

Several Kings fell, and myriad Emperors perished. With several million dead, Humanity almost got wiped out from the face of their home planet, Edoria. To prevent the final calamity, several higher-rankers banded together. Kings unified their kingdoms, Emperors unified their visions for the future. But in the end, the Humanity lost. There was only despair for them. Nehar, The Dark Emperor, whose body was on the verge of collapse after the Final Battle with an Outer Goddess, found another chance to restart overall....through the sacrifice of his remaining friends and comrades. His fate had not been sealed yet. He had another chance to reverse their past failures and forge a new future. After returning to the past, he starts working towards his goal, of becoming Invincible, with his unmatched talent, dedication, and perseverance. Step by step, he finishes his preparation to unite all of his past companions and fight the Ancient Evils and Outer Gods that threaten to destroy their civilization. ------------------ ### Weekly Release => 3-4 Chapters [Max : 5 Chapters] (Avg Word Count = 1500-3000) ## I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. # This is my Third Story (Novel) and as for the previous ones, some of them will be connected to this Novel and for the rest, I will resume the work later.

MonarchOfHell · Fantaisie
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58 Chs

Challenger (III): Creating an Epic Ranked Skill

 Nehar continued to distance himself from the battlefield where spells and arrows were raining down hell, performing the final steps of his movement skill.

 After crossing a distance of over 600 meters, he stopped moving and looked at the battleground before him.

 He had successfully avoided getting attacked.

 Although his HP was higher than others, it was nothing much.

 There was no way he would've resisted those barrages with his body and rushed to kill the others.

 Nehar sighed.

 I have to become much more powerful.

 Otherwise, everyone's sacrifice would be in vain.

 Nehar stopped a moment to rest and pulled up his System panel to review the notifications he missed while battling before.

 [System Alert: You have slain a [Human (Thief) – Level 0] while executing perfect Dagger Skills.]

 [System Alert: You have received 25 EXP points. You have received 15 TP.]

 [System Alert: You've been rewarded with 1 Skill Proficiency Point.]

 [System: TP Collected: 215]

 [System Alert: You have slain a [Human (Thief) – Level 0] in a perfect Dagger Throw!!]

 [System Alert: You have received 25 EXP points. You have received 15 TP.]

 [System Alert: You've been rewarded with Accuracy +1 and 1 Skill Proficiency Point.]

 [System Alert: You've performed a perfect and accurate Dagger Throw – A rare Skill of the Thieves even in the latter stages. For your excellent performance, the System has rewarded you with a new Skill.]

 [System Alert: You've learned a new Skill: Dagger Throw (Inferior, Rank: E)]

 [System Alert: For your excellent performance and accuracy in executing skills, the System has rewarded you with an ample amount of Tutorial Points. TP Received: 150]

 [System: TP Collected: 380]

 [System Alert: You have slain a [Human (Thief) – Level 0] while executing a Sword Skill with perfect accuracy.]

 [System Alert: You have received 25 EXP points. You have received 15 TP.]

 [System Alert: You've been rewarded with Accuracy +1 and 1 Skill Proficiency Point.]

 [System Alert: You've performed a perfect and accurate High-Level Swordsmanship Skill – Angular Slash. For your excellent achievement, the System has rewarded you with the Same Skill.]

 [System Alert: You've learned a new Skill: Angular Slash (Common, Rank: D)]

 [System Alert: You have continuously shown your great skills and new achievements in the battle. You have executed several new skills one after another and comprehended them simultaneously. The System has decided to reward you with an abundant amount of Tutorial Points to make your future journey smooth. TP Received: 500]

 [System: Unallocated Skill Proficiency Points: 03]

 [System: EXP required until next Level Up: 150/250]

 [System: TP Collected: 895]

 [System: Quest: Eliminate Your Enemies (5/113)]

 [System: Quest: Remaining Time: 00:13:05]

 Nehar let out a sigh after he finished with the previous notifications.

 He had obtained a few good skills and a large amount of TP before the start of the Tutorial.

 All he did was nothing but performing his past life's skills one after another.

 At first, he wasn't even sure he could make it through the end.

 He was worried that his current body wouldn't be able to handle the strain because of those higher-level skills in his past life.

 But it seemed like he was worried over nothing.

 Though he was quite restless and tired, it was not that bad.

