mind as he knew that they were friends.

Once school finished, Ryuji invited Akira and Axel for ramen. As the trio entered the shop, a sigh escaped Axel's lips.

Ryuji had already warned him that they were going to be asking him about his powers. They could see that they were completely different to Akira's powers and were quite curious on what they were.

The trio sat in a private booth as Ryuji quietly said, "So… what was all that back at the palace? You know, the fire and ice powers. It's definitely different from Akira's power."

Axel sighed as he decided to come clean. There wasn't that big of a problem if they knew the truth. Of course, there were some things he decided to keep secret like the fact that there world was a form of entertainment back on his earth and the fact that he had a system.

After a long explanation, twisting the details ever so slightly that it sounded like its was all his powers and not the systems, both Akira and Ryuji were stunned. It took a couple seconds for them to regain themselves as Ryuji shakily said, "So… what your telling me… is that you come from a different world?"

"Yeeeaap…" Said Axel, adding a small pop as he emphasised the 'P'.

"And you travel the multiverse to gain power?"

"Right again…"

Akira and Ryuji stared at each other for a couple seconds before Ryuji slowly opened his mouth, "Dude… that's so… AWESOME!!!"

By this point, both Akira and Ryuji's eyes were glowing. Feeling a headache coming on, Axel massaged the sides of his head as he sighed, "Guys, calm down. It's really not that big of a deal."

"Not a big deal? NOT A BIG DEAL!?! DUDE, YOUR A-" Before he could finish speaking, Akira had closed his mouth shut as he gave Ryuji a hard glare.

Realising what he was just about to do, Ryuji gave a nervous chuckle as he said, "Sorry dude… my bad." As the day passed by, the boys ended up deciding to cancel today's palace raid. Ryuji kept saying he was too excited to fight as he continued to fire question after question at Axel.

They instead, decided to hit the arcade. Once they arrived, Ryuji suddenly became a child as he left Akira and Axel behind. Axel shook his head and was about to enter when Akira grabbed his shoulder. He motion Axel to follow him as he quickly ran over to the alley behind the arcade.

Confused, Axel followed behind him and asked, "What's up Akira? Your being… quieter than usual."

Akira rolled his eyes as he replied, "I just wanted to ask if… you can take people with you. You know, when you travel world's."

Axel's eyes widened for a second before they returned to normal. He sighed and said, "Sadly, I don't possess that capability yet. My powers are a bit… tricky to use. Why do you even want to know that?"

A small sigh escaped Akira's mouth, "This damn world... is so unfair. I tried to be the hero but look where that got me. Stuck under a court ordered curfew and my parents don't even want me anymore."

Axel stared at his friend in concern as he continued, "But if I travelled with you… I could finally be free! No one watching me with one eye open just because of my stupid record. Just the thrill of adventure as I teamed up with my best friend across the multiverse. Tell me that doesn't sound even the slightest bit cool."

He hated to admit it but the thought of travelling with someone who had his back sound pretty awesome.

Axel smiled as extended his hand out and happily said, "You know what? Akira, once I'm able to bring people with me through the multiverse, you wanna cause some multidimensional mayhem with me?"

A grin appeared on Akira's face yet the moment he was about to shake Axel's hand, another took its place as both boys heard a third voice as it said, "Dudes! Don't forget about me! We'll be known as the troublesome trio! With me, their handsome leader."

Akira and Axel both laughed as Axel said, "Screw you Ryuji! If anyone's gonna be the leader, it's me!"

Akira felt happy as he smirked, "If Axel's the leader, I guess the second in command will have to do be me. Ryuji can have the honourable title of 'Lackey 1'."

Both Akira and Axel burst into laughter while Ryuji's eyes twitched as he yelled, "Screw you guys!"