
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

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18 Chs

Chapter 2: First  

March 3, 1443

West Blue Snowy Island

3rd Person's POV

Heavy down pour of rain , snow and lightning strike, the waves are also high almost reaching 10 meter high, that is the scene that can be seen near the snowy island where Shusui is staying at

In the island inside the house sat a young man, he is casually sitting in a sofa while drinking beer on a giant beer mug

"This part of sea is really crazy, its been 9 years already but this down pour of rain and snow didn't stop at all" he said while chugging his beer

/Its because the island which master is on is near the Calm Belt, that's why the weather here is much more worse than the other parts of the seas in the 4 Blues/

"So that's why I can detect some large lifeforms huh, so those are sea kings, interesting I really want to explore the calm belt but I'm too lazy to go there now, and my ship is not done yet" Shusui said as he picked up a dried squid that goes along well with his beer, suddenly there was a loud sound of something bumping on his door so he looked at it and stood up

"This is interesting I didn't know that a kid can reach this island on this type of weather looks like the two of us are destined" he said while he approached the door and opened it up

A small boy is outside hugging his body while his teeth are cluttering, his hair is already frozen cold

"Help me please mister" he said

"Come in kid and eat this" Shusui said and he gave a Senzu bean (Magic Beans of Dragon Balls) to the kid, the kid ate it quickly then the cold and fatigue vanished on his body

"How? What is that a magic bean?" He said dumbfounded

"Well that's what its called a Senzu bean also known as Magic beans" Shusui

"Sit down kid, and tell me why are you here on my island" Shusui said while looking at the kid

The kid was shocked, his mental and physical fatigue is gone he was in the brink of death but with just a single bean he is already back at his peak health, even his wet clothes are dried now that he entered the house, the kid stared hard at the man in front of him who is casually drinking a beer on a giant beer mug

"My village was attacked by the pirates, I came from the Shrimp Island near O'Hara, the pirates attacked our village and captured everyone of us and sold us to the Celestial dragons passing by to our island, the orphanage I used to live in is destroyed and my friends are captured and sold too, when we are travelling towards this island our ship got caught in a huge storm which destroyed the whole ship" The kid said

"I didn't know what happened after that but I woke up and I'm floating on a small wooden board, I floated in the storm for three days and I luckily reached this island" he added

Shusui looked at the kid and he was shocked, the kid is not lying at all, which means what he said is true, what kind of luck did this kid have to survive that ordeal, 3 days in the middle of the stormy sea on a fucking piece of wooden board, just what kind of luck this kid have

"So what are your plans?" Shusui asked, the kid just looked at him and after a while he answered

"I don't know, I don't have anything to do, and my home was destroyed, can I stay here with you mister?" the kid said which Shusui smiled in turn

"Kid I'll be honest with you, I wont take weaklings under my wing, with my strength right now this world is like a sandbox game to me, like playing Minecraft on a creative setting I am pretty much this world's god" Shusui said while looking at the kid

"Then what should I do mister?" The kid asked

"What's your name kid?"

"My name is Gen, mister"

"You can call me Shusui, if you really want to stay with me then I'll train you, but the training will be not that simple" Shusui said

"Please train me, I promise that I wont say anything at all" Gen said while he stood up and bowed

"very good, rest for today, tomorrow you will begin your training" Shusui said, after that he purchased another capsule room from the system and gave it to Gen this will be his room from now on, in just a few moment the kid is already asleep,

"looks like even after taking the magic beans he is still mentally tired" Shusui said

/Master do you want to add Gen to your party?/ the system asked

"So I finally can see what this feature can do, add him" Shusui said

Name : Gen

Age: 7

Gender : Male

Title: None

Perks :


Quick Learner

The First Member

Skill: None

Technique : None

Items: Worn out set of clothes

Money: 0

Power Level: 12

"power level of 12 HAHAHAHA" Shusui laughed out loud when he saw the power level of the kid

"System open up the information about the perk First Member" Shusui said

/First Member: Unique title given to anyone who became the first party member of master, this title gives a certain skills to the owner of the title, Status Screen, World Map, and Appraisal/

"Whoa so there are other titles too right like the second and so on?"

