
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

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18 Chs

Chapter 8: Visitors

February 1st 1461

3 Years Later


Kong was sitting silently on his office as he looked at the reports coming from every part of the sea, he changed the page then he suddenly stopped and looked at it intently

"So the rumors about the Black Calamity and the Sword Immortal are true, and it seems to me that the Sword Immortal holds a higher authority over the black Calamity" He said while looking at the paper

"24 Pirate groups totally annihilated, in span of 3 years, and this names are very alarming, the D Clan again and again it really is the undying enemy of the world government" He added as he checked the information on the paper

{Razt D. Alexandria "Sword Queen", Currently 18 years old a princess and the only survivor of the Razt kingdom who openly challenged the World Government in the West Blue, Proficient in Swordsmanship, and mastered every kind of Haki, Immune to poison and other things like petrification, charm, etc., have endless Stamina ,overbearing strength and speed, Bounty : 1.4 Billion Bellies}

{Daemon D. Caesar "Silent Sword" 21 years old, A descendant from the long running Daemon Merchant Family who was wiped out by the Song Family in the West blue with the Help of CP5 ordered by the 5 elders with unknown reasons, Proficient in Swordsmanship and Hand to Hand Combat, Mastered all types of Haki specially the Observation Haki there are rumors that he can see 10 seconds in the future if he really liked it, have overbearing Strength and Indestructible Body without the enhancement of Armament Haki, Extreme Speed and Unlimited Stamina, Bounty: 1.2 Billion Bellies}

{Daemon D. Gerard, "The Red Demon" 19 years old, like his brother this man is also extremely dangerous, and have crazy hand to hand combat technique, he can also use three kinds of Haki, He have an Overbearing strength that he can one punch anything, his speed is great too and he can release terrifying level of heat that can burn anyone to ashes Bounty: 1 Billion Bellies}

{Black Calamity Gen, Currently 25 years old, the strongest Known member of the Sword Pirate group, he was the uncrowned strongest being in the planet, with unmeasured capabilities, he have an overbearing strength and extreme speed, he also have an indestructible body, he mastered All types of Haki and can see 4 seconds in the future, his weapon is an unknown grade weapon that can split anything, rumors is that he ate the Rumble Rumble fruit and successfully awakened it, Bounty : 2.9 Billion Bellies}

{Meeka "Mad Scientist" 23 years old, a member of the reclusive Mink tribe in the New World, proficient in Swords and Close combat techniques, she is the holder of one of the Supreme Grade Sword Asura a Odachi type Katana, Mastered every kind of Haki and and unknown technique that let them fly and run in the air, she is currently known for her inventions that shocked the world specially her recent invention called satellite, a small thing that used to survey the entire world from the space Bounty: 1.9 Billion Bellies}

{Neeko "Black Witch" 23 Years old and also a member of the mink tribe, Neeko is know for her super advanced healing techniques that can cure anyone and any known or unknown ailments in this world, on terms of combat strength she is also a very powerful lady, she already mastered the three types of Haki and have unlimited stamina and extreme speed, there was a rumor that Meeka and Neeko practiced some ancient technique that let them Evolved into a higher form of Mink as they are not the same as they looked like 6 years ago Bounty : 1.7 Billion Bellies}

Kong Sighed heavily, this is the first time in his life that he saw this bounties of pirates that never entered the Grandline at all, it only means that the World Government is very afraid of them specially this Man, he thought while looking at the almost empty page

In the paper was the image of a man smiling at the camera what is weird is that he never aged at all, everyone of them magically stopped aging at a certain point

{Sword Immortal Shusui, age unknown, Strength Unknown, a very dangerous individual flee immediately if you encounter him, currently he was staying at his home island, Snowy Island in the West blue, it was also called the safest Island in the Whole West blue, this man is veiled in mystery and the only thing known is his Overbearing Sword Intent, Conquerors Haki and the power to open up a portal everywhere Bounty: 6.9 Billion Bellies}

"Hays, at least they didn't attacked Marine battleships at all, the reports here are partly correct, the Sword Pirates never attacked the marines they even helped out sometimes too, the only problem is that they are openly challenging the world government too, they currently wiped out CP 2-6 and the Five Elders are very adamant to send another team of agents, as no one can infiltrate that island alive, fortunately I didn't send any of my marines there" Kong said as he sighed, he stood up on his seat and lighted a cigarette while looking at the window of his office

"If only I can separate the marines from the world government then our problems will be a lot more lighter, I want to retire early" he said while smoking

October 12th 1461

Snowy Island West Blue

Snow Village

Gen was currently scratching his head as he looked at the 5 giant ship in front of him, then an old man came down and greeted him

"Its been years Gen-sama and looks like you didn't aged at all" the old man said

"Dino-san welcome to the Snowy Island, its the perfect time for you to come here its not snowing anymore" Gen said while he shook hands with the old man