 Nehar laughed softly.

 Had it been his previous body, he would've ended this Emergency Quest by now.

 His body is still quite weak.

 After all, stats never compensate for body fatigue.

 [System: Fatigue: 77]

 Nehar shook his head. He had slain five thieves within one minute, using the maximum of his agility and reaction speed with his Level 0 physique.

 He was bound to become tired.

 I had to waste my time while running more than killing those bastards.

 How Incredible!!

 Nehar was quite happy as he could still remember his past techniques, execute them with perfect accuracy, and react in different circumstances with an inhuman reaction speed.

 All of these were built over decades of continuous battles and large-scale wars.

 Nehar never thought one day he would have to use his learnings over all those years against some Tutorial participants, who didn't even know how to attack properly using their skills.

 Such an absolute nonsense!!

 Had they not provoked him first, all of these would never happened.

 He sighed once again and looked over the remaining time.

 [System: Quest: Remaining Time: 00:12:57]

 Then he looked over his Health and Mana bar.

 [System: Your Current HP: 115/130. Your Current MP: 42/150]

 He had continuously used mana while battling those thieves. While performing his movement skills, he had to use mana too to make them timely and perfect; otherwise, the skill execution would've failed easily.

 And he had used a large amount of mana to pull out the 'Angular Slash' Skill to kill the last thief. 

 Nehar decided to wait for another minute to restore at least some of his mana.

 Currently, he was out of the range of the enemies' Archers and Spell Casters.

 If they wanted to attack him, they would've to move from their places and come here.

 Nehar knew, that after he killed five thieves no one would dare to come out to kill him or his team members.

 But at the same moment, it had also become a problem.

 He had to finish this damn Quest within 12 minutes and none of the enemies will come out to seek their death.

 If he were to charge in them, their Fighters and Warriors would encircle him while the Casters and Archers would rain hell down upon him.

 I'm really missing a powerful AoE attack for this kind of large-group battle.

 If I had even one related to Fire or Ice attribute mana, I would've blasted those bastards to smithereens by now.

 Nehar understood that he would not be able to finish the Quest in time like this. Still, he had no choice but to wait for a few moments at least.

 He pulled up his Skill Chart to look over newly obtained skills one by one while regenerating his mana slowly.


 Skill Chart (Current, Updatable):

 • Active Skills (04): 

 --> Dagger Arts (Common), Backstab (Inferior), Dagger Throw (Inferior), Angular Slash (Common).

 • Passive Skills (02):

--> Language of The Myriad Races (Basic, Common), Mana Control (Inferior).

 • Innate Talent Skills: None.


 Nehar pulled up the Skill details one by one.


 [Skill: Backstab (Inferior)]

 [Skill Description]: Attacks an opponent from behind, strikes double damage if remains undetected.

 [Skill Status]: Active (Skill Category: Stealth Attack).

 [Skill Specifications]

 - Skill Grade: Inferior (Rank: E) 

 - Skill Effect: Base damage +35 for successful attack. Extra damage can be stacked up to 30 – 50% of it depending upon the User's attack power and proficiency in executing the Skill.

 - Skill Proficiency: 0/2

 - Cool-down: 30 seconds.

 - User Requirement Level: 10 and Above (Not Applicable). 

 - User Restriction: None (Thief).


 This Skill's damage-dealing rate is quite high.

 Still, it wasn't that important to him.

 Nehar remembered he had to perform the Skill twice with both of his daggers to cut down the second thief.

 Cool-down of this Skill in the lower levels makes it almost useless in timed combat.

 Still, better than nothing.

 Nehar paused and looked for the next Active Skill: Dagger Throw.


 [Skill: Dagger Throw (Inferior)]

 [Skill Description]: Attacks an opponent from behind, by throwing a dagger with perfect accuracy.

 [Skill Status]: Active.

 [Skill Specifications]

 - Skill Grade: Inferior (Rank: E) 

 - Skill Effect: Base damage +50. The extra damage will depend upon the User's attack power and proficiency in executing the Skill.

 - Skill Proficiency: 0/2

 - Cool-down: 45 seconds.

 - User Requirement Level: 15 and Above (Not Applicable). 

 - User Restriction: None (Thief).


 Nehar chuckled lightly while looking at Skill damage. Though he already knew it was quite high, only after seeing it for himself did he confirm it as the insane damage-dealing rate.

