
The Adventure To Lost Temples

Have an insight in something which is so surreal , unrealistic , unbelievable , magical , scary , adventurous but a bit of horrifying kind where I am starring in as a HERO !

Title - Adventure To The Lost Temples

Characters - Myself , my parents , my brother , some strangers ,some drivers , dacoits , along with all my friends

Short insight of the story - A farm , a place in between the farm , where nothing else is visible apart from our buses and cars , a historic town where there are lots of beautiful and large temples , but if you have to reach there you need to show alot of courage !


One hot morning , where the sun was at its highest visible point , all of us were sitting down in a farm , like as if we were preparing to go somewhere , where we doubted if we will be able to return back or see each other again , the feeling of anxiety was in everyone of us , all were pretty sad , but at the same time excited as well , because where we wanted to go was such a place , where in , if you visit it once , you will be the happiest person on Earth. So , where were we even going ? We were going to visit the most historic town in the whole world , the town was like in the past , kind of time travel had to be done ! But it was not at all easy reaching there , we knew many people would loose their lives and it will be a very scary journey as well , because the path that we were taking to reach the town were the most terrifying ! So now it was time we had to leave or else we would not reach on time , some people had decided to take their cars and come by driving it themselves , but me and family , had hired an experienced driver and a bus , because we did not want any kind of risk to be taken. So as we started through the farm , as we went a bit far , we came across a place called "Daldal" , it was spread across acres of land where in , the dark scary mud would sink down , taking you inside with it , our bus was able to clear it because we took a long U - turn and crossed it with a great speed , as if we were flying in the sky ! Our bus had something magical in it which helped us cross the Daldal , but other cars weren't able to do so , some sinked in the mud and some made their way back home. However , we were terrified by this moment , but the less we knew , this was nothing in front of what we had to endure next , but yet after the Daldal was over , we took a break , only few cars and two bus remained , many people started crying , because once we began the journey we could not go back , greed is one such thing which had bound all of us, even though we knew we might not survive the very next moment , we knew going back was not an option , we had our lunch and continued , that time the people of the other bus and cars decided to come to our bus because they felt safe here , so now we all were in the same bus but the next obstacle before reaching the town was that we had to climb a big mountain , there were curves and heights, this scene was so horrific , the mountain was at such a height , that if you just looked out of the window , you would definitely faint , apart from this , the path on which we were driving was full of fog , nothing was visible , but thank God we were able to clear the mountain , but as soon as we crossed the mountain , what we saw on the other side , was not of this world , it was something else , it was indescribable ! As we had a look down , there was such a big river , of dark grey water , which looked scary. As we had a look up , we saw a big bridge. The bridge wasn't built straight but it was like that of a roller coaster , it was made up of some skeletons on the whole path , now we realised that we had to leave the bus and what we saw next was a special vehicle which was designed to ride on that bridge , then as soon as I looked back , I discovered no one was there except my parents , my brother and the driver uncle , everyone suddenly disappeared, but we couldn't go to search them , as the sun was setting down and the night was approaching, so we made our way to that special vehicle , the bridge was very long , full of curves , we thought we will not be able to clear it , but the driver still started riding the special vehicle , the driver rode the vehicle extremely fast , but at one point he took a turn so fast as if we thought , now we will fall in the fast flowing grey water and then finish , but we still continued , nothing happened , the sun was almost setting down , but there were dark grey clouds all over , this sight was the most horrific ! But then as soon as we came at the end of the bridge, we saw there was nothing to climb down , all we had to do was take that vehicle and directly jump into the deep water , we had to do it , we did it ! This magical vehicle was multi purpose , it turned into a boat ! Now we had to ride in the big and wide river , which was extremely deep , full of big waves , hitting our small boat , we were as small as an ant as compared to Earth in that river , but we made across it as well , and there came our destination , the destination for which we risked everything we had , but we were finally there !

There was a big entrance to the town , a very large entrance which was touching the sky , crossing the clouds ! Then we went inside the town , the town was in water and all the temples there were on water itself , no one knew , how it was built on water or anything about it , but then we slowly started visiting each temple , one temple was so large , made of complete gold , it was shining , then similarly we made our way to all the large temples , which were just mind blogging and huge , then the day was over and here the came the dark night and soon as the sun set , the river turned into land , we then discovered that during day the town was on water of the river , and at night it turned into land !

Then suddenly all of my friends came out of no where, when I asked them , they said we came in taking the same path as you did ! I was happy all of us made it till here. Then we were welcomed by the queen and king of that town , their palace was very bright , extremely large , more beautiful and larger than anyone must have ever seen , there were lakes , gardens , fountains along with big palace. They welcomed us to that huge palace, we were given a separate room , but at night , all of us heard a sound , kind of a ghost voice , all of us came out of our rooms and we discovered that king and queen were all false , they were ghosts and had tricked all of us , but then suddenly an old man appeared out of no where , he was extremely wise , he said , there is a weapon in the palace and only and only if we find that weapon, we will be able to save all the temples of the town from the ghosts , then began the quest of finding the weapon , the old man handed us a map of that palace and with the help of this map , we had to go to last part of the palace , where the weapon was present , we ran till there , then came a big door which opened only with a special key , the map which I held suddenly flew up in air and with some golden lights passing through it , the map converted itself into a key , then as soon as we opened the door , we held the weapon , some kind of energy came into all of us , we discovered the palace we were living in , was not a palace , but an abandoned old house ! The ghosts had tricked us !

But at last we still defeated them , we saved the ourselves and most importantly saved the town and it's temples ! All of us began to live there happily as the guardians of the most special town and with the unique thing , where during day the there was water and during night there was land , we gradually got adapted to that lifestyle ! Then we even started maintaining the temples , and stayed joyfully ever after and we were successfull in getting what we had dreamt for ! But we were even ready for any challenges we had to face next.