
Advent of Chaos

A psycho gets reincarnated but there's more to his existence than one would think on a typical glance. - A technically troll fic that I got shoved onto me over halfway through. Practically a dumpster fire the first 6 chapters and somewhat readable the first 30 chapters. Those chapters also have highly unrealistic romance You have been warned.

Pure_R18_Terror · Anime et bandes dessinées
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106 Chs

The Mad God Incident - II

Both Dragons roared at each other in their majestic form, their battle for dominance had just begun and they would not stop until the other was dead. Ddraig roared and breathed out a sea of flames which was met with a sea of frost both their attacks cancelling each other out. The only problem is they chose the wrong battle to interrupt, yes the normal combatants couldn't do anything but there was someone who was very annoyed by their actions, sensing danger both of them immediately backed away as two thin dark blue beams crossed their previous locations, they were nothing much but when they hit the ground gigantic explosions took place, killing tens of thousands as smoke rose to the ground. The smoke and debris cleared away to reveal two gigantic craters in the ground, both their heads shot towards the attacker, who was a peculiar man that stood out like a sore thumb.

Their faces twisted in rage at having their battle interrupted but he paid them no mind and clicked his tongue, "Tch....missed." and turned into a black mist that swiftly flew past through them revealing him standing on the other side looking at his hands with a grin. Ddraig opened his mouth, "How dare an insect?!" a red ball formed in his mouth, but Asahi pointed his hand towards it as the ball started getting smaller and smaller before it completely disappeared. Ddraig was shocked at the prospect of someone just making it vanish like that, they were heavenly dragons you know! Albion's eyes widened, "Impossible!" he shouted, that was his ability, the Divine Dividing! His face scrunched up in rage as he with speeds seemingly impossible for something his size, hit Asahi in the head sending him crashing to the ground. Asahi who was on his way down grinned widely before his 32 wings came out and he gradually came to a halt, [Leviathan] was truly broken he had just copied their abilities through touch and it further enhanced them.

He raised his hand as a light spear formed, something completely possible now that he had all the magics available in this world, before the spear started taking on a red hue. This time Ddraig's eyes widened that was his own power of doubling everything's output, "Such insolence!" he shouted in anger before breathing flames at Asahi who just shrugged them off like nothing before pulling his arm back and throwing the spear which tore through the air and hit a random devil, an explosion that took the lives of hundreds of thousands took place shaking the battlefield. Asahi grinned satisfied, those two had limits to these two abilities however he was infinite meaning he had no limitations what so ever, thankfully he had used Boost on the spear rather than himself. Because even though it was temporary, a boosted Elder God is not something a World like DxD can handle, even if he boosted once.

Both dragons were now actively trying to tear him apart but he would always dodge them, Asahi slightly hunched over as two gigantic black scaly arms with claws grew from his back, he grabbed both of them by the necks and started spinning around at unimaginable speeds. "Yay!" he yelled excitedly he was having fun! Each move he made resulted in the death of countless numbers of people and threw the two dragons who crashed into the ground like meteors forming craters around them killing thousands of humans. Amaterasu sheathed her flaming sword after cutting the Lord of House Barbatos in two and stared at the fight or rather the beat down that was taking place. She almost felt pity for the two dragons who were going up against Asahi. "Simply amazing." she muttered awed by the combat prowess of Asahi.

Asahi cleared the dust off of himself as the arms dissipated in to thin air and dramatically put his hands in his pockets. He lowered himself down as lightning started flickering and cackling at his feet before he shot forward and blitzed through the combatants, wherever he passed through he left behind a trail of burnt unidentified corpses, what they went through in their last moments was something only they would know. He was happy, he was euphoric! Something like this was a dream and heaven to him! Due to the great numbers even more people would get caught up and die, he raised one of his fingers as the cloud rumbled and thunder started raining down enveloping tens of thousands, a literal storm of thunder. He dramatically raised his hands up as the ground split apart because of Earthquakes killing the combatants on the ground.

He looked at the two dragons that had gotten up and were charging at him, almost as if forgetting their own fight and grinned before launching at them as well. The three met mid air and contrary to what one would expect it was the dragons that were slammed back into the ground! Many people had stopped fighting and were simply staring at this battle in awe and amazement, yes he was strong! his previous battles proved that but no one expected him to be 'this' strong. Crom bit down on one of the Archangels and smiled crazily, that fight with Asahi looked very promising! Asahi grabbed both dragons and threw them again before pulling back his arm as it started turning to ice he then swept it to the front turning everything in front of him into a frozen wasteland, that attack had killed millions as it left no survivors what so ever.

He looked at the two gigantic dragons that had again gotten up even after being wrecked, they were certainly persistent, he had to give them that but it was time to end this. His eyes started glowing as he pointed his hand towards them, two purple ethereal chains extended from it and wrapped around them before their bodies turned to ashes, leaving no room for any struggle or scream. He had used Beelzebub to devour their physical forms and their souls got pulled back into his hand. Asahi looked at the two little balls in his hand, "How do you feel~?" he asked them curiously. The red one trembled, "What have you done?!" it shouted in rage, however the white one was much calmer, "Ddraig do you realize the situation we are in?" it asked the other calmly. Asahi however didn't care much and stuffed them inside some balls from his storage. He looked to his right, opening a portal he threw them through it and they hit an old man who was worriedly watching a display of sorts that showed the battle straight in the face making him fall over.

Everyone in his immediate vicinity stared at Asahi warily