
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

FREEZEEEE_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 9: Visitors II

October 13th 1461


"What did you say? How can a giant tree like that vanished completely?" the Elder with long hair and long mustache asked

"Yes Sir, this is based on the report that the CP Agents on the island saw, the huge tree in the Island of O'Hara vanished completely, before this there are Scholars and civilians who headed out of the island a total of 5 Ships they are heading to the Snowy Island" The man wearing a white suit said

"There is a big chance that he is involved in this, but to move something that big, is simply unbelievable" The Bald elder with mustache said while sighing

"Those scholars are researching about the history we covered up a long time ago, nobody must know about it, but we don't have the fire power to deal with that man and his group" The youngest looking said

"If he is as strong as his group then we have a chance on defeating them with the help of the marines" the bald elder with the mustache said

"Better stop thinking about it, that man is strong even the 5 of us cant stop him at all if a fight really happens, you guys didn't have a high attainment in Observation Haki so you cant detect it, even with my mastery of observation Haki I can only detect a small part of his power and that already terrified me" The sword elder said as he gripped his blade more

"The Black Calamity and The Sword Queen Have the strength to contend with the five of us too, so the best decision is to limit their movements, that is the only thing that we can do" The elder with the cane said, after a while everyone nodded and they commanded the man who reported to them

"Tell Fleet Admiral Kong to head here at the Mariejoise as soon as possible" The youngest elder said

"Yes Elder" The man said, then he bowed and left the room

The news about the tree of Knowledge vanishing from O'Hara didn't get published because of the World Government, when Shusui and the other learned about it they just smiled, after all the Tree of Wisdom is now on the Snowy island, and its Vitality is higher than ever

The Scholars from O'Hara are back in their normal daily life of studying about the history of the world, now they have an extra Poneglyph and that is the Road Poneglyph who Gen took from the Fishman Island

"The world government wont do anything to us, that's what Shusui-san said" Gens said while looking at the newspaper released lately

"And like he said, it really happened, the World Government is really scared to Master" Caesar said

"I better head back to my meditation then, if something happens you guys can deal about it, its not my duty to patrol this coming years" Caesar said as he stood up and headed towards his room

"That kid is really something, training everyday to get stronger and stronger, luckily I didn't picked up the sword or else I'll be like him" Gen said while looking at the back of Caesar

As the sole successor of their teacher Shusui, he is pressuring himself too much, the youngest member of their group was already ahead of him in terms of everything that's why he was feeling the pressure

"Let him do what he wants, he will realize it sooner or later" Gerard who just arrived said at Gen

"Did you see Meeka?" He asked

"I saw her inside her Lab, she was making something that can help the scholars if the long winter came again" Gen said

"The master want to see her, I think it about the same thing too, I better go to tell her just to be sure" Gerard said and he headed to Meeka's laboratory

When Gerard pushed the doorbell of the lab Meeka was already in the door and she was holding a 4 inches Disc

"Master wants to see you" Gerard said

"I'm already finished making the first prototype if this thing managed to pass his expectations then I can start producing the others" Meeka said while holding the disc

"Where is master?" She asked

"He's with Lexa, in the Scholars Village" Gerard said, after that Meeka left and Gerard took out a small green book which he started to read very seriously

When Meeka arrived at the Scholars Village she landed beside Shusui and Alexandria then she gave the disc to Shusui

"You already done it?" Shusui asked

"Yes I already have this idea, so all I did was to make it and then its done, this is the first ever prototype, its called Nano swarm shield" Meeka said

Shusui silently appraised it and after a while he gave it back to Meeka

"The functions and energy consumption of the shield is very good you can start to produce 40 more of this disc" he said

"Well done Meeka" He added as he patted the girl's head, her cat ears twitched and her tails began to swing madly after a while she woke up and she got angry

"Don't pet me I'm not a pet" she said after that she left very quickly. Shusui and Alexandria just laughed and looked at her back while she was running away

"She's a mink tribe cat person right?" Dino asked as he looked at Meeka who was running away in the speed of light

"How can that happen she have no distinct features like those mink in the books" A middle aged man said

"She was a Mink before, right now she is a pure blood Ancient Cat Overlord, she and Neeko already ascended 5 years ago that's why they look different from their clans men before" Shusui said

"Ancient cat overlords?" Dino and the another scholar named Clover asked

"yes its a type of a beast that is so strong that they cant be measured using commonsense, they have no weaknesses and their powers can grow limitless as long as their master is strong" Shusui said, this time even Alexandria was surprised because she also didn't know what are the two cat sisters now

"but we don't have that information in our library" Clover said

"If you want to learn more, from this world and the other worlds in the vast multiverse then you are welcome to come to our home, we have a library too" Shusui said

