
Adventures Of A Supreme God.

*Puff* As soon as Taki died, he's transported into a bright room, with only a clean desk, and a white-bearded old man sitting there. The old man had a mysterious aura about him but it wasn't anything hostile. "Ho Ho Ho, I'm glad you've arrived. I am God and you are the chosen soul out of trillions, chosen to be reborn in a world of magic and swords, and of course, I will grant you one wish." Proclaimed the white-bearded old, as he signaled Taki to sit. Taki was stunned for moments until he remembered he's read stories about these online before, but he never would've believed he would be in one too, right after he died. " Ahem... " God cleared his throat, obviously to get Taki's attention. " Oh! S-sorry!" replied Taki in a flush, Taki completely forgot that this wasn't a novel anymore, but reality. Then he quickly but clumsily sat down in front of God, he sat there and stared into God's golden pupils in a slight daze. 'Oh my God.. Wait he's right here! And I get to reincarnate into another world filled with magic and swords!' God seeing his strange reaction didn't mind it at all and still continued, "Yes... You are correct, I am God, and I will send you into another world filled with magic and swords. Oh, and don't worry, I will grant you one wish." "What!! Only one?!?" Taki was completely shocked as to how he could only have one wish, while in the novels most had three, some even had hundreds! This was outrageous! "Heeyy... Don't be so stingy my guy, how come I only have one wish, surely I can ask for more." Taki was so mad that he forgot he was speaking to God. Fortunately, God didn't seem to mind, "Well, this is the only option, it's either accept it or I find another candidate. Your choice.." "hah... Fine, I accept. And thanks for the opportunity to transport." he said with a bow. God approvingly nodded then continued, "Good, now tell me your wish, Taki." Taki went into deep thought after knowing he only has one wish, any wish, and he most certainly will not miss use it. 'Ahhh... Only one wish! Fk FK FK... A super-powerful skill? No! It's only one skill, I want many more skills! Then to be reborn into a rare race? Nah that's too low.. I need something that stands on top of the food chain!....' Then all of a sudden, boom! A brilliant wish came drilling into Taki's brain! He looked into God again and shouted with all his might, "God! PLEASE! I WISH TO BE GOD!!" God was shocked for a moment then calmed down, he stood up with a gentle smile and got closer to Takis face, while his hand caressed his cheeks. Taki didn't care for these actions, except he was too excited to receive his powers. For him, if God rolled this way and this was the only way to attain it, then fucking yolo. Then God moved his mouth towards Takis ears before saying, "Fuck. No." Taki Ruthman Race: God..... Level: 999999... Strength: 999999... Mana: 999999... Agility: 999999... Charm: 999999... Dark Magic: 999999... Holy Magic: 999999... Fire Magic: 999999... Water Magic: 999999... Etc... *All credits go to the owner of this awesome cover! If you wish for it to go down, just kindly message me and I'll do so.* (If y'all wondering, this is gonna be a story about a God mc. Who's definitely strong from the start to the end. So if you like weak to strong stories, then this is most definitely not it. But, if you like op from start to finish then I recommend you give this one a try.) Btw, English is not my first language so you might see a lot of mistakes, and if y'all want to just relax and read a story where your brain doesn't need to do much, then welcome!

Jo_Jo_6816 · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

2. What? Don't believe me?

Tossing around for literally two hours uncomfortably, out of nowhere Taki suddenly woke up like a frightened cat.

"Arrghh!! W-what where am I?!" Taki shouted as he stood on his feet while searching the area for any potential dangers. But soon subsequently he realized he was in a foreign wasteland filled with nothing, Taki then noticed he had leaped out of a vast impact crater, which was behind him. Taki was amazed by seeing the sheer size of the impact crater that was as big as two football stadiums. Then while glancing around a second time he came to actualization that the cause of all this was his fault. Especially, since he knew he slept comfortably inside the crater.

'Got damn.. to think I caused all of this destruction and still be alive... this must mean I'm now a God!' Taki thought while secretly admiring his accident. Unexpectedly, a second later a great deal of pain assaulted his brains. Feeling as if a drill was slowly but surely drilling into his brain, making him experience violent torture.

"Heokk!! Arrgghh! I'm geeeetting mmmiinnd fkkked!!!" With a scream filled with agony, Taki rolled around the ground as if it eased down the pain. Unfortunately, this lasted for a few minutes with Taki clenching his teeth desperately holding onto his sanity, which felt like several years.

