
Red Orb [3]

Kiera sat with her eyes closed. 

She had also fought like the others and her fight lasted for about a minute and a half. Her speed could be considered neither too fast nor too slow. It was in the upper regions as she swiftly dealt with her opponent. 


Kiera's brows twitched. 

A sharp pain invaded her mind for a brief moment before disappearing. It was brief but noticeable enough for her to perceive. 

She opened her eyes shortly after and looked around her. 

There were a total of seven people remaining from their group. It was clear that they had lost half of their members in the first round. 

She didn't show much emotion and focused her attention on Aoife who was scrolling through a small tablet. 

As if noticing her stare, Aoife turned her head. 

Their eyes met. 

"Are you healed?" 

".....More or less."