
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

FREEZEEEE_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Chapter 4: Payment

The Next day

Lodewig Island West blue

Song Family HQ

"As you ordered we got rid of them cleanly, even the pirates who killed the two kids are already dead, this way there will be no traces about them at all" A man with a blonde hair said while talking to a man who is wearing a white cloak and a strange looking mask

"As the higher ups said this is the payment for the mission you have done for us" the man in the cloak said then he placed the suitcase above the table

The blonde man on the other side of the table took the suitcase and opened it up where there is a stack of Belli bills

"With this our transaction is complete, now I want to use this money to buy something from your boss" The blond man said

"What do you need?" the man with the mask said

"I want a devil fruit a devil fruit that will make me invincible here in the whole west blue, help me acquire that power then ruling this place under you guys will be simple" the blonde man said

"I will report this to them" The man with the masked said then he stood up preparing to leave the room, but another masked man with white cloak entered the room, behind him is one member of the Song Family

"Boss a man is attacking our base, he's with the kids from the Daemon" he said while panting heavily

"what did you say?!! where are they right now?!" The blonde man shouted, he stood up and took his weapon too

"No need to search, I'm already here" suddenly everyone inside the room heard someone talked, they all turned their heads and they saw a handsome man with white hair sitting leisurely in the chair inside the room

"How the hell did you enter this room?" The Blonde man said while preparing his pistol

"How else dumb fuck? I entered through the door" The man with the white hair said

"I went here to destroy an unknown group of punks but I didn't expect that I will meet a group of CP here, this is interesting" the man with the white hair said again this time the two masked man inside the room looked at him seriously too

"Prepare for battle, we will kill him to avoid leaking the information about us" The man that gave the suitcase said, the other just nodded, they looked like they are waiting for something but after a while nothing happened at all

"Are you waiting for the guys outside? don't bother about them they are all dead, everyone inside this place is already dead, don't worry all of you will meet in hell" the man with the white hair said

"Kill!" the blonde man said

Everyone in the room attacked the man, which didn't bother to dodge their attacks at all, everyone was smiling maliciously when they saw this, then something unbelievable happened in front of their eyes

The bullets that they shot became dust when they hit the body of the man, the same thing happened to their swords and fist, they popped like they were made up of glass

"that's all? Come on, do your best" the man said then a terrifying aura burst out of his body that covered the whole Lodewig Island, everyone in the island collapsed on the ground only the two member of the CP stayed conscious but they are already groveling on the ground

"Conqueror's Haki?!" one of the masked man said

"Looks like you guys are members of the weaker groups of Cipher Pol how disappointing, I have no use for weaklings like you guys, I'll send you on your way" The white haired man waved his hand and two pitch black swords stabs the head of the two CP agents

When the man walked outside the room he met two kids there quietly waiting for him, both of them are holding a gun in their hands

"They are inside, clean them up, I will wait for you guys on the shore" he said to them and the two just nodded and entered the room

When the white haired man stepped outside the HQ of the song family he saw 2 marine ship heading to the island together with a ship that have the flag of the world government on it

"The world government is really going all out to control even the 4 blues, sadly they cant control this sea while I'm still here" The man with the white hair said the he walked straight towards the docks to wait for the marines and CP agents

"the World Government really wants to eradicate everyone who have the D in their name huh, just what the hell does this D means" the man said as he sat on the air

When the 3 warships got near the port all of them stopped and three men jumped out to the air they stopped 50 meters away from the white haired man

"are you the one who killed my men?" A man with a white mask asked

"Are you referring to those weaklings who wears the same mask like you? If you are then you're right I stabbed their heads with a sword" the man said

"Who are you and why are you defying the orders from the marines, are you really going to shield those two criminals?" a marine said, he got a long white cloak that usually only captains or higher ranking marines wears

"I'm Shusui, and I don't give a fuck about marines and the world government those two kids are under my protection from now on if you really want to try and arrest them then I will show you guys no mercy" the man answered

"That's it, kill him and capture those two, the elders want it to be clean as much as possible" the man with the mask said and he quickly dashed towards the man

His arms became black as he pointed out his index finger

"Finger Pistol : Piercing Rain" he said as he rapidly used his fingers covered in armament Haki to stab as fast as he could but even before his fingers touched the man he stopped mid air

"You're too young to face me kid try again in your next life just maybe, maybe you'll die and try again" The man with the white hair said as the black sword in his hand vanished and the body of the man with the masked fell down into the sea

"What about now marines? Too scared to move? What about you guys there inside the World Government ship? You guys are just all talk, if you wont attack then I will be the one going to" The man said then he stretched out one of his hands

"Summon Swords" he said

The sky above the three ships grew dark as everyone looked above the sky they saw a lot of black colored swords in the air

"What the hell is this, we have to report this to the HQ" one of the marine Vice admiral said

