
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

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Chapter 7: If Fate Allows it

4 Days Later

Feb. 19 1452

West Blue Snowy Island

The three girls quickly got accustomed to living with Shusui, they formally became the party member of him and also became his students

As the three girls wants to learn swordsmanship Shusui gave the three of them the Sword Origin Manual, they was shocked for a while when they got the blessing of the system, to see your own stats and the world map is very shocking to them

But after 4 days they got the hang of it, it was currently morning in the island, and the community on the island just got bigger, the slaves that they helped are now living on the island, the kids talked to Shusui and in the end he gave in and he bought houses and supplies which the kids gave to the slaves

Right now they are living on the northern part of the island where the entrance of the forest can be seen, it was a wide plain perfectly good for building houses and building the artificial farms that Shusui gave to them

On the other hand the kids started to do some intense training which the system made specially for them, because they cant saw anything in Shusui's status screen they strive to train harder than ever specially Caesar and Alexandria this two are dead curious about what Shusui's Status Screen looked like, the 5 kids have different training specially Neeko and Meeka, their training are special because Shusui told them that if they completed a Immortal Physique they have a chance that they will became cute cat girls he always want to pet

When the girls heard it they specially took it to their heart even Alexandria wants to have cat ears unfortunately for her she was not a mink

Their daily training consist of exercises, meditation , specialized training and after that everyone helps in the farm, after farming they have a 5 hour free time to do anything they want

Shusui took out a lot of different manga and other books from the system and he placed them all in the library, right now they have 10 buildings in their small community, Smithy, Shipyard, Laboratory, Library, Stockroom, House of the Redheads, House of the Girls, Shusui's house, Entertainment House and a Guest House

The 5 of them have different hobbies, Caesar took a great liking about the seas and navigation, right now in his free time he was reading books about how to sail in different kinds of seas

Gerard took a great liking about robot mangas, during his free time he was reading manga and his favorite so far is Gundam Seed

Neeko started to read about medicine books and alchemy she and Shusui had a deal that when she passed the exam Shusui will give to her then he will give her, her very own Laboratory

Meeka on the other hand is very dead on learning about technology, after she saw the Nano bots who are building their future ship she requested to stay there during her free time to learn about things that are new to her cats get curious easily after all

Alexandria during her free time is now training to become the best chef ever known in the whole universe, as Shusui said there is a high chance that they are not the only one living here in the vast chaos, she started to learn cooking and nutrition, she was now in charge of the food that everyone eats every meal

Like everyday since Shusui arrived in this island it was still snowing, magically their farm is not affected by the snow at all

Today everyone is gathered in the front of Shusui's house, when he walked out of the door everyone is already there

"Here this is for you two, as I promised" Shusui said as he gave the enhanced Rain Piercer to Caesar, and the enhanced Beowulf to Gerard

"I cast a spell on this weapons, no one but members of our party can use this weapons, and as for you girls, here take this, this is a copy of the Cultivation technique that we are practicing, read it and train it well, the further you go on cultivating this the stronger you are, if you reached a certain level on this you will regain your youth, and became an immortal, Immortal in sense that your life span will became extended to a million years as long as you don't encounter someone stronger than you then you don't have any problems about living at all" Shusui said

"remember to train in the future I'll tell you guys why you will need that strength in the future" Shusui said while laughing

After that he left them alone and he tended his master piece, his farm

The girls started to read the book and after a while Alexandria already entered the elementary level of the technique, as expected form a once in a billion eon genius

There days became peaceful like this, sometimes some villagers will visit them to ask some help which the kids are very eager to do

October 20 1452

8 months later

The kids are currently helping Neeko to plant some medicinal plants in a new house that Shusui gave to them, they turned into a indoor plantation

Right now everyone was busy helping Neeko to water the plants and remove some weeds, while she was checking the growth of her plants

Shusui just smiled when he saw the kids, living together with others are not that bad after all

He was outside the house when he saw the familiar bird, it was the news coo bird, it landed near the table where Shusui is currently at then it saluted

"Its been a while since you came here, do you have something good?" Shusui asked the bird then he gave it a small green pellet, the bird quickly ate it and then it bowed

After that it took out a newspaper and a lot of bounty posters, some of this pirates are unknown pirates who didn't enter Shusui's eyes at all

Then he saw the headline of the news and he smiled, inside the latest news is the world government banning the crossing of the calm belts anyone who enters the Grandline or New world without the consent of the world government will be branded as criminals

