
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

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Chapter 6: Small Sabre

February 15 1452

Snowy Island West Blue

A Storm is currently trashing the area around the Snowy island right now, it started last week and it was still ongoing till now, tornadoes can be seen around the area and the whirlpool are countless in the ocean

Three luxurious looking big ships can be seen in the storm and the ships are being smashed by the giant waves the three ships have the flag of World Government on them and there are a lot of guards running around the deck to remove the water that came from the sea a lightning strike destroyed one of the mast of the ship and then bolts of lightnings came down from the sky the three ships quickly changed course, now they are headed to the Snowy island

On the island is still the usual things, two redhead kids, a 7 houses and a lot of white furred rabbits running around together

Caesar is currently swinging a giant metal bar with the numbers 10,000,000 tons on it , while Gerard is meditating under the three

Shusui on the other hand is sitting in a chair beside his house while drinking his beer, suddenly he looked at the northern part of the island and he smiled

"We got some visitors kids, and looks like they are not friendly" Shusui said as he looked at the visitors of his island

"Are they pirates?" Caesar said as he walked towards Shusui

"No they're not, but you wont like what you would see when you see them" Shusui said with a smile

"Gerard, Caesar get ready were going to intercept them, I'll let you decide what do you want to do after you see them with your own eyes" Shusui said, the two quickly prepared their things and after a while the three of them departed, they are going to welcome the visitors of their Island

On the shore of the Snowy island

The three big ships are completely destroyed by the storm and everyone of the crew are busy salvaging anything that they could get from the destroyed ship

While the others are just sitting down on the snow, fear and anger can be seen in their eyes, but they cant do anything about it because of the collars that are placed on their necks

"Huddle up in one place and don't do anything stupid or those collar will explode and you can say goodbye to you life if that ever happens, just stay still and behave so we can sell you guys already" A man wearing a long aristocrat blue gown said

The slaves just huddled up tighter together specially the kids and the girls, then the crew took out a long carriage that have a black cloth covering it, then the man told them to remove the cloth cover and they immediately did it

Inside the long carriage are 5 cells, 1 human girl, 2 Mink tribe girl and 2 long legged male humans are currently inside the cage, after the man checked everything he smiled and he ordered his men to cover it up again

After that the crew placed a giant circle like thing on the ground, and it was covered by a gold colored cloth, the man signaled his men again to remove the cloth cover and inside it is a small mermaid with blue hair she looked terrified when she saw the humans that captured her when she was swimming near the Fishman Island

"Perfect this one will fetch high price" the man said, after inspecting the slaves he was finally satisfied and he left, he was headed back to his tent to rest

On the far east of them, about 400 meters away are a group of 3, 2 redhead kids and Shusui

"So what do you want to do?" Shusui asked the two kids

"Lets help them" Gerard said

"yes master lets help them" Caesar also said

"There are a total of 560 crew all of them have a power level of 400, and there are 15 strong individuals there that have a power level of a Marine captain, you two will handle them all" Shusui said then he vanished , leaving the two brothers alone

"Get ready Gerard, don't go soft on them, remember our training" Caesar said then he too jumped and he headed towards where the slaves are gathered and he directly attacked the guards guarding the slaves

"We're under attack!" one of the guards said before he was punched in the face by Gerard who followed his brother to join the fight

The fight quickly escalated and the two redheads are defeating everyone like they were kids, on the top of the carriages that was covered in black cloth sat Shusui who was looking at the fight happening, he was prepared to help the two kids if something bad really happens

After and hour of continues fight the twins finally defeated all the guards and even the Elite guards, unfortunately they are not that strong yet to not suffer an injury, Gerard have a long wound on his arm because he got careless he was sliced by one of the Elite Guards, while Caesar was hit by two bullet one on his right arm and another at his left leg

The two of them are panting hard while they are cornering the last enemy, it was the leader, the man wearing the blue aristocrat dress

"Wait wait lets talk about this, I can give you anything that you want, money, fame and girls, just name it and I can give it to you" he said with trembling voice but the two kids just looked at him without interest

"Are girls tasty?" Gerard asked with a serious look, then the whole atmosphere suddenly became light as Shusui ,Caesar and the man looked at him weirdly

A fist suddenly landed on his head making him hold his head while rolling in the ground

"What's that for master?" Gerard said while looking at Shusui

"That's because your dumb, Caesar I told you to drill some commonsense to his head look at your dumb little brother" Shusui said, Caesar just scratched his head then he looked away

"Well anyway, search for the keys already and free them leave this man to me" Shusui said then the two kids nodded and they left to search for the keys

"So you are the master of tho-" the man didn't even finished speaking when his head rolled down on the snow, fear, shock and unwillingness can be seen on his face, he didn't even now how he died

The slaves on the carriage was shocked too, specially the two mink girls, the swordsmanship they saw was too high that they didn't expect to see someone that strong here at West blue