"You can report it, that is, if you can survive after this strike" the man said then all the swords fell down striking anything on their path

Three loud explosion can be heard as the three warship exploded, a total of 1,400 marines died and 200 CP agents, their body parts can be seen floating on the sea dying the water red

"System collect my spoils"

/Roger that Master, obtained, 400 million Bellies, 4 Skillful grade swords, 3 Common Zoan Devil fruits and 4 blocks of Sea Prism Stone, 1 Five star Den Den Mushi/

"Not bad, now all I have to do is wait for the kids here, well to kill time, I'll call them for fun " the man said as he sat down again in the air while looking at the sea, feeling the cold salt wind blowing in the air then he took out a Den Den Mushi

Somewhere in the Grandline

"woohoo!!! HAHAHAHA! As Shusui-san said the weather here is crazy" A teen age man said while surfing in the high waves of the seas

"Now lets sea where am I, oh so this is the first island huh, lets go full speed ahead" the man said as his surf board let out black lightning and it broke the sound barrier



A loud sound of table being crashed can be heard at the top of the tallest building of the marines

"3 ships annihilated, 2 Vice admiral and 1,400 marines are dead who the fuck did this? How can someone from west blue have this terrifying strength be there?" Kong said angrily

"Fleet Admiral, 200 CP agents and their captain from CP5 died too, based on our witness who barely saw what happened , they said that the man named Shusui used some kind of devil fruit to summon countless swords that he used to kill everyone, they also said that he have a very high mastery of Armament Haki" a marine Vice admiral said

"Also the Five Elders said that they want to give that man a high bounty, they said that it must be …"

"What did you say? But that's impossible this is the first time that we will issue a huge bounty like that in the 4 blues" Kong said angrily

"That's what the elders want, also they said that they want to see the wanted poster before publishing it publicly" The Vice Admiral said, Fleet Admiral Kong just sighed heavily when he heard it then he threw his arms up in surrender

"Handle this thing properly I'm assigning this job to you, Put some bounty on the heads of the two kids too" He said as he stepped outside his office to smoke some cigarettes

Few Hours later

West Blue

Snowy Island

Bedup bedup bedup bedup kacha

"Hello? Who might you be?" Shusui answered the call while smiling

"Its us, we did what you told us, please release him" A voice said in the call

"Very good, if I got disappointed you know what I'm going to do right?" Shusui said on the phone

"Yes we understand"

"Good" Shusui said as he ended up the call and he looked at the front of his house where an ugly motherfucker wearing an astronaut suit is currently lying on the ground

"Gate" Shusui said the a portal opened up in front of him and he picked up the ugly man on the floor using telekinesis and then he walked inside the portal

Mary Geoise


A purple like portal appeared out of nowhere inside the room of the five elders

Then a man with a white hair came out of it and then he threw the unconscious celestial dragon on the ground like the thrash he is

"You dare!" the elder with a large mustache said as he was about to attack

"try me small fry, it will be much more quicker if all of you come together at once" Shusui said as he smiled at the elder

"Stop it, I know that he is from your line of descendants but just stay calm, this man is not someone we can deal with" the bald elder which is holding the sword said

"A very nice decision there, now where is it?" Shusui said as he sat down on a sofa the elder with a large mustache sighed and he sat down too, the Sword elder took out a den den mushi to call someone and he said

"Wait for a while, they are currently preparing for it"

After a while a servant entered the room and placed a tea in front of Shusui together with his wanted poster, he smiled quickly when he saw his wanted poster

"Very good, hahahaha nice this design is really sick and even this title, who thought of this title?" He asked


Sword Immortal Shusui

Bounty : 800,000,000


(The portrait used in his bounty poster is the same picture as the book cover just imagine it guys thanks)

"We decided to give you that title, as we don't know any kind of devil fruit that can give you power to summon unlimited swords, open portals, and fly" the youngest looking elder said, Shusui just nodded while saying this and after drinking his tea he stood up

"very well then, a pleasure doing business with you guys, farewell" he said then he vanished on the spot leaving the 5 elders there dumbstruck

"tell every one to tighten the security around Mariejois, and don't ever provoke that man, we have orders from IM-sama, and he told us that, that man is very dangerous avoid him at all cost" The sword elder said and the servants around them quickly nodded and headed outside

"Luckily he is not someone barbaric like Xebec, or else we will all be corpse right now, you guys sensed it too right?" the sword elder asked

"Yes, his sword aura is concealed but it was very terrifying if he unleashed it here then he will be sliced to dust" The elder with the wooden cane said while sighing, after 800 years this is the first time they got something this big of a headache

Helloooo guys, I'm still in the hospital, fortunately the beautiful nurse here are kind, they let me connect to their wifi, this is the chapter for now hope you enjoy it

FREEZEEEE_creators' thoughts