After what felt like forever Taki was finally released from the unbearable torture. He deeply inhaled and exhaled while slowly standing onto his feet, he noticed that he suddenly recognized everything in this world and himself. The various races, Kingdoms, its long history and more. He also found out that he has a new 7'9 tall, deeply refined muscular and lean body, a perfectly sculptured face boarding between handsomeness, manliness, sexiness, and ferociousness, which resulted in his masterpiece of a face. Also not to forget his smooth and healthy tanned skin, and his long white hair reaching all the way to his back which was beautifully braided like a Vikings.

"Well... I guess that's one way of obtaining information. But, to think I'm now inside the world's most dangerous forest, while inside its very core... crazy." He said in a dazed state. But shortly snapped out of his train of thoughts as he learned a new trick.

'Status' Taki commanded inside his mind. In a millisecond a transparent and square board floated in front of his eyes showing all of his stats. However, Taki's eyes widened in shock and excitement when he saw his stats.

[Taki Ruthman]

[Race: Supreme God]

[Level: 999999]

[Strength: 999999]

[Mana: 999999]

[Agility: 999999]

[Endurance: 999999]

[Charm: 999999]


[Dark Magic: 999999]

[Holy Magic: 999999]

[Fire Magic: 999999]

[Water Magic: 999999]

[Earth Magic: 999999]

[Gravity Magic: 999999]



Taki's eyes shook in extreme excitement while his hands couldn't help but shake uncontrollably. He couldn't believe that he's finally a legit God... and if he knew that his stats were more ridiculous compared to all the other gods of this world, he would've surely collapsed in a seizure.

However, Taki quickly calmed down so he wouldn't make a fool of himself. He then looked through his stats while his heartbeat progressively fastened. He couldn't help getting excited again because of all the possibilities he could do in this new world, he could live like a King of all creatures including other Gods, or... just do whatever he liked, and many more.

"Hahaha! Watch out new world! For a new God is born today!!" Taki laughed madly, clearly not aware of his voice generating incredible dark clouds up in the sky while lightning and thunder rumbled throughout the world.

Kingdoms, cities, creatures of all kind, human, demi-humans, Gods and etc all heard the thundering and powerful declaration, causing all to tremble in fear and shock. Especially the Gods, who were currently having wobbly legs due to the sheer amount of power the declaration could generate that echoed throughout the world. Most were afraid because not even Elder Gods could produce that kind of power, while some had extreme shock wondering which God could do that out of all the Gods they knew or did they just witness a new legend of a new God.

Completely oblivious to his actions Takis ears perked upwards to the sounds of pain. He swiftly turned his head towards the source of the sound, while his eyes zoomed far into the distance getting a glimpse of the sound. There he could see two female individuals who some would assume were in a worship posture.

This caused Taki to slightly frown trying to process what these two females were up to but then reached a conclusion, "I think those people are injured I need to help them!" He said while casually teleporting in front of the two individuals, however, once he reached up close he realized they were two beauties with amazing bodies, one with long red hair while the other has long blonde hair. He also noticed the ears and tail of the girls.

'Two beautiful girls who seem badly hurt! Ahhh!! what do I do?!? No, I need to make sure they're alright! But how do I do that!!' Taki thought rapidly.

'Oh well here goes nothing!'

Then after a few seconds of calming himself down, with a relaxed and casual tone, Taki said, "Oh? The first people are such beautiful women, thank you, God... Wait I am one! Haha..." Of course, Taki forgot he was an idiot once he talked to the opposite sex. Clearly showing that he's only had a few interactions with women in his past life.

Once they heard him talk, Taki could see that they flinched making him think that they were frightened, but he stopped laughing and just watched the two still in pain without looking up at him. 'Dammit! why did I say that like an idiot!?'

Slowly but surely the blonde-haired girl who was clearly an Elf looked up towards his face. Taki stopping pulling his hair as he noticed the female was starring at him, he also stared back, soon this caused Taki to suddenly panic with sweat as he could see the pain on her face as if she was desperately enduring something while pouring out tons of sweat. 'EHHH!! Wtf! did I make things worse!?'

Taki panicking inside his mind then heard the Elf beauty slowly say, "Oh. My. God." Taki could also see she was in a daze while some drool was dripping outside her mouth, he wanted to wipe it off but regained his composure because he needed to help them first. Taki bent down towards the elf while saying, "Yes, I am a God, but what can I do to help you ease your pain..."

Hem on the other hand almost lost consciousness due to the heaven-defying beautiful face that greeted her, who also has a seductive and pleasing voice, but with what little will power she had left she weakly replied, "Please... Pressure.. is too... strong... killing us...."

This stunned Taki as he fell in deep thought, 'What? A Pressure?? what can that be...' As soon as he thought about pressure, a status showed up onto his mind.


[Divine Aura: 999999](Active 1%)

(Cause all beings to feel the Divine Aura of a Supreme God.)


