
Adventure of BlazerHead

Jayvon_Coleman · Action
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The missing teenager's and the bullies

Two hours later we was at the gym doing a sports contest my friend jihad check the news on his phone and the news station reports that few teenagers went missing few days ago. Then jayvon went to the bathroom to to wash my face then after he got out of the bathroom two girls from said some rude stuff to jayvon and he ignored those girls. After few seconds he saw the boys that mess with him this morning and decided to not go to that direction so he went the other way around then saw his other friend malachi and Jamir then then they show jayvon some unbelievable things on the internet then they went to class. By 12:50 it was a free time for the whole school it means that there are no more classes for the remaining day and we decided to go to any class and do anything. Me and my friends were going to band class to watch a movie but then they turn their heads left and they saw the girls and the boy that they was was being mess by this morning the boy came to me and said that why did you mess with my girlfriend and I said I didn't I was minding my own business then I said she lying to you then he throw punch at me then I dodge it then another one the my friend nycire came grab the boys fist and twist it another boy name antonio throw a kick at nycire and jayvon grab antonio leg and threw him on the ground the is became a huge fight between jayvon and his team and antonio team. While they were fighting nycire felt a hard motion in his fist he throw his punch at the boy the was fighting jamari and that boy got on the ground unconscious then before the teachers came to break up the fight two guys was fighting jayvon then before jayvon get rid of the last guy name Cole. Cole saw jayvon pupil in his eyes turn red then he tried to block the jayvon and nycire punch cole and he was sent flying to the wall. The antonio team ran away from jayvon and his friends. Then the teacher came to ask jayvon what was going on out on the hallway the malachi said that their was a fight out here but we put an end to it . Jihad said jayvon were those the girl the got are team to fight her boyfriend team and I said yea then i went up to them to get them there last beating from me them then it was time for class then jamari show me a video or a pic about the missing teenager's. Then it was time for everybody to go home Mr Cameron came to me and gave me a package to give to my mom and to bring it back before the last day of school I said sure thing then I went on the bus and went home.