
Adventures of Sarah Stevens

Sarah Stevens lives a normal life. She goes to school, chills with friends, fucks around with guys, girls, men, women, older men etc. gets into really sticky situations but she always comes out on top... her favorite position. And then something changed, fundamentally, Sarah Stone underwent an evolution of sort. Blessed with new powers how will her life change? Will the world witness the rise of a voluptuous hero fighting for justice or a seductive vigilante with an ulterior motive?

Ritzzzerssssssssss · Urbain
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28 Chs

Super Sarah

"Superheroine, thank you. We've already had that debate."

"Uh oh. Sounds like somebody's secret identity is blown."

"It was unavoidable. Jim tried to explain it away, but the Henderson's saw too much."

"What about Alex?"

"She trusted me with her life after spending two hours in my company. I think my secret is safe with her. Lori and Sara might talk, but I doubt it."

"Well, we were just lucky that you were here, Super Sarah."

"All in day's work, ma'am. Also that is a terrible name."

"I think I need to start taking martial arts lessons. Kung Fu or Karate or something. OK?"

"Sure. Why not? Anyway, go to sleep Sarah. You have had a traumatic day."

"I don't think there will be any sleeping tonight. Jim and Bud have dibs on my new toys for tonight, and Alex and I have sort of a thing going."

"A thing?"

"It's a very special relationship, OK? She's just wonderful. She can almost read my mind. She... Oh no."

"What's wrong, Sarah?"

"I need to go. I'll call you." I hung up.

I closed my eyes and relaxed. I let my mind clear and thought, "Alex, please bring me a drink." I opened my eyes.

I saw Alex walking towards me with a glass.

It seemed that Alex could read my mind. That was why she was willing to put her life on the line. She could hear my thoughts. Alex came up and handed me the glass. I took a drink and looked at her and thought in words ten feet tall, "I love you." She put her arms around me and kissed me. She kissed real good. I was feeling faint again by the time she let me come up for air.

Alex had her arm around me, holding me. I tried to experience the moment to the fullest, in case it was our last. In case she changed her mind about me in the next few minutes. I mustered all the courage that I could and I looked at her and said. "This is going to sound like I am a raving lunatic, but I want you to bear in mind I can demonstrate everything I am about to tell you, so get a real tight grip on reality, because it's about to change."

I am an untrained, still developing, 18-year-old, 6' 1", 150-pound, blonde, busty superhero, er, superheroine."

I winced, expecting laughter, derision, anything. What I got was a big hug from Alex, who said, "Yes, I know."

Nothing could have floored me faster than that. I became inarticulate. "Hunh?" I said.

"I knew you were special when I met you yesterday. I knew you were going to come back. I knew what you were going to ask me. I knew how you planned to distract those men and what you wanted me to do to help. I knew how far you were prepared to go defending us. That's when I knew what you really are. You are beautiful, sexy, sweet and very strong. You heal quickly and can stand a lot of pain. And I can hear your thoughts."

"Aww… Thanks. So, you can hear what I am thinking. Let's try this again. What am I thinking now?"


"What about now?"

"More Sex."


"Just Sex."

"Holy shit. You CAN read my mind."

"Let's try this again," I said. "Did you have a hard time keeping your hands off your pussy for 24 hours?"

I wanted to see if I could also hear thoughts. Listening was a different thing than sending. To send, I just had to think about it. I wasn't sure how to receive. I tried concentrating on Alex. I tried relaxing and being passive. Slowly I drifted off into a zone.

The wave of embarrassment I got back was swamped by the surge of arousal that she felt on remembering the torment that being denied release had meant. We both blushed deeply. I could not tell if the excitement I felt was hers or mine. Alex moaned and I smiled. I could hardly wait to get her alone. I had a few things I wanted to think at her. Alex sat down on a weight bench and pressed her knees together.

"I can ask questions and get answers," I said aloud. "I can't just tune-in on her thoughts. She has to be thinking back at me. I can share what she's feeling if I am concentrating on her, though. Although, Alex can tap my thoughts anytime. She can feel whatever I... oh shit! Alex! I'm so sorry!" I was devastated by my comprehension of what I had done to her.

"It's OK." Alex said, running over to sit on the couch and put her arms around me. "You didn't know and it doesn't matter."

"I'm lost, here," Jim said.

"Me, too," Bud and the girls added.

I hung my head. I had hurt someone I cared about. I was ashamed.

"She's embarrassed," Alex said. "She thinks she hurt me. She's wrong. It's not her fault. Those men did it. They tortured her. The pain was awful. Then she did it to herself a hundred times worse in order to get free and defeat them. She feels bad because she knows now that I felt everything she did. She blames herself for hurting me."