With a gaping mouth and widened eyes, he finally realized his mistake as he hastily turned it off.

Once the pressure was off the two girls suddenly lost all of their strength and collapsed onto the ground as they've been desperately fighting off Taki's incredible aura. They deeply breathed in and out as if there wasn't enough oxygen for them while their eyes were shut tight, this scene caused Taki to feel uncomfortable and guilty seeing two beauties in pain all because of him.

'Fuck... to think that I caused the very first people I meet pain, especially two beautiful demi-humans!'

Suddenly, because he was a genius he had a brilliant idea appeared inside his peanut brain, immediately he used [Healing Magic] and cast [Restoration Of Life] onto the two girls. A magic skill that can restore a being's health, limbs, fatigue, stamina, mana, and etc back to their peak and most times exceed it. It can even revive the dead. However, he didn't know that this magic was only heard in stories as no one has ever seen it before.

Soon bright and blinding lights enveloped the two girls, while the girls widely opened their eyes in pure shock, comfortable and warm sensations flowed through their bodies, blood, heart, and mind as they felt like all their power and mana restored as if nothing had happened. In fact, they felt even better than before, they felt as if their bodies were rearing to go. The two slowly stood up trembling as they couldn't believe that they would be alive to see the actual [Restoration Of Life] only heard from legends.

When Taki saw them tremble slightly he was worried that the magic didn't work, "Uhh... are you, girls, alright? I could've sworn that [Restoration Of Life] would work... But I guess it isn't that good... as.. it... says.." Before he could finish his sentence, Taki took a deep gulp, "Umm.. is something wrong?"

The girls just stared at the man in front of them with their eyes almost popping out while their mouth was about to touch the floor, there in front of them stood a behemoth of a man. With a face that could only be described as the Gods created themselves with careful details, a staggering height of 7'9, and long white braided hair like a Vikings reaching down to his neck further increasing his charm, giving him a wild and fierce look.

The two girls struggled as they kept looking at the extremely beautiful man in front of them, it felt as if their souls were being sucked just from looking at his golden eyes. Obviously, the two girls have fallen for Taki as they have never met such a handsome and charming man before when taki used the spell to heal them, this further increased their affections.

Fortunately, shortly after Taki saw the red-haired fox speak, "I want to thank you for saving me and my companion, but, I can't help but ask" Grace took a deep breath before saying "Who the hell are you? Are you a SS Ranked Adventurer?? and how did you use the legendary healing spell only heard in legends?! And considering you looking like this makes you very suspicious!!..." Without a second to spare Grace started shooting questions at Taki, causing Taki to sweat buckets as he couldn't answer too many questions at once, also he could've sworn he heard her say if he was single but he quickly ignored it.

Noticing that the red-haired fox's dangerous weapons we're hitting his stomach, Taki sweated further as this was the first time in his life to have a girl do something like this.

'Omg!! woman! you are too close!! Especially those squishy mounds touching me!!!' Taki screamed inside his mind as he struggled to push the ferocious beast in front of him.

Grace who was using the excuse of asking him questions to get closer towards this handsome man frowned as she noticed him trying to escape her clutches, 'Ohh! If you think you can escape think again!! I may be inexperienced, but I will make you fall for me!!'' She thought as a sinister smile appeared on her face.

Taki seeing her evil smile couldn't help but shake in fear, 'W-were women always this scary...'

"Wooow~ you have such solid and ripped muscles~~" Grace sweetly said as her hands ran through Takis body because he was bare chest, Grace used this as an opportunity to take advantage of.

Of course, these words caused Taki to blush like any another man would, especially if it was coming from a beautiful woman, then he sheepishly replied, "Thank you... I too think you're very attractive!"

Hearing the alluring voice of Taki and his sweet words, Grace felt her heart tighten and couldn't stop a deep blush appearing on her face. She quickly looked away while weakly muttering, "I-If you say those words... I will make you take responsibility."

"Eh? responsibility for what?"

"Hehe~ It wouldn't be fun if I told you~" Hearing her reply like that, he just smiled wryly as he didn't know what to do with this scheming woman.

On the other hand, Hem ignored the showcase of two idiots while she was in deep thought, to her this was too shocking because, during her long and harsh years as an adventurer, she alongside Grace ventured out into the world to find a way to acquire the long-forgotten and legendary types of magic that were either highly feared or respected. Grace only tagged along for the fun of adventures, which Hem didn't mind. To Hem discovering ancient magic was her very purpose of life.

However, right in front of her was a man who could use such magic, who was more likely a giant but wasn't because giants were commonly more ugly and foul creatures while this man was the exact opposite.

