
Meet Uncle Bejo

Currently, Adi is peacefully sleeping in his room, which is 4x4 M² in size with a wooden mattress and study table on one side and a wardrobe on the other.

Making the atmosphere of the room look simple, there is an additional fan on the wall as airflow when the heat comes

The rest is nothing because Adi is a simple person and doesn't want to be adventurous, it's just that green is also painted on the walls of his room.

Which is his favorite color, "Yes simple and Yemeni room" Adi muttered as he looked through the room

Now he realizes that the first day will pass, and his identity can be said to have completely changed, even though he feels like a dream

But gently stroking the wood of the mattress and feeling its texture, Adi knew he wasn't dreaming so now he can only live this life without regrets

After all, he also thinks that he seems to be Adi, not so burdensome especially since his family is similar to him in his previous life

So that he doesn't feel much rejection, and what one thing he couldn't do when he was young and left regrets, now he seems to be able to make it happen.

In this life it becomes clear, there are advantages and disadvantages but to think positively, because it is fate, just live the reason why it happened, there must be a time to know

When he started to fall asleep on his kapok island it's Mean Bed, without Adi realizing it when the time was midnight, a beam of light came out of the necklace he was wearing.

And from there a thin stature figure wearing traditional royal attire, with the hallmark of royalty appeared beside Adi's bed

His skin color is tan with short black hair, and from his age and height of around 170 cm, he will appear in his mid-30s or early 40s.

Even so, it is clear that the figure that appears is not human, because he now appears to be floating above the tiles in Adi's room, and when he comes out he gives a long yawn.

Stretching his body and looking around, he looked surprised for a moment and soon he became disbelieving, trying to rub his eyes.

He found that what he saw hadn't changed, so after realizing that this wasn't his illusion, he laughed happily and burst out laughing...." Haaaaaaaa.....finally I'm Bejo freezes....hahahaha.....huk ..huk..huk...." suddenly coughed as the mosquito slipped into his mouth

"Wes...a cheeky mosquito, dare to enter Uncle Bejo's mouth, see the consequences" instantly the mosquito in Adi's room

Both those that were hiding and flying in the air, stopped like the stop of time and before long were like being sucked in by a strong force

They gathered in the hands of the figure, before long a small ball the size of ping pong from the gathered mosquitoes got it

And with a happy face and laughing then he again said "Annihilate you, evil creatures...." happily making the ball of the mosquito in his hand burnt

And then the smell of burning filled Adi's room, with a wave of his hand the wind suddenly blew and threw the burning smell out of the room

Adi who was fast asleep didn't realize this like there was a barrier membrane that made him unable to realize and feel the strangeness that was happening

"Prok..pro." patted his hand happily the figure then turned his gaze to Adi, "wow....wah...wah...you're lucky mate, being able to wake this Uncle Bejo, seems like the initial rule" muttered the figure named Om Bejo

"Tik" snapped his fingers and suddenly Adi, who was fast asleep, sat up, and soon he woke up

In his confusion, Adi slowly opened his sleepy eyes and he faintly felt, there is a strange figure in front of him

Feeling that it might be a hallucination he yawned and rubbed his eyes, but strangely the figure didn't disappear, doubting what he was seeing

Finally, he opened his eyes, and what greeted him was the thin figure of Om in traditional royal clothes staring at him

Adi, who is being stared at by strange Om-om figures for some reason, becomes confused and at the same time becomes afraid, because he is surprised at how he got into his room.

Moreover, his gaze was very hot, reflexively he hugged his body tightly as if he felt oppressed and afraid of being mistreated, Bejo who saw this became annoyed

Because from Adi's reaction it was clear he got the attitude, that he was like Om-om who would do indescribable things, so he said a little annoyed

"Young man, is this how you behave in front of your parents?" he said with a bit of authority

"You're the weird one, and it's rude to go into other people's rooms" Adi answered directly

"Ehemmm...coughing lightly as he realized his mistake, "Ok you're right but come back is this how you talk to elders," he said again

"Still you are a foreigner and there is no politeness until you know your destination," Adi said a little louder this time after he was able to control himself

"Yeah.....it seems times have changed" sighing like a tired old man

"Excuse me, shouldn't you be explaining your identity?" Adi interrupted

"Yes, it's rude you are young!!!!, don't know customs!!!...don't know etiquette!!!!...shameless!!! corrected to Adi

"But what if you were in my position?" Adi asked again

When Bejo was about to answer, he choked then just took a deep breath while looking at Adi annoyed "Ok let this Om introduce who he is, don't be surprised....don't be afraid....and don't be fascinated" he said confidently

Adi who saw this couldn't help but sigh and mumble in his heart "it's crazy, it's crazy, omg" he sighed inside his heart and helpless

"Known as the supreme commander of the magic kingdom and has millions of soldiers, and able to conquer every inch of land on this continent, a mighty and dignified figure with unparalleled supernatural powers, he has the nickname

Tiger Land, and has another name that can thrill the enemy who hears it is..... Om Bejo, a magical genie with a thousand years of age" put a cool posture in front of Adi

"Yes," Adi said flatly

And Bejo nodded slowly as if he didn't understand Adi's reaction, "Well, you said a genie, try to prove it," said Adi briefly again.

Then he seemed to be floating on the bed, "not enough .... try to penetrate the wall ... he asked

not long ago Adi ordered Bejo with various styles, from flying, disappearing, lifting things, etc... until finally, he asked happily

"Try to cut off your head," Adi said excitedly

Hearing Adi's request, Bejo immediately wanted to do it but when he held his head he realized something and became angry and then shouted "Ehhhh...boy...what do you think I am!!!!!!!!" he shouted angrily.


Om = Uncle