
The Celestial Chorus [2]

The doors rumbled, slowly revealing hints of light from beneath, casting long, wavering shadows across the room.

I stood still, my heart pounding, watching the doors with a mix of dread and anticipation.

Finally... Finally, I was going to uncover the truth.

What kind of experiment they had performed on me, and where my brother was.

The answers were just before me. 

My heart pounded loudly within my mind. 


The doors continued to open, and the light turned more blinding. 

I had to squint my eyes due to how bright the light was. 

My heart drummed with anxiety, and my entire body started to tingle. 


The door finally opened and I covered my eyes with my forearm. 


I spoke, trying my best to look ahead. I could see a silhouette dressed in white. I couldn't quite make out their features, and I tried to speak with them. 

"What's going on? Can you tell me wha—" 