Shusui walked towards the cages and he used his finger to slice the Sea Stone made cages, he first approached the Human girl that looks very young she have a pale blonde hair and pale golden eyes, when Shusui looked at her face he was shocked

"Girl what's your name?" He asked

"I'm Princess Razt D. Alexandria of the fallen Razt Kingdom here at West Blue, may I know your name sir?" Alexandria said

"I am Shusui, I own this Island" Shusui said the he grabbed the explosive collar on the neck of Alexandria and it turned into dust

When the other slaves in the carriage saw this they were dumbstruck just what the hell did the man do to turn the explosive collars into dust

"Is sir Shusui a devil fruit user?" Alexandria asked

"Fortunately I'm not those devil fruits are not that attractive to me" Shusui said as he left the carriage and he saved the others too the two mink cat girls was very happy about being free again and their names are Neeko and Meeka, the two long legged tribesmen are released too

After making all of the slaves free, Shusui let them eat all they want from the supply that was left, he was about to leave the slaves when the Little Princess blocked his way

"Sir Shusui I want to follow you and learn swordsmanship from you" She said with a bow

"We sisters wants to follow you too sir" the two mink girls also said

"So you want to join me? But I don't take weaklings under me" Shusui said while looking at the three girls

"We are prepared to take the training you will do to us" the three of them said with that Shusui smiled

"Very good, your first task is to get the three swords inside that tent, I'm sure you will find it easily" Shusui said then he sat on the air while waiting for them

"Caesar you are always saying that you want a sword right then this must be your lucky day, you can use the sword that they are about to take for a while then I will reforge it for you when the times come" Shusui said, Caesar became excited at this then after a while the three girls came out with swords on their hand

One of the swords is a 7 feet long katana that have a blue and white handle its scabbard is blue too and it have a design of some flowers, another one is a 12 feet long katana an Odachi , it have a black scabbard covered with strips of white cloth and it have a Sakura flower logo on its pommel , the last sword is a special one because Shusui saw it before in the system shop but now its already in his view

"Shusui-san can I take this sword with me?" Alexandria said while holding the Excalibur

Shusui just looked at her then after a while he responded

"You really look like her, but you look like her alter form more, you can take the Excalibur treat it well"

"Her?" The five asked

"Does she look like your previous wife, lover, or anything?" Caesar is the first one to asked he was curious

After all he really wants to know a few mysteries in the life of his master

"Back in my hometown, there is a famous girl who looked like her, even their names have a link, and you are wrong that girl didn't have any connections at me she was not alive at all, or maybe I was wrong maybe she was alive but not here in this world" Shusui said which shocked them

"So there are other worlds than ours? Are those flying giant robots real?" Gerard asked, he was reading the comic book of Gundam Seed after all

"Maybe there are, you can see it in the future if you're strong enough, anyways lets go home, I need to buy a new home today so the girls can have their own house" Shusui said then they started to walk towards their home the 5 have many things they want to ask especially Alexandria

"A once in a Billion Eon Genius huh? This girl's perk are over the top just how the fuck she was not famous in the one piece chapters did she died? If I am not here then she will definitely die, so this is a huge butterfly effect, well fuck it there was no threat in this planet for me, and I don't give a fuck about the plot" Shusui said in his mind while walking away

After walking for a while they finally reached the house, Shusui left the slaves there to do what they want, he wont go and baby sit them, after all he was not a saint, and thinking about others are very stressful so they left them there

When the girls saw the houses they are shocked, this is the first time they saw such advanced looking houses, even Alexandria who was a princess before was shocked, Shusui directly entered the house and the 5 was left outside

"Welcome to our home, My name is Caesar and this is my brother Gerard, we're students of our Master Shusui" Caesar introduced himself and his brother

"So the two of you are the ones in the wanted poster too right? I saw it in the news when I was still free" Meeka said, Meeka is a cat mink with a black fur and black hair her ears are black too while Neeko have an orange hair and white ears

"Yes master saved us that time, and after that he teach us how to get stronger" Caesar said

"So you two are his first students?" Meeka asked

"Nope were not we have an elder brother who goes with the name Gen, he was also known as the Black calamity" Caesar explained

"The black Calamity is the strongest pirate at the new world right now, so that man is just his student just how strong can Shusui-san be?" Neeko asked

"You wont be able to accurately scale his strength, my instinct are screaming already as soon as I saw him walk towards me, he is out of this world" Alexandria said while smiling

"Master is super strong you know, he can slice mountains and seas like nothing, he can even slice the air its super amazing" Gerard said like a kid

"Slice mountains and seas like nothing?" the three girls asked

"Yes with master's strength that is just simple" Caesar also said

"If you practice hard enough then you will arrive there too, slicing mountains are just easy its pretty normal" Shusui said as he walked outside the house

"That's not normal at all!!" the three Girls said