After a long session of deep thinking, Hem saw her best friend trying her best towards their savior she couldn't help but smile wryly, especially since it looks like a toddler and an adult man. However, just because this man saved them or was possibly the most beautiful man in this world, that didn't mean she would let her guard down, even if Grace who was overrun by her emotions didn't mean she would, even if she did fall for him as well.

"On a serious note, who are you and why are you in this forest? the fact that you have such a terrifying aura while you can cast the Legendary spell [Restoration Of Life] doesn't make sense. If you were an SS Ranked Adventurer I would know because I have heard and browsed most books about other SS Ranked Adventurers, while I've never heard of another SS Rank who could use that magic while being as tall as you, and not to forget having a unique white hair. All these don't add up with any SS Ranked adventurer that I am aware of, if I recall correctly."

Grace who was desperately trying to wrap her arms around Takis stomach but couldn't due to Taki pushing her away, looking towards Hem, then looked back towards Taki, "Yeah what she said is right, however, if you speak the truth you'd be lucky and become my man."

'Heok! This woman, I swear on my life she just enjoys teasing people too much!'

With a light sigh, Taki replied, "I've told you before that I am a God, I don't know how you didn't hear me before but whatever I'll tell you again. Greetings, I am Taki, a God from a different world, you may be wondering why a God would be here but just think of this as a vacation after a long time of looking after the universe."

Obviously, Taki was full of shi* as he didn't want to tell everyone he was from another world where he worked his arse off every day without break like a slave. To Taki, this didn't sound as exciting, thus making up a fake story which sounded better.

Hem and Grace were utterly shocked but after a few seconds Grace laughed as if it was the funniest joke, while Hem stared at Taki with a serious expression, "Okay Taki, If you think I'm foolish enough to fall for such childish tricks, then you have sadly mistaken." She said with an icy tone, Taki gulped deeply as he heard her.

"Hahaha! cmon Hemie, don't you think he's cute like that. Don't worry Taki the God, I believe you~" Grace said as she cheekily winked towards Taki.

Taki felt a tremendous headache as he struggled hard to think of a way to make them believe him, after a while an idea popped inside his head, 'Omg! I'm such an idiot!! If they don't believe my words why don't I show them with my actions!!!'

"Okay! If you don't believe me, why don't I just show you!!" he roared as he activated all Magic he had and cast [Magic Manipulation] a spell where the user could form any shape or size, as well as their density of mana and power contained. This was an extremely difficult feat to accomplish, especially when [Magic Manipulation] drains the user's mana as fast as lighting, making it one of the hardest spells to cast. If they ran out of mana, then it would use the user's life force to sustain its self.

As Taki cast the spell, every element of magic started emerging around the three, floating around the group.

The girls were gobsmacked as they saw small balls of elements like fire, water, earth, wind and many more, including others like Holy magic, which were forgotten magic only heard in tales.

Hem, who saw the many forbidden and forgotten magics almost fainted, due to such immense and fearsome amount of power contained within the tiny balls. If it wasn't for Grace who caught her she would've surely fell face foward. Grace was just as surprised as she looked around to see so many power spells emerging out of thin air.

As if to ignore their reactions, within a second the elements immediately commenced to take forms of humanoid creatures completely made out of earth, water, holy magic and many more. However, some formed that of enormous dragons consistent with fire and lightning, while others had many other beastly configurations of different elements.

Losing her last straw of will, Hem helplessly fell onto the ground on her buttocks shaking uncontrollably with a face filled with various emotions, fear, envy, and respect.

'Ohhh my God! h-he's not human!!! t-to be able to wield the long-forgotten and supreme spell [Magic Manipulation] on not just one but hundreds of different magic spells!!! He's a monste- No he's an actual God!!!' Hem was losing her mind, at first she doubted this mysterious man but now she couldn't afford to doubt him anymore, for he is a real and breathing God who has descended to the mortal world.

Grace, on the other hand, was deeply inhaling and exhaling, if you look closely you would see a fierce and predatory glint in her dark green eyes. 'To think that the man I have chosen to follow as my lover for the rest of my life is an actual god and a powerful one at that... Taki, you will definitely take responsibility for your actions.' She thought as she tightly grabbed her chest as her heart was burning and beating wildly.

Seeing their different reactions Taki smiled as he felt satisfied. Looking around he could see all the numerous elemental creatures that he just created, he felt a bit proud as they bowed towards their master.

He then arrogantly looked towards them as he said with a charming smile,

"Now do you believe me?"

Just a bit of head up, this story is what I've always wanted about a straight Op MC, where he goes out in the world doing anything he likes.

This is hopefully for you, a fun and very easy going story where you will read a few nonsense things, pretty much a wish-fulfillment.

Anyways, hopefully you will like it!

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