"Thank you so much Shusui-sama" Clover and Dino said as they bowed

"its nothing as a resident of my island its only natural for me to teach you guys about the vast universes, so you don't get too arrogant about yourselves" Shusui said

After that Meeka finished producing 40 Nano swarm shields, Gen and Gerard gave it to the scholars and to the villagers of the snowy Village

Also the scholars are frequently visiting the library of the sword village, their main study still revolves about the history of this world and the truth about the Void Century

January 5 1462

Snowy Island

Shusui was quietly fishing in the sea, he was boarding a small fishing boat right now, after building his dream ship he don't have anything to do at all so he started fishing this time he turned off his instant mastery perk so he can enjoy fishing to the fullest

The island was peaceful with 0% crime, there are some small fights in the Snowy Village because of girls and their right to marriage someone Alexandria was the one in charge of security of the whole island now with the Help of the Snow Rabbits

After a year Alexandria will switch with Caesar and so on, everyone must do security duty in a year this is a rule that everyone decided

"The other kids are busy in their training, while Meeka and Neeko are busy on their research, and I have nothing to do at all" Shusui said as he looked at his fishing line which was shaking a little

"Oh! A bite" he said and he focused his gaze that penetrated the water he saw a 2 feet long fish was about to bite the hook of his fishing line

"Come on! Bite it already" Shusui said as he looked at the fish after the a while the fish left quickly leaving the bait alone

"what the fuck?!" Shusui said as he slumped down on his fishing chair

Then he looked at the horizon and he saw 4 ships that are being pulled by a large sea king, he ignored them and changed his bait to a new one and threw the line again he sat down lighted a cigarette and patiently waited for a fish to bite

After a few minutes there was still not a single fish that dared to bite his bait

Then he was covered by a giant shadow of a ship when he looked up he saw a skull with nine snakes like arms on it

"The Kuja Clan of Amazon Lily" he said as he looked at the girls pointing their arrows on him

Kuja Clan Side

A lady with a long white hair is standing on the head of a Yuda snake, in the distance she saw a small fishing boat and a man wearing a straw hat and holding a fishing rod the man was intently looking at the fishing line and he don't have any care in the world at all

"Empress this fisherman wont budge at all he was blocking our way, are we going to run through him?" Suzan asked while looking at the man in front of their ship

"Stop the ship and wait here" The empress said as she used Geppo to step on the air and she landed on the small fishing boat

"Hello we came from the Amazon Lily and we are here to trade, we heard from the news that this island have a lot of good vegetables and other livestock" She said while looking at the man

"Turn around your ship, this part of the island don't have a port, also the villages on this part of the island are just two small communities filled with scholars and the other one are pirates" the man said to her while still looking at the fishing line

"then you should move your fishing boat so we can dock on the nearby shore" She said in a commanding tone

"Looks like you didn't heard what I said, this is my last warning turn your ship or I'll kill you all and make you guys a fishing bait" Shusui said as he looked at the current Pirate Empress

When she saw the way Shusui looked at him her legs quickly gave out and she sat down on the ship which alerted the girls on the other ships

"The Empress is under attack quickly help her" Suzan said and all of the girls quickly shot their arrows

"Wait…" The Empress tried to stop them but it was too late, they already shot their arrows, she looked at the man who was still standing still and he didn't care about the arrows about to land on him

He stretched out his arm then the arrows stopped and they fell to the sea, after that a terrifying Conqueror's Haki flared out knocking almost everyone in the area and two another conqueror Haki flared out too but they are too weak to stand up on Shusui's Conquerors Haki

"Oh looks like you and that girl's will is quite strong to survive 10% of my conquerors Haki, not bad at all, current Pirate Empress Gloriossa" Shusui said while looking at the woman who is currently kneeling in the deck of his fishing boat while catching her breath

"Who are you?" She asked while looking up at the man still sitting on his chair, from the start the man didn't move on his place at all and everyone of them are currently in a near death situation

"In terms of potential that girl on your ship have a very good potential almost on par with Alexandria, sadly her training is poor" Shusui said while looking at the teen age girl on the ship who is currently holding her legs while looking at him

"As for my name, I am Shusui, a newbie fisherman from the sword village" Shusui said with a smile

"If you want to, you can try and pass through me again, or you can turn around your ships just like I said before, that way your head wont fall off and roll on the ground"

"Stop it Alexandria, they are not enemies" Shusui said before Alexandria can even swing her sword

"Hmmph if I arrived here earlier then they will be corpse right now" she said as she sheathed her sword

"So what is your choice?" Shusui asked Gloriossa again who was dumbfounded on the deck

hey guys thank you for reading my fanfic I really appreciate it a lot here is another chapter hope you enjoy it

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