This is not new news to Shusui at all, the world government really want to control everything on this world

Then Shusui saw the bounty poster of Gen, right now he got 2.4 Billion Bellies on his head as his bounty, he was terrorizing the territories of the current Overlords of the New World

"This kid is really crazy, with his strength right now there was no capable man to stop him so this is normal" Shusui said then he put down the newspaper and gave paid it to the bird, after that the bird saluted again and it left

"any interesting news?" A sweet voice said through Shusui's ears

"here only two news to be noted at, the others are nothing important" Shusui said then he gave the newspaper to Alexandria, she always do something like that whenever she have the chance this little girl is really naughty

"Also stop doing that, I don't want to get arrested or be called a pedophile try again when you got a lot older" Shusui said then he stood up and went inside the shipyard

Alexandria just giggled then she looked at the news, after seeing it she took it and she came back to the Medicine Plantation where everyone is

"What a troublesome girl this small Sabre is" Shusui said while looking at the window

January 1 1458

Everyone was happy celebrating the new year in the Snowy island and after 24 years the Snow finally stopped and the spring began, the thick snow are slowly melting and the green land is finally beginning to show up

In the past 6 years everyone have improved greatly specially Alexandria, she was currently the strongest student of Shusui, she was a lot stronger than Gen who just returned but sadly she still lost the fight during their spar

Gen have a lot of experience fighting after all, high power level is nothing when you don't know how to use your power correctly

Even so Gen didn't won easily, their fight took 4 hours before it was done and the two of them are lying on the ground

Shusui was very happy about this, it means that Gen will push himself too now that someone is a threat to him

"Just where did you found her?" Gen asked after recovering his strength

"She came to this island the boys saved them from the slavers" Shusui said then he gave a giant beer mug to Gen

"There's a lot of new things here look like a lot happened while I'm gone" he said while looking around

"A lot happened there was a lot of people now living here, even the animals hibernating for 24 years woke up it was really lively here now" Shusui said

In the distance there are 4 teens sparing with each other two redheads and two cat girls

"Those two redheads are good they are much stronger than me when I was in their age" Gen said while looking at them

"That's because you're a lazy kid" Shusui said while drinking his beer, after a while Alexandria came towards them and she sat beside Shusui

"Shusui-san how is my performance" She asked sweetly, while pouring a tea for herself

"Its not too bad, I already expected that you will loose the fight" Shusui said with a smile

"Now you know about the meaning of the worlds I always told you guys, in terms of power levels you and Gen have a big gap, but you still lost to him this is because you don't know how to utilize your strength correctly" Shusui said

"I know it, just give me a few more time then I will defeat him" Alexandria said while looking at Gen, Gen just smiled and scratched his head

"I almost forgot I have a gift to you" Gen said as he opened his magic back and took out a large red block of unknown steel, that have many ancient text on it

"Oh where did you get this?" Shusui said while looking at the road poneglyph

"I saw it lying on the ground in Fishman Island so I took it, sadly they wont give the other blue stone to me" Gen said

"This is a road poneglyph if you collect 4 of this thing and have someone who can read it or you have the specific skill then it will show you the location of the last island where the one piece is" Shusui said

"what is one piece" Gen and Alexandria asked

"I don't know it too, maybe its a treasure" Shusui said when the two heard it was a treasure they became not interested in it

"so what's your next plan kid?" Shusui asked Gen

"I already roamed the world, I came back to further my training recently my Immortal Physique is on a bottleneck and I'm about to complete it I'll stay here for a while" he said

"good then you will help me supervise the island recently there's a lot of small fries that wants to come here I don't have the time to entertain them" Shusui said

"the villagers reported some sightings of pirate ships that entered the vicinity of the island, so far no one attacked them, in recent years there's a lot of pirate coming to the seas, its very chaotic out there" Alexandria said as she sipped her tea

"the new world is boiling right now especially with that man Xebec, he tried to recruit me but he was too weak and I don't want to join his band of goons, he said that he wants to rule this world" Gen said

"Don't worry to much about him, that guy is a maniac who will do everything to achieve his goals, as long as he don't disturb me I wont kill him, the same goes for anyone who dares to disturb my peaceful life here" Shusui said

"In the coming years the seas will become more and more chaotic, and if fate really plays a role then you will meet some strong guys" He added