
Adventure In The Multiverse

Shusui a 24 year old man is walking outside his house for the first time after 4 years, suddenly a brown clay pot fell out of nowhere directly on his head which instanly killed him After that he met a man who introduced himself as the one who created all things and also the one responsible for that clay pot that killed him "This is all an accident" The man sighed heavily while massaging his temples "I'll just grant you 5 wishes, and I'll send you to any world you like, I know this might sound like the ones in the novels, but this is the first time I will do something like this, you see I recently read something like this, and this happens, this is ridiculous" The man said to Shusui

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18 Chs

Chapter 1: A New Start

January 1,1434 West Blue

Shusui's POV

Cold wind and endless snow, that's all I can see right now, I looked around and ducked to touch the white snow, it feels soft and cold then I heard a sound that woke me up from day dreaming

/Master successfully arrived at the World of One Piece, today is January 1st 1434, master is currently at an Island named Snowy island that can be found in the 4 blues West Blue/

"So this is the system huh, if this is not a dream then this is the best thing that happened in my entire life for the past 24 years, after all those 5 wishes are the best thing I ever thought off"

"System show me your functions"

/ The system's functions are:

1. Unlimited System Storage (Non-living)

2. Multiverse Shop (Free)

3. Status Screen

4. Party Screen

5. World Map, Date and Time

6. World Travel

7. System Training Program/

" So can I really get anything free in the shop?" I asked just to confirm it

/Master can take anything for free as long as the item is in the shop, some items may not be available, like specific devil fruits or other unique items from the world you are staying from/

"So that's how it functions huh, its absolutely fine, system show me my status"


Age : 24

Gender : Male

Perks : Immortality

Instant Mastery


Ultimate Master

Skills : None

Techniques : None

Items: None

Money : None

Party List : 0

Power Level : 104

"the Perks I wished for is really there, I'm Immortal right now and I even have the Instant Mastery, with this two I will be the strongest in this world in no time at all, fuck the world government" I said while laughing

"ohhh so I have the power level of 104? luckily its not a single digit, system show me the power level of this world"

/Generating data of the world One Piece, Displaying power levels now/

Power Levels

1-100 - Untrained Young Human

100-150 - Untrained Human Adult

150-300 - Marine Trainee / Pirate in the 4 Blues

500- 2,000 - Marine Warrant Officer / Elite Pirate in the 4 blues

5,000-20,000 - Marine Lieutenant / Elite Pirate Captain in the 4 blues

50,000-100,000 - Marine Captain / Elite Pirate In the Grandline

110,000- 500,000 - Marine HQ Rear Admiral / Pirates With 100 million bellies of bounty ( Grandline)

500, 000 - 1 Million - Marine HQ Vice Admiral

1 Million - 10 Million - Elite Marine HQ Vice Admiral / Elite Pirates Of the New World

20 Million - 150 Million - Marine Admiral Candidates / Yonko Commander Level Pirate

150 Million - 300 Million - Marine Admiral / Warlord Level / Elite Yonko Commander Level Pirate

300 Million- 1 Billion - Marine Fleet Admiral / Emperor's Of the Sea

"what the fuck" that's the thing I can only say when I saw the power levels in this world

"never mind I'll just start my training in no time at all I will definitely surpass the power level of this world"

"System buy me a portable house from the capsule corp. And I want to buy the Grand Mist Cultivation Technique, and the strongest sword cultivation technique too" I said to the system

/ Roger that Master, bought a portable home from the capsule corp. ( Dragon balls) Grand Mist Supreme Technique and Sword Origin manual, please check your inventory master/

"Inventory" I said then a transparent blue screen popped out in front of me

"System can anyone beside me see this screen panel?"

/ Negative, Master is the only one who can see this screen, master can use his mind to pick something up from the inventory while looking at the panel, this function is inputted to avoid looking like an idiot touching the empty air/

"very good, you really are the best system, this Grand Mist Supreme Technique is the one from martial world right? Also this sword origin technique?"

/ Yes Master, the Grand Mist Supreme Technique is the strongest cultivation technique in the whole multiverse, a wisp of Grandmist energy can crash a star, the Sword Origin technique is made by the Immortal Hongmeng/

"Hongmeng the guy in the Coiling Dragon right? Then this thing is definitely good" I said as I took out the three items I requested from the inventory

I clicked the capsule and threw it in the ground the poof, a small house came out of nowhere, this is definitely one of the best creations in Dragon Balls series

I entered the house and saw that everything is in there, it even have a flat screen TV and a big refrigerator, then I entered the bed room and saw a cabinet, sadly when I opened it there is no dress inside so I bought some from the system after that I changed into winter clothes and I stepped outside and started to read about the Grand mist Supreme Technique

/System has detected two training manuals, does master want to start the System Training Program?/

"Start the Training Program" I said

/Initializing the Program, Program started based on the two manual, Master is required to read the book first after reading the book the system will proceed to the next training procedure/

I nodded to the system and quickly started to read the Grandmist Supreme Technique, after reading the book I tried to focus my mind and gather the energy around just like the book said and just like that, a violet golden wisp of energy came inside to my body and I felt so relax

/ Master have achieved Elementary Level on the Grandmist Supreme Technique, master should proceed to read the Sword Origin Manual/

I heard the system in my mind so I reluctantly opened my eyes to read the other manual

After reading it I sat down on the snow and stored the two books in my inventory again

/Training Mission Started, the goal is to achieve the Completed level on both manuals, the sooner master achieve this is the better, Reward: ??/

"So you can give missions too huh, so what are the levels of the manuals?"

