

First Day of Food Cord

Time went by quickly and without feeling the busyness that was going on at Adi's restaurant gradually became quiet, this was not without reason because the time was already showing at 8 pm even though you could say it was still early for the evening but my sister would not want to have to close place to eat

He did this not because of the lack of visitors or the infrequent number of customers, but because the food from the owners of the restaurants in his place had run out or it could be said that all the restaurants that rented them were out of stock, so because they were out of stock.

So inevitably the food cord place had to be closed, and this of course made the existing tenants very happy because they saw a bright prospect when they traded at Adi's place, again considering the situation in the afternoon and evening, which continued to flow with visitors who visited Adi's place. there is

Make them realize that this place is a good place to do business, so with a sense of enthusiasm for profit they serve existing customers and from there the more profit they get, with this clear effort

Those who feel tired at Adi's foodcourt are then busy cleaning up the remnants of the mess left by the visitors who are on the other side with the help of the parking attendants and also the security that is there cleaning of the dining area becomes much faster

And it only took 1 hour to clean the whole area, felt a great achievement from the first opening of the food court then Adi called his employees and collected bonuses right on their first day especially his younger brother also felt

What the employees do is very dedicated although of course there are still many things that need to be improved in the tasks they carry out, it is clear that Adi sees the enthusiasm and success of what they are doing so Adi feels they deserve to get a bonus

And those employees who were gathered by my sister when they heard that they got a bonus would be very happy and on the other hand they were also grateful for their choice to apply and work at the photo booth so that's when someone issued a bonus to them.

They become more enthusiastic which is motivated by their motivation to work better and not disappoint Adi and his family because it is clear that Adi's treatment and also what Adi has done won the hearts of many, not because Adi gave them a bonus at this time

But more to the feelings that Adi brought, it was clear that Adi did not act arrogantly, he treated them well and sincerely, and also as his, e was not arbitrary. On the other hand, they also felt that Adi as a voter was a fair and good person so, in this case, this time they feel much more comfortable when they have to work at Adi's place, and Di sees gratitude and also a sense of gratitude from their tired faces but full of smiles feels a feeling of satisfaction that he can't explain yes he feels that feeling

How about when he treats his employees well and sincerely there is a feeling of happiness that can't be expressed like he feels that what he does and does to his employees is something that he does because when he does that

The quick reply he felt in this case that inexplicable feeling, so after completing the bonus and asking them to be ready not the next day Adi said goodbye of course he again reminded the security officers who were, in this case, to rotate in terms of maintaining security from the place eat

With 4 existing personnel, he decided on o to look after and the remaining 2 went on vacation and then replaced the next day, after doing that all the younger siblings then walked back to their house to unwind and tired along the way.

He, who met the neighbors, was busy greeting in a friendly manner, of course, many of them greeted Adi, congratulating him on the opening of the restaurant and jokingly asking for a discount when they visited and Adi did not refuse it because for him

The people in the environment around him are the first objects he must help, of course within reasonable limits and certainly not violating the principles he has so when he gets home and sees his parents and sister waiting for himself

Adi was happy, "yes Mas finally came home too, I thought he would come back later," the younger brother said to welcome him while handing him the warm tea he had prepared

"Yes, it's a bit fast because there are many who help to clean the place to eat, what's more, the work of the employees that Mas received is arguably top so Mas can go home quickly" Adi replied while sipping the warm tea he received

"It's good if that's the case, you're also happy to see the employees there, especially those people around who need it, so if you can treat them well," the father said giving advice

"Okay, don't worry, brother, I'm a fair person, if they work well, they will be given a bonus, but if the work isn't right, then at least they don't get reprimanded first, except if the mistake is too much, they might just be fired, but if they are small and can be forgiven, it's okay," Adi replied.

"Yes, you can't just gosh, and you also can't be arrogant, just remember we are the same as them" the mother added when she handed the cake to her sister.

"Well, how are the sales results, sir? Did you see that in the afternoon, sir, did you run out of merchandise?" Adi asked his father about the situation of the results of his father's first day of merchandise at their food court

"Thankfully, the results are very satisfying and good, you could say there is a lot of profit," the father answered happily

"Yes, Mas, it's true that we made a lot of money, Ita didn't even know how many people he served," interrupted his sister

"Well, that's good, then it means that the progress in the future is good and you don't have to be tired anymore, you have to go around the area around our house to trade," my sister said, sighing in relief while grateful

"Well then how about we calculate the profit," the mother said as she took out a package containing the proceeds from the sale of merchandise from her father.

Seeing this for a moment they became curious and also rejoiced because seeing the bulging package of their mother thought of the bountiful result.