
Adventure Academy

Explore the realmsverse, battle monsters of myth and legend, die trying... and then come back to life stronger with the advantage of hindsight! Rinse and repeat. Death holds no power over Will Wisdom, a boy who’d once been sacrificed to the altar of the gods of death only to reincarnate moments later. Will’s a teenager stuck with Extra-Life, a curse that lets him relive the same day of every death with all the gruesome details of his latest demise intact to help him survive in his next run of whatever realm, dungeon, or adventuring class he’s decided to challenge next. Returning to life after each harrowing encounter is a useful hack for a teenager enrolled in the legendary Academy, a school that teaches young adventurers to become the kind of heroes who chase after the big monster bounties and uncover the great mysteries of the Realmsverse. Mysteries such as finding the cult of evil ljósálfar who’d cursed Will with Extra-Life in the first place, and then exacting his revenge on these bright elf bastards! The Academy is the perfect place for Will to achieve his hopes and dreams too. Assuming he does well in Swords and Sorcery, Apprentice Alchemy, Dungeon Excursions, P.E., and a whole host of crazy training courses in his novice schedule. Will may need a little help with that. Welcome to the Academy, Will Wisdom—hope you live to see graduation day! *** Aside from daily chapter releases, I will release extra chapters every Sunday depending on power stones earned during the same week. 200 stones = 1 additional chapter! *** Temporary cover created with PixAI

GD_Cruz · Fantastique
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370 Chs

A Not-So-Indecent Proposal, Part 2

Apprentice Schedule

8:00-10:00, M-W-F: Physical Education: Combat training 101 with Master Doomsday; Fighter's Pit 3.

10:30-12:00, M-W-F: Realmsverse History: An eyewitness account of the history of Yggdrasil and the realmsverse, with Mistress Ravenloft; Great Library Lecture Hall 5.

12:00-1:00, M-W-F: Lunchbreak

1:00-2:30, M-W-F: Apprentice Alchemy: A study of basic alchemy and fringe scientific theories with Doctor John Faustus; Seidr Longhouse, Alchemy Laboratory 2.

3:00-4:30, M-W-F: Beginner Professions: A comprehensive study of various support professions such as smithing, mapmaking, item enchanting, leatherworking, and rune tattooing with Master Barad Bonehammer; Skelmir Longhouse Room 1.

5:00-7:00, M-W-F: Swords and Sorcery: An introductory study of adventurer tactics and theory, from dungeon delving procedure and combat principles to proper tool usage and magic theory, with Mistress Lorelai Lindisfarne; Drengr Longhouse Room 1.

8:30-10:00, T-TH: Elective 1: To be determined.

10:30-12:00, T-TH: Elective 2: To be determined.

12:00-1:00, T-TH: Lunchbreak

1:00-2:30, T-TH: Elective 3: To be determined.

3:00-4:30, T-TH: Elective 4: To be determined.

5:00-7:00, T-TH: Self-Reflection, Extra-curricular Activities.

8:30 AM -7:00 PM, S: Dungeon Expedition.

Sunday: Free Training

A list of electives tailor-fit for my specialization training was also included in the scroll with instructions for me to select the ones I was interested in joining. There was also a note from Dwalinn that said I'd get the week to choose, which I thought was gracious considering I didn't know whether 'Monster Taming' or 'Necromancy' would be a better fit for me, or if I even wanted minions to go on my planned quests with. I might even take up 'Blade Dance' or 'War Chant' to supplement the close-quarters-combat skills Divah had already ingrained into my body.

'These new masters won't beat me up until I'm black and blue like she did… will they?' I had to repress the shiver that came with the memory of my first year under Divah's care. "Well, whatever they do to me won't be worse than the insane training Divah put me through…"

The next thing I did was rip open the brown package and discovered that I now owned the same blue cloak worn by the other members of the tower. I shouldn't be surprised that it fitted me perfectly. Just right around the shoulders and not too long that its hemline brushed against my ankles.

"Will this work with my fighting style or just be a bother when I'm running around?"

By this point, the clock on the wall read 'seven-thirty' but there was one more thing I needed to check for before I could head out. I moved toward my wooden chest and pulled off its lid.

"Looks like Divah packed all my favorites..." I grinned as I reached down for some clothes to change into—breathable brown slacks and a lightweight iron scale mail with the 'Under Armory' logo splashed across the right chest. This 'look' also included my favorite leather belt and its many utility pouches plus my high-cut, white Under Armory sneakers that were enchanted with a minor speed buff. "I'll also need..."

The last thing I pulled out of my chest was a frayed, leather-bound journal small enough to fit into the pocket of my slacks. Although I preferred clipping it onto my belt for easy access. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that this journal was both my lifeline and my greatest treasure.

While I got dressed, I glimpsed the scroll unfurled on the bed and wondered what the penalty was for skipping class.

"Hmm, it'll be fine… unraveling the secrets of the Academy comes first," I said while I patted the journal strapped to the side of my belt.

Before I walked out of the room, however, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.

Wavy dark brown hair framed a round olive-skinned face with high cheekbones. Dark bushy eyebrows rose over big doe blue eyes the color of the deep blue sea, a long nose that widened slightly at the tip, and puffy lips that seemed deadest on maintaining a permanent smirk.

Yep, mine was a face that still carried bits of its former childlike innocence, which, luckily, helped to effectively mask the young drengr that Divah had forged me into.

"Looking groovy, Will." I gave my reflection two thumbs up. "Now, let's go seize the day… and maybe I'll drag the she-elf along with me for some light mischief."


Speaking of Liara, I found her pretty easily. Although she was scowling at me by the time I arrived at the 'hearth' which was what they called the great hall of last night's revelry.

"Not a lot of early risers in this tower, huh?" I observed.

The few people I noticed were either hurrying to get outside or dozing off from last night's party on the comfy couches scattered around the hearth.

"Most mages are night owls," Liara agreed. "Doesn't mean Doomsday won't skin you alive for being late on your first day, apprentice."

I kind of feel like she emphasized that last word a little too much, but I let it go. "Um, forget Doomsday for a second… Want to see something groovy?"

That's when Liara noticed I wasn't wearing the prescribed training gear that had arrived with my new blue cloak. I had a good reason for that though. I chafed in linen. Seriously. It was bad.

"You can't be planning to skip your first day at the Academy," Liara raised a long and thin eyebrow at me. "No one's that much of a delinquent... or suicidal."

"You've seen me duel Doomsday in a real fight," I reminded her. "I don't think I need to be in the beginner classes. At least not right now."

It wasn't a boast, and I think she could hear it in my voice—the confidence that I was good enough to pass on Apprentice level courses. It was believable too. The reputation of Divah as a legendary adventurer and master of future stars was just that huge.

"It doesn't work like that." Liara gave me a curious look. "Even if you are talented, you still need to go through—"

"I know, I know… and I will show up to class," I relented. "But, hear me out… What if there was a way to get a leg up on everyone before making my debut as a novice?"

"There's no such thing. There's study and training and—"

"There are some walls that can't be scaled with just training and a go-getter attitude..." I nodded toward her hands; the callouses apparent in her delicate fingers and the bruising on her knuckles. "How much daily training do you go through to earn those?"

I could tell at first glance that Liara was talented. It wasn't just because of her well-toned body either. The strands of magic that naturally leaked out of her were comparable to mine—and I'm not bragging here, but according to my new status bar, my mana pool was pretty high. I didn't know why she was in her current slump—a fact that Draken's comments clued me in on—but that's how I knew I could coerce her into helping me. I needed a guide, and Liara was perfect for the role.

She crossed her arms over her chest as if to hide the proof of her labors. "What's it to you?"

"All that training and I bet you still can't beat a journeyman battle-master in single combat," I goaded her.

Of all the elementary warrior specializations, I knew a battle master—someone who dedicated everything to honing their body into a deadly weapon—would have proved a challenge for a hybrid mage-warrior like Liara. And, by the look of frustration flitting across her face, I think I struck the right nerve. Good. Now it was time to dangle the bait.

"There are hidden sources across the realmsverse that can help exponentially increase one's growth… to allow a person stuck in their training to go beyond their current limits," I explained.

A sudden and predictable curiosity appeared on Liara's pretty face.

"Interestingly enough, a lot of these 'sources' find their way into the Academy." I patted the journal strapped to my belt. "And one of these sources..." I paused for added effect, "...is underneath this tower."

"What do you—"

Liara's eyes widened as realization dawned on her. She knew of one such possible source. Although I doubt she understood its hidden purpose besides the information the masters revealed to novices.

"Show me where it is"—I offered Liara my hand—"and I'll show you how to get over that wall that's got you stumped."

Good tidings, fellow novices!

I know the last chapter was a little light, so I made sure this one was up to snuff and neatly tied the opening of this new arc into a nice little bow.

Okay, don't forget to vote for Adventure Academy today too! Power stones are the gift that fuel creativity. XD

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