/Affirmative Master, anyone you approved of can be given the title of a party member with their respective number/

"well that's good news" Shusui

The next day

The storm stopped after 9 years but it was still snowing in the whole island

Gen woke up very early he and Shusui took breakfast together after that the two of them headed outside to start his training

"Your training will be just like mine when I was still a mortal like you, here take this book and read it be sure to do the things illustrated in the book" Shusui said as he gave a copy of the Grandmist supreme technique to Gen

"Now for your daily training you are to do 20 push ups, 20 curl ups, 20 squats and 1 kilometer running, in the afternoon you need to meditate for 2 hours, if you cant finish the set I told you then I will send you out of this island are we clear?" Shusui said

"Yes Shusui-san" Gen said seriously

"Okay then if you can finish everything before noon then think of a weapon you want to use I'll give it to you as a reward, you can start now" Shusui said then he left the kid alone

Gen was left alone in the front of the house while snowing soon he found a spot to start his exercises, while Shusui headed inside the Smithy

The outside of the smithy is very normal but inside of it was a very huge space, it was enhanced but space laws after all, Shusui headed to the armory to pick up a Katana it was a 7 feet long katana with a black scabbard and a white handle

Shusui picked it up and the sword began to hum

"True Sight" Shusui said

[ Devil Sword Yamato (Enhanced)

This is once a Devil sword but a God level Blacksmith reforged and submerged it in a lot of Grandmist energy now it was stronger than ever, this sword's blade will never get dull or get chipped, in short it was indestructible, it was so sharp that it can cut anything]

"Great Sword, now its time to test it out" Shusui said then he walked out of the smithy and he saw Gen running around the perimeter of the house

Shusui stopped walking after a while and he drew his sword which froze the atmosphere beside him everything near 5 meters stopped and then he suddenly slashed his sword and a 10 meter long rift can be seen in the space, the atmosphere was destroyed and it fell like mirror pieces the time and space was sliced too

Gen who saw that, slipped and tumbled down this is the first time he saw someone slice even the air itself

Shusui unsheathed his sword and he looked at the rift he caused after a while he saw that it was not closing at all so he repaired it

"Holy shit, the space and time laws here are really fragile, I just used 1% of my power and this already happened" Shusui said after closing the rift

"Shusui-san what is that? You sliced the air?" Gen asked curiously he just finished his 1 kilometer run

"oh that's nothing I accidentally used too much strength and that happened don't worry it already repaired" Shusui said while dismissing Gen

Gen just stood there he can still feel the sword aura that was left from the strike and its making his whole existence froze in the spot

"Just how strong is Shusui-san to even slice through air?" Gen asked himself

Gen's POV

I woke up very early its the first time I slept this peacefully in the past week, I stood up and smelled something delicious

When I stepped outside my room I headed to the kitchen and saw Shusui-san sitting in the table

"Let's eat kid after this we'll head outside to start your training" he said to me I nodded and sat on the chair

After we finished eating we headed outside, its still snowing and its freezing cold luckily I was accustomed to this type of weather, Shusui-san told me what I have to do and its physical exercise which is not a problem, the problem here is the cold weather, I'm accustomed to this type of weather but I never tried exercising while snowing

After Shusui-san told me what to do he gave me a book, which have the title of Grandmist Supreme technique, it was a book that have illustrations on it

After a while

I just about to finish my exercises when I saw Shusui-san came out from one of the houses, Shusui-san have 5 Semi circles like home

When he came out he was holding a normal looking Katana on his hand, it looks normal at first sight but when you looked at it carefully the design on the sword is cool, as I was running around the house I watched Shusui-san after a while he took a stance like he was about to draw his sword

His laid back aura became very scary and I wobbled down and slipped on the snow but before my face fell on the snow I saw what Shusui-san did, he sliced the air and it fell like broken glasses on the snow

I looked at him and the tear in the air that looks like it will never close anytime, it happened so fast but I was sure that Shusui-san is the one who sliced the air using his sword

I stood up and wipe the snow on my face and I headed to where Shusui-san is, He just scratched his head after that he swiped his hand and the tear in the air vanished like magic

"I just used too much strength" is what he said when I asked him what happened

I'm very curious right now so I decided to use my 3 new skills that was given to me by being in party with Shusui-san when I woke up, the three skills I got is Status Screen, World Map and Appraisal , I tried using my Status Screen to see if my strength got up

Name : Gen

Age: 7

Gender : Male

Title: None

Perks :


Quick Learner

The First Member

Skill: None

Technique : None

Items: Worn out set of clothes

Money: 0

Power Level: 42

This is my status right now, from 12-42 the increase is really big looks like exercising is a very good thing

I didn't use the World Map skill for now, I must focus on my training first, then finally I used appraisal to Shusui-san I'm very curious about his power level after all and what I saw shocked me

Name : Shusui

(You are too weak to see anything at all please train well)

That is what I saw on my transparent screen when I appraised Shusui-san, I really need to train harder