
Advent of the New World - Rise of the Celestial Empire

The greatest enemy and obstacle David Kingston has ever faced is his own sense of boredom. In an effort to escape this seemingly omnipresent feeling, he has pledged to become the Primordial Dungeon Master, One of the Creator's Primary Apostles, as well as the next Leader of The Human Realm. This is the story of his journey to quell his eternal sense of boredom and become one of the strongest beings to ever exist. Additional Tages include; Non-Linear Story Telling, Godly Powers, Tragic Pasts, and Wars Between Worlds [Stop by my discord if you want to comment directly as I support all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. I will leave a link at the bottom of chapter 1.] Disclaimer: I do not own my cover image and will eventually commission one that belongs to me.

Azuroth · Fantaisie
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29 Chs


In 2202 A.D. the satellite, radar, and energy-based sensory technology of world governments allowed them to discover "Mana" on Planet Earth. A unique form of energy that could be absorbed and manipulated through the use of the pineal gland.

Along with the discovery of this, the entire world united and focused most of its resources on researching it.

Eventually, they began investing in devices worth trillions of US dollars known as Mana Focuses. These devices could detect and track the flow of Mana and they used them to try to better understand its properties.

However, they soon realized that Earth had pitifully low Mana reserves and although it was present on other worlds the impact that it would have on Earth's various civilizations was minimal.

As a result, people began to lose interest in all endeavors regarding research into Mana, and the topic gradually faded from the forefront of public thought.

But as this happened the World-renowned scientist Gideon Kingston discovered that there would occasionally be strange surges of Mana, which at first glance had little to no connection with one another.

But he had a nagging feeling that something was amiss.

As such, he contacted a few of his friends; Alexander Bishop, Selina, and Geoffry Winchester, Dennis Lancel, Andrew Ventura, Penelope Silva, and Eleanor Tesla (All of them, giants in their fields of science who had risen to prominence within the last 20 years) in an effort to get to the bottom of the phenomenon.

They pooled all of their resources and eventually came to the discovery that each time these "Mana surges" took place someone vanished from the face of the earth, never to be seen or heard from again.

Through further research, they then came to the conclusion that these people were being summoned to other worlds by forces beyond their current realm of understanding and power.

When this news was eventually released to the world panic ensued.

Some people feared that at any moment they could be summoned and never see their loved ones again, some wanted to try to develop countermeasures against the summonings, others knew that there was no way to stop it and simply gave up hope, and others still were excited at the possibility of being summoned to strange new worlds (the Otakus and weebs of course).

As governments once again focused resources on studying Mana and Magic more broadly, Gideon and his friends became absorbed in finding a solution to what had been dubbed "The Call".

Two years later they announced the invention of an object which could be implanted within an infant's cerebrum.

They named it "Kibo" the Japanese word for hope. They named it so because they found the core material for its creation; a metal called Mithril on one of Japan's colony planets: Zenith and it served as a safety net for those summoned by "The Call".

The Kibo would fuse with an infant and grow alongside it. It would remain dormant for the entirety of most individuals' lives as it would only activate when its host was affected by "The Call".

When the host was summoned the Kibo would activate and complete its fusion with its host.

The Kibo would release Mana into the host's body which it had absorbed from the surroundings of the host while dormant. The Kibo would use these Mana reserves in tandem with data it had passively collected on the host and data it actively collected about the new world the said host had been summoned, in order to alter the DNA of the host in such a way that made them best suited to survive in their new world.

The vast majority jumped at the opportunity to offer their children any form of refuge in the case that "The Call" came for them.

Yet, some feared the Kibo because of its capabilities to read minds and fundamentally alter its host. Governments soon passed laws forcing every infant to receive a Kibo as it was the only way to ensure the safety of future generations.

Gideon and the others became known as "The Round Table"; leading the charge in the advancement of many fields of Magic and Scientific research.

In the following decades as Global development became more dependent on the exploration of other Planets and Worlds, countless advances were made in the study of Mana and its use in the manipulation of the Physical World, otherwise known as Magic.

The various Countries and Corporations of Earth then began to extend their reach outwards to further reaches of the Milky Way with even greater intensity.

They made contact with many other forms of life which they previously had no way of coming into contact with for hundreds of years. Through communication with the Civilizations belonging to these worlds; some of which had advanced even further than Earth, to accelerate their own advancement.

All the while "The Round Table" remained at the forefront due to not only the achievements of its forebearers but also the continued efforts of its descendants who possessed not only extreme talent; but a desire to continually surpass themselves.

This story begins around a hundred years after the establishment of "The Round Table"; on the night of David Kingston's 21st birthday.


The Four Major Species and God can be seen as something akin to the US government.

God/The Father - The Will and Intent, that which animates both the world and its government. The source of all things. The Bill of Rights and its author

Angels - The judicial branch, which judges both the world and its government according to the Bill of Rights

Humana - The executive Branch which acts upon, manages, and develops the world according to the Bill of Rights and all subsequent laws and articles

Deva - The legislative branch, which crafts and amends subsequent laws and articles of the constitution

Worldguards - The military, defends the Bill of Rights, the rest of the constitution, the government, and all laws against all enemies, internal and external

True Demons - Criminals, that which are a part of both the world and government yet, often act for themselves and the furtherance of their desires. Their chief desire is to corrupt the current state of things

The World - that which the government excercises power over and its inhabitants