 No wonder that guy dropped dead just after getting hit by the dagger from behind.

 And my high Strength stat and attack power also factored in for dealing Extra damage.

 He looked for the next Active Skill in his list, 'Angular Slash'.


 [Skill: Angular Slash (Common)]

 [Skill Description]: Slashes at an opponent with an unusual Angular Slash, and has a chance of dealing Critical damage.

 [Skill Status]: Active.

 [Skill Specifications]

 - Skill Grade: Common (Rank: D) 

 - Skill Effect: Base damage +75. The extra damage will depend upon the User's attack power and proficiency in executing the Skill. Can cause additional damage via the Bleeding Effect, though it triggers rarely.

 - Skill Level: 1/5

 - Skill Proficiency: 0/10

 - Cool-down: 20 seconds.

 - User Requirement Level: 15 and Above (Not Applicable). 

 - User Restriction: None (Swordsman).


 Nehar became emotional after seeing the detailed Skill panel for this Skill.

 In the past, Angular Slash was one of his most practiced and most commonly used Skills in the battleground.

 His skill execution rate was so high that, the rare effect of the Skill, 'Bleeding' got triggered once in every three to four attacks.

 It was quite a rare sight.

 Though this time the Bleeding Effect didn't trigger, Nehar didn't complain.

 When he learned the same Skill in the past, he was over Level 20 at that time.

 And now, he learned this Skill as a reward after executing it perfectly, coping with his muscle memory and reflexes.

 The Bleeding Effect didn't trigger, so what?

 He will just have to execute the skill perfectly again and again like before and one day he would be able to achieve the same level of what it was like in the past.

 After checking all the new skills, Nehar looked over two of his old Skills.

 Well, they were by no means old as he obtained them just quite a few minutes ago.

 He first looked over his upgraded Active Skill: Dagger Arts.


 [Skill: Dagger Arts (Common)]

 [Skill Description]: Through repeated battles and constant killings, you've started to understand the essence behind the various Dagger Techniques. Your attack power has increased slightly.

 [Skill Status]: Active.

 [Skill Specifications]

 - Skill Grade: Common (Rank: D-) 

 - Skill Effect: Attack Power +10

 - Skill Level: 0

 - Skill Proficiency: 0/5

 - Cool-down: None.

 - User Requirement Level: 0 and Above (Not Applicable). 

 - User Restriction: None (Thief).


 Nehar looked over this Skill in amusement. This Skill was probably the most simple and basic one in his whole Skill Chart. It didn't belong to any Special category of skills, like Stealth. It didn't have any extra damage stacking like his other skills. And even after leveling up, its attack power has increased slightly, which was negligible if compared to his other skills at the moment.

 The only good point about this Skill was it didn't have any cool-down period and could be executed simultaneously. 

 At this moment, only Nehar knew how overpowered actually this simple-looking Skill was.

 He remembered a certain figure, covered in black clothes from head to toe, holding two blood-red daggers, rapidly executing this skill over and over to kill his enemies in the Plains of Danyub Valley.

 That day, one of his oldest friends and comrades, 'The Emperor of Death and Destruction' showed the whole world how domineering a simple Skill can actually become. 

 Seven Demi-Gods fell to him that day, coloring the waters of Danyub bloody red.

 Nehar glossed over the Skill with a profound passion.

 Don't worry, I'll make your skill even more powerful and domineering in this lifetime, my friend...

 Nehar snapped out of thoughts and looked over the last skill in his list, 'Mana Control'.


 [Skill: Mana Control (Inferior)]

 [Skill Description]: Your control over mana increases steadily. You can use it in battle more proficiently.

 [Skill Status]: Passive.

 [Skill Specifications]

 - Skill Grade: Inferior (Rank: E) 

 - Skill Effect: Mana Recovery +2/min; Slight increase in Mana Sensitivity.

 - Skill Proficiency: 09.01%

 - Skill Completion Rate: 02.02%

 - Cool-down: None.

 - User Requirement Level: 0 and Above (Not Applicable). 

 - User Restriction: None (All Classes except Fighter).


 He was quite pleased to see the increase in the Skill Proficiency of the Skill.

 It increased by a large amount because of his last move, 'Angular Slash'.