Alex said, "They tied your hands behind you. They put clamps on your nipples and tied them to one of those hooks in the ceiling. They thought they were hurting you by making you balance on that bench while you were hanging by your breasts. You outfoxed them. You flipped upside down and stood on the ceiling while your whole weight was suspended from your nipples. You got your hands free and undid the clamps and dropped to the floor. That was fantastic! You took all that pain and you came back at them. They rushed you. But you beat them to a pulp. You wanted Jim to open the door, but his hands were tied, so I did it. You called Brute in and used him to scare them into turning themselves in to the police. I don't think they really had a choice about that. They both needed a doctor by then."

Alex had her arms crossed over her breasts, having felt what it is like to be hung by them. I was trying to think of some way this story could have come out differently. I had hurt too many innocent people tonight and I was wondering if I hadn't let the men who made it necessary off easy. I wondered if being a superheroine was something I should be doing after all.

"Don't you dare think that!" Alex said to me. "Don't you dare! You saved us. You did the right thing. You did the best thing. I'm so proud of you."

I decided that since the story had been told, I might as well drag everything out in the open.

"The pain wasn't that bad, actually," I said. "For me, I mean. I'm sorry you were hurt, Alex. I can take quite a lot of pain. I have a very high pain threshold."

I looked at Alex, "Would you like to experience the real thing?"

Alex, of course, knew what I was doing and why. I realized that I had acquired a live, walking, talking conscience. I could have no secrets from her. Every nasty look, every unkind, peevish, or unfair thought, she would know.

Alex continued to look at the nipple clamps in my hand as she unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off of her shoulders. Her breasts were lovely. She had pale skin and some freckles across her chest. Her breasts were full and round and her puffy areola were dark red, almost the same colour as her hair. She was breathing in short gasps, staring at the clamps as she anticipated their bite. I recognized the compulsion she felt to put her breasts into the jaws of the devices, the need to surrender her most tender parts to the cruel mechanical jaws.

I held out a clamp and she leaned forward and offered a breast.

"Put your hands behind your back," I told her. She took a sharp breath and complied quickly. "Get ready, this will hurt a lot at first, but you will get accustomed to it in a little while."

She nodded, and did not flinch when I took hold of her nipple and started to stretch it out away from her breast. When it was about an inch long, and she had begun to mewl with the pain and the anticipation of pain, I slipped the clamp into place and let the jaws snap shut on her flesh.

At first, I thought she would scream. She drew in a deep ragged breath with her jaw hanging open, but she just held it before letting it out with a shudder. She worked her jaw and the muscles in her shoulders bunched, but she made no other sound. I held out the second clamp and she almost eagerly offered her other breast to it. I slid in into place as before and let it close on her breast, just at the border of her red areola and her milky white flesh. Her nipples bulged out under the clamps and were pulled downward by their weight. I held onto the cotton rope that connected them together.

When I thought she had had time to get used to them, I pulled on the cord, raising it up and pulling her breasts up with it. When the weight of her flesh was pulling down on the clamps, I stopped. She started to whimper and her face contorted as she savoured the pain. I tugged upward very slightly as if to remind her of how much worse the pain could be. Her mind supplied the rest and she started to beg, "Please, please, no more. Take them off. Please take them off." Since all she had to do was take her hands out from behind her back and release the clamps herself, I knew she was indulging her fantasy. I wrapped the rope around my fist, as if to get a firm grip on it before I pulled as hard as I could. I pulled up just fractionally higher on the clamps. She screamed. It was a high wail. Not loud. Not as loud as I had screamed when Bubba hoisted me by the nipples, certainly. I released the tension on the rope and let her breasts fall back and the clamps drop to her chest, yanking her nipples downward. She fell back on the sofa and climaxed.

I was focused on her and I felt it too. It hit me like a three-litre bottle of cola to the back of the head and I reeled.

In a daze, I reached out and released the clamps on Alex, sat back and rode out our shared climax.

"Who wants to see again what I did? I heard some complaints that it all happened too fast and some of you missed it because they were distracted by the intruders."

Five pairs of hands shot up into the air.

Before I had completely recovered, I pulled my dress off and attached the clamps to my own breasts. The familiar sensation brought back a lot of memories, both good and bad. I handed the rope to the one person I could trust with it. Alex handled the length of rope like it was a snake that might turn and bite her.

"I can take more than you can, so you get to do the honours." I told her.

A strange look came into her eyes. On the one hand, she wouldn't hurt me for the world, but on the other, her adventurous nature was telling her to go for it, on the third hand, whatever she did to me, she would feel, too. It was an interesting set of choices. She smiled, a big toothy smile that looked scary on her sweet face and she stood up, pulling me with her. She led me around the end of the sofa like a dog on a leash. From the malevolent look on her face, I thought I was about to see a new side of Alex.

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