/affirmative master, the system can only issue missions related to training only, here is the levels of Skill Mastery and Technique Proficiency/

Skill Mastery

Low - User of the technique can use it but the outcome is not bearable

Medium - User of the technique can use it, the power will be low but the energy consumption is high

High - User of the technique can use it efficiently

Master - User of the Skill can display the true power of the said Skill

Grand Master - User of the skill can use the skill like his own and do small tricks on it, the user can also use it together with other skills efficiently but the energy consumption is very high

Completed - User of the skill can use it perfectly like normal breathing, the user can also use it together with other skill connect it like combos with low energy consumption

Technique Level

Elementary Level : The User understood 10% of the technique

Intermediate Level : The User understood 25% of the Technique

Advanced Level: The user understood 35% of the technique

Master Level : The User understood 50% of the Technique

Grand Master Level : The User Understood 80% of the Technique

Completed : The User Understood 100% of the Technique

"I'm currently at the elementary level of the Grandmist Supreme Technique right? And based on the Sword Origin manual I need to swing a sword?" I said while looking at the levels of skill and technique mastery

/ Mission start: Daily Mission, 400 push ups, 400 curl ups, 400 Squats and 40 kilometers running, 5 hours of swinging sword that weighs 1,000 kilograms, and 8 hours of meditation/

"well that's a hell of a schedule right there" I said while looking at the quest

I looked up in the sky and the sun is just about to rise, so I stood up to stretched my body and started to do my daily training mission

After 6 hours I finally finished the 1st set of the training 1 ate one Senzu bean to fully refresh my body, the system gave me the sword which is heavy like hell, I can only use it if I use the proper breathing technique illustrated in the Sword Origin Manual

After 5 hours of continuous swinging which I miraculously finished, I sat down on the snow and began to breath in and breath out, this is the last part of my daily training which is 8 hours of meditation

When I finished my daily training its already late at night I entered my house to take a bath and change my clothes after that I sat down in the living room and began to browse the items in the system

I first searched for the items, like Thor's Storm breaker and Mjolnir, Blades of Chaos, even the holy Sword Excalibur is in the shop

" Holy shit this is the most OP system I ever saw" I said while I continued to browse the shop I started to look for the Haki manuals

After typing Haki in the search bar I finally found it and without hesitation I bought it from the shop for Free

After that I searched for my favorite sword, which is the Devil Sword Yamato (DMC series) then I also bought a blacksmith manual and an alchemy manual, and a cooking manual, after all eating bland food is not good

I looked at the system and saw that its already 2am I need to call it a day now

3rd Person POV

6 months later

Sounds of steels clashing together can be heard around the island, a man with a white brushed up white hair can be seen sitting in a front of a large furnace while hammering a metal

This is Shusui, and he is practicing his blacksmith technique right now, luckily for him after 6 months of continues training the system didn't made him run and exercise anymore

His daily training right now are consisted of 5 hours of swinging a 50 thousand kilograms sword and 8 hours of meditation

Right now is his free time so he is practicing blacksmithing right now he is busy learning how to process metals, his first big project is to enhance the Devil Sword Yamato with Urunuim, the strongest metal from the system which is made up of Uru steel(Asgard) , Vibrainuim and Adamantine steel

"now this is done, hammering non-stop 10,000 times accurately and proficiently is really hard" Shusui said as he put down the hammer and he wipes away his sweat

He stood up and walked out of his smithy, when he went outside it was still snowing, there are white rabbits here and there which is sometimes walked towards his home to get some foods

He sat down outside and he began to feed fresh carrots to the rabbits then suddenly he saw a bird with a white hat on it

The bird have a shoulder bag which have many papers on it, when the bird saw Shusui it was surprised after that the bird flew down and it showed a newspaper to him

"Its news coo? I didn't know that there was a news coo now" Shusui said the bird quacked 4 times while showing 4 of it fingers like a human hand which fascinated Shusui

"4 bellies right? Here take this the others are your tip, be sure to always bring me the news alright?" Shusui said to the bird and it nodded happily, after taking the 20 belli bill the bird flew away

"Marines new fleet admiral Kong" Shusui read the headline of the newspaper

"So Kong just got promoted at this time huh, there are no other big news in this news paper, well its very early in the timeline, in a few more years they will be born one by one, and the sea will get more interesting with the each passing year, anyway its time to practice cooking" Shusui said as he stood up and entered his home


Age : 24

Gender : Male

Perks : Immortality

Instant Mastery


Ultimate Master

Skills :

Knife Skill - High

Hammer Skill - High

Sword Skill - High

Techniques :

Sword Origin Technique - Advanced Level

Grand Mist Supreme Technique - Advanced Level

Cooking-Grand Master Level

Blacksmithing - Intermediate Level

Alchemy - Intermediate Level


Cooking Manual

Forging Manual

Alchemy Manual

Sword Origin Manual

Grandmist Supreme Technique

Money : 500,000 Belli

Party List : 0

Power Level : 690,000,069