

Sabotage Preparation

The operations they carry out have a certain period where the sooner they carry out operations, the better, but again, good cooperation between the kingdom and the countries in the alliance is at the core of the operation they want to carry out because

It is undeniable that the cooperation carried out by special forces between alliances can be said to be rare and this is an event that has just begun, therefore this is a pilot of cooperation between special forces from each of the existing alliance kingdoms.

With the hope that in the future they will continue to do good and cooperate to maintain the peace and tranquility that exists in the white alliance, for that if anything is lacking in the current operation, it is natural because this is the first time this has been done.

And those special forces who come to each area where they are assigned also carry out the task not to embarrass the kingdom and the country they represent even though they are back again emphasized in detail that cooperation is something that is most desired by each of the highest levels of the country or kingdom. which exists

Because according to state security intelligence and white alliance kingdoms, the scale of the upcoming conflict with black organizations shows a tendency to expand and also increase and this clearly cannot be covered by one or two alliance countries that are directly adjacent to the organization. black

In this case, a special team was formed containing several members of the special forces team from the kingdom and the white alliance country which aims to protect its members who are directly adjacent to the black organization back again to the special forces stationed in the city of Raju.

At this time in the morning, there i,s a souId of rhythm in unison and also with a compact tone where you can see the basic training of the special forces that are there to maintain stability and also the physical performance they have, so these exercises need to be done to maintain their best condition

Even though they have a schedule to determine the existing operations but come back as special forces they must be ready at any time where when they are needed they must move quickly to carry out the existing mission, and this is a must that has been instilled and also trained by the soldiers. special forces member

In this case, running or jogging is one of the things they need to do, then added to the obstacles that exist such as sit-ups, pull-ups, and so on which still seem simple but require good physical and also strength in doing routines. the

If routine training can also be a menu of the daily agenda carried out by special forces, shooting defuse bombs, and sabotaging existing facilities is a mandatory menu that is no less important carried out by special forces, in this case, they will continue to hone their skills.

Even so, everything is accompanied by proper nutritional intake and is also high in protein, this is intended to keep the physique of the special forces to stay fit and fit because the physical work of the special forces is more demanding and also more energy draining.

In a special meeting room in the military barracks, it appears that several special forces team leaders are added to the colonel who serves as the leader of the intestinal operation, having discussions and also discussing the operation they will carry out.

Looking at the picture of a city that looks quite prosperous which seems to be right near the border of the alliance member country with the black organization and above the picture of the city, there are several dots in this case that indicate the target they will carry out.

Because their current goal is to deprive the black organization of its various facilities, what is shown on the map is part of the facilities that are considered vital for the black organization in this case, such as the research building, headquarters, supply depots, ammunition depots, and several other places. other

"From the intelligence we received, the places marked with red marks are the targets that we will do. As for the division of tasks about who will propose these places, we will discuss it at this time," the colonel said, explaining to them there

The captains of the special members who were there, although it was clear that there were no objections from the captains of the special members who were present in it about the division of tasks they would receive because as special forces representing their kingdom and also their country they were trained to do everything that was needed. related to their work as the existing special forces team

"Okay, because I feel that each of the existing teams is clearly the best choice from the kingdom and also the white and black alliance country, it's not okay if we decide something unilaterally in this case, therefore we will just test it because regardless of the existing qualifications. we are all equal

Therefore this lottery is done with the intention of justice, in this box, there is a number of the place that will be your mission, and for that to ensure justice you can do a fair distribution to determine who is the first to take the lottery " the colonel said

Not long after the draw was made, then the four special forces teams did Anne-Marie and from the object that would be their target until in the end, all teams got a number from the place that would be the location of their operation again.

"The city that will be our destination this time is called the black city, it has a population of 500 to 700000 people where most of the population is more than half which is between 350 to 450000 people are ordinary citizens while the rest are members of black organizations and their families.

For the security of the city, a black organization team with a strength of more than 50000 people and 50000 people was divided into several groups where their main team which served as a trump card had 500 members.

As for what is meant as a trump card, they are those who are trained to be ready to die in carrying out missions, apart from the relatively large number of personnel and also enough, how come Siti's tablet itself is a good city where economic development is running like most other cities.

Relying on mining products such as Mas and also institutions around the city, making the city of the black city one of the important cities among the members of the black organization.