 To make that move a confirmed kill, Nehar used a large amount of mana and executed the Skill with everything he had.

 The process strained him quite a bit.

 But, looking at the results now, it was the best choice at that moment.

 Only the Skill Completion Rate was moving upwards at the snail's speed.

 Nehar sighed.

 He looked over his mana bar and the remaining time.

 [System: Your Current MP: 46/150]

 [System: Fatigue: 74]

 [System: Quest: Remaining Time: 00:11:55]

 Only a minute had passed when he checked all of his Skills.

 Nehar looked at his mana bar and couldn't help but frown.

 His current MP regeneration was 3/min; which was doing far from a better job of replenishing his mana.

 I have to wait for some more.

 Once the mana bar hits 50, I'll move again.

 Still, I don't know whether I'll be able to complete this Quest or not.

 I'm in no state to perform the previous sets of movements to avoid enemy attacks.

 Strength, Stamina, Endurance, Agility, and most importantly Constitution, all of my 5 important stats are still too low to execute 'Shadow Steps' once more.

 And I try to forcefully perform them, I'll just pass out from fatigue and my body will enter a Weakened state.

 There's no way I'm gonna to do that, no matter what.

 Do I have to abandon the Quest and leave my fate in other's hands?

 Though I'm not willing, currently I'm not seeing any other options available here.

 I can take out at most 45-50 people more if I use every Skill from my current arsenal. Still, there will be a lot of people left.

 Amelia and Grace are not proficient experts as me. So, I shouldn't hope that they would take out the remaining people.


 Alone, taking over a group consisting of 113 people, while being at Level 0, is nigh impossible, even for me.

 Nehar impatiently looked over the System screen.

 Why the hell this damn System didn't give any notification about the movement skill till now?

 I thought I would be able to achieve a privilege at least and only through that I could ever finish this Quest.

 If I don't receive that from the System, it would be better for me to declare surrender.


 Within seconds, a System notification rang out, usually louder than before.

 Nehar was overjoyed.


 [System Alert: The System has fully analyzed your earlier performed Movement patterns! Your Movement patterns have been saved in your personal Database.]

 [System Alert: The System has finalized the 12 steps of the Movement earlier performed by you are part of a Concircular Movement Skill. This new Movement Skill is not a part of the System Database and it was solely designed and performed by you in an excellent manner.]

 [System Alert: Please, choose a befitting name for the Skill that you've created masterfully.]

 Nehar chose to name it as it was, before his return to the past.

 "Shadow Steps".

 He muttered those words slowly, in a low voice.

 Many old memories started to resurface in his mind at the moment.

 [System Alert: Naming successful. You've executed 'Shadow Steps', an amalgamation of 12 Concircular Movement Steps with an accuracy of 99.97%.]

 [System Alert: The System has deduced 'Shadow Steps' as one of the most Advanced Movement Skills (Footwork Techniques) currently available in the World. It's a perfect combination of 12 steps that serve the purpose of Defence (via dodging), Attack (via direct combat), and Escape (via combined steps) in a battle.]

 [System Alert: The System has deduced the Skill's final Grade and Ranking after 357 simulations!!!]

 [System Alert: You've created and comprehended the Active Skill: Shadow Steps (Grade: Epic, Rank: S) all by yourself before the start of The Tutorial.] 

 [System Alert: You've achieved something very few are capable of. The System has granted you rewards befitting your ground-breaking achievement.]

 [System Alert: You have received 5000 EXP points. You have received 10000 TP.]

 [System Alert: You've been rewarded with 10 Skill Proficiency Points.]

 [System Alert: You've been rewarded with an Unknown Shard (x1); Properties Unknown.]

 [System Alert: All of your Current Stats have reached their Maximum Values (10).]

 [System Alert: The System has given you the Final Reward, an Administrator Ranked Privilege: 'Creator's Wish-List'. An Administrator of The Tutorial Phase will grant you the Final Reward.]

 [System: Total EXP: 5150]

 [System: TP Collected: 10895]

 [System: Unallocated Skill Proficiency Points: 13]

 [System Alert: EXP Limits crossed for your Current Level] 

A gentle, golden light started enveloping his body.

 [System: You have started leveling up!!]

 Before he could speak anything, Nehar felt he was growing stronger with each passing moment.

 Nehar smiled faintly.

 Huh, now the game has finally started.

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