"like you said before we decided to empty our land and library to come here everyone that wants to come and live here are with me, uhm are you okay with it?" the old man said with a smile and gen just looked at him as his lips twitched

Gen guided the old man and his group of archeologist to his home where everyone is already waiting to receive the visitors

Gen guided them to the Sword Village, which was named by the residents of the Snowy village, as the World Government named their group the Sword Pirates the villagers named their small community the Sword Village too

On their way to the village the Archeologist was shocked to see the animals living inside the forest they saw a massive pack of tigers which have an average height of 20 feet, everything inside this forest is massive specially the trees all of them have the towering height of 500 meters

"this are the treasure tree Adam right? Magnificent" Old Man Dino said as he looked at the trees, the archeologist with him are shocked to the core too this is the first time they saw a forest of Treasure tree Adam

"This Trees area nothing, just wait till you see the three my sister Neeko has been raising and you will be dumbstruck" Gen said while smiling which picked the curiosity of the archeologist more

"we are close, remember what I told you before, don't ask anything stupid in front of my master" Gen said as they can see the semi circle houses and the farm

"We remembered what you said" Dino said as he looked at his companions all of them nodded

After a few moments they finally arrived the Sword Village and Gen directly guided them to the house, when they entered they saw 3 teenage humans sitting on a sofa one of them is probably the most beautiful woman they ever saw in their life, and two are red head guys, one of them is holding a sword while his eyes are closed while the other one is seriously reading a book and there's a lot of book beside him

"Hello welcome to our small Village, you can call me Alexandria, these two are Gerard and Caesar" when Alexandria saw them she hurriedly stood up and guided them to seat, Gerard also tidied up his mangas on the floor after ward he sat down too

"Please wait here I'll go get something, Gerard help me carry the beverages out" She said then she headed to the kitchen

"That's our Head Commander, Alexandria currently she was the strongest member of our team, here this sleeping guy is Caesar" Gen said as he introduced them again

"Strongest member?" The Archeologist asked as they looked at the girl and Gen

"Don't get deceived by her small frame and kind gesture that girl is very strong, even the 5 of us together gang up on her we wont be able to defeat her" Caesar said as he opened up his eyes and placed the sword in his lap

"I want some coffee with a lot of creamer please!" he shouted

"Okay, just wait for a while" Alexandria responded

"Master is still inside the Medicine Lab, just wait for a while" Gen said, and after a while Alexandria and Gerard came out of the kitchen with coffee trays on their hand

"Please, don't be shy you guys are our first visitors in a while" She said as he sat down on the chair

After a few minutes Shusui entered the house together with the two cat girls

"I finally passed the exam after 11 years" Neeko said triumphantly as she entered the house

"Well that's new" Gen and Caesar said while looking at Neeko, getting the passing score on their master's test is simply a miracle

"Are they the Scholars from O'Hara?" Shusui said as he looked at the group and he saw someone he knows but he was still young

"Greetings Sword Immortal ,my name is Dino and I'm the current leader of the Scholars from O'Hara we want to talk to you to have your permission on settling down in this island as our work is illegal based on the rules set by the world government" Dino and his companions quickly stood up to greet Shusui

"So you want my protection while studying the poneglyphs right?" Shusui said as he looked at Dino

"Yes Sword immortal" He answered as he lowered his head, after that is a long silence and after a while Shusui laughed and he sat down on the sofa

"I'm sorry its just that you guys are too stiff come on sit down, as for your request then you are free to stay here I'll even give you guys houses for free, I want to know the history of this world too and why the fuck those dirty pigs don't want anyone to know the truth they covered up" Shusui said, and Dino sighed as he sat down when he heard the last part of what Shusui said he became surprised

"So the sword immortal knows about the poneglyphs too?" He asked

"Of course I know about it, I can even read it, its just that I'm too lazy to explore this world, and if I tried something I can always do it easily, so I'm not going to search for it, you guys can do anything you want, under my banner no one in this world will try to harm you guys, also you can call me Shusui" Shusui said

When the scholars heard tit they became happy, after the world government banned the research of the poneglyphs they became down, but right now all of that have changed, with the backing of the worlds strongest man they wont be afraid anymore

"Don't worry Shusui-sama we will do our best to uncover the truth of this world and we will present it to you" Dino said as he and his companions bowed

"okay just don't push yourselves too hard, Gen will guide you, just point him where do you want your houses, Gen take these capsules with you" Shusui said as he handed 400 pieces of capsules to Gen

"Take this too as a special gift to you guys, be sure to search for a big empty space okay?" Shusui said and with that Gen and the Scholars left the house

"The World Government will have a huge headache when they receive the reports about that" Caesar said

"Which is much better, besides, Shusui-sama only took out the tree and everything inside it" Alexandria said

"Well lets wait for their reaction, I love watching reaction videos" Gerard said as he took a cookie and continued reading mangas