

Group task

After Adi answered his friends' questions well, then in a round of applause, he ended his presentation and returned to his seat with a satisfied expression. Adi sighed in relief on the other hand, after finishing his presentation, it was the turn of the next friend to continue.

And it's clear that the next friend who came forward was in a bad mood because it was clear that his attention had now been diverted by Adi's presentation, like it or not, he had to be balanced or even better if he wanted to make his presentation good, in front of his friends. friends and lecturers

However, it is clear that it is not easy, especially Adi's presentation can be said to be the best presentation available during this presentation session, this was emphasized by the lecturer when giving input and also suggestions after the presentation made Adi, on the other hand, he also encouraged those who had not to appear to be better

So far, it is clear to those behind Adi that it is a formidable challenge. The presentation continues until at the end all the students who have a presentation task on the subject of the history of literature in the Sun Kingdom.

Completed his assignment and then the lecturer asked his students to prepare for the upcoming presentation, which is next Sunday and hoped for them to be able to show good performance and have good material because sands found it in several presentations made by students and the students who were in the class, some of them did not prepare the existing material well and some of the material seemed lacking and filled in in a hurry

This lecturer feel disappointed but, again he reminded his students to be more active in learning and also be more responsible for what they do because the hievements they will receive depend on themselves and no one else

After successfully passing the presentation in a good atmosphere and of course, he became excited and chatted with his friends only it lasted for a while because it was time for the commander's lunch as usual with his three friends Adi

Go to their hangout place, which is the mother's shop which is behind their campus building right on the side of the football field, fill their hungry stomachs and also chat about various topics time passes quickly until they finally realize that the third lesson is about to start.

Paying the food bill and saying goodbye to the owner from the place where they eat, Adi and his three friends walked leisurely to class. I understand that the third lesson can be called a relaxed lesson, namely entrepreneurship so that Andi and his friends don't feel much pressure

After entering the class and starting to organize the existing classes, there was no need to wait long for the lecturer to enter after entering the class to deliver the material, the lesson continued, as usual, only this time there was something different in the theory was emphasized but this time in terms of entrepreneurship subjects

The lecturer asked the existing students and students to be more active in terms of practice so he decided to form an entrepreneurial group which was given to students and students in the class earlier, hearing that the lecturer would form group work consisting of 2 people to form a business idea

It was clear that there was a lot of noise going on in the classroom, even sAdi quickly controlled the atmosphere and asked his friends to be more polite then the thing that added to their burden the most was that they could not choose their entrepreneurial partner but a partner who would be their companion

It is determined based on the existing lottery which has been prepared by the lecturer, in this case, the characteristics of their existing high school must begin to change, where groups and dependencies between one another must begin to be adjusted, in this case learning together without discriminating against friends and also not voting with only one group is something that

Slowly according to the order of the existing benches, students and students take the lottery numbers that have been prepared by the lecturer with multiple-choice, students and students will be adjusted based on the same number they have until in the end all students and students have taken their numbers

Now is the time to see the pressure of entrepreneurship between one another, some are lucky to still get their entrepreneurial friends, namely 1 bench with him who gets friends who are not too familiar, all of them are destined based on their fate, how come on the other hand, of course, sister hopes to be with him

But in the end, he had to be disappointed because he was paired with a female friend who was not far from his position, even so, Adi was grateful because he didn't have to see him paired with his three male friends even though his three friends were good but it was clear who wanted his girlfriend to be close to another man

So to Adi's relief, Adi then looked for his partner, until in the end, he saw the princess smiling at him while holding up the lottery number in her hand. Seeing the behavior of Putri, Adi couldn't help but look back at the lottery number in his hand, then he realized what he meant. princess smile is

They have the same number so it can be said that they are now in an entrepreneurial group. Putri came to the front and then Adi said "Yeah, I didn't think we would be a group" he said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either, it turns out that you're a friend of my group" Putri replied to Adi

"Okay, then where do we want to sit? To discuss entrepreneurship, we pick Adi, suggesting that the daughters sit together and discuss their assignments.

"I'm free to go anywhere, just look at the empty seats" Putri replied to Adi

"Well then there, then" pointing to a corner where there was a pair of empty chairs

So Adi and Putri then sat there while starting to discuss what entrepreneurship they would create. On the other hand, it was clear that the two of them had gotten to know each other a little so that the conversation didn't feel awkward. with Putri feels jealous

But Adi ignored it and only focused on the daughter to discuss their group assignment.