
The land behind the walls [2]

Located at the border of the Verdan Empire, Alfina was a medium-sized city with tall walls that were used to separate the Empire's land and the Kasha. 

The overall atmosphere in the city was quite jovial and busy. 

People flocked the city streets with vendors appearing from all over. Being one of the central hubs of exports that came from the Eastern Kasha, it was only natural for there to be a lot of people.

While the Kasha was a land that was claimed by the Mirror Dimension, it still contained a lot of precious and unique ingredients and tools that could only be found there. One could even argue that the entire economy of the city centered around such trades. 

...It all looked well, or at least, that was how it looked on the outside. 

Walking past the busy streets, I noticed something. 

"Aren't the stalls a little empty?" 

"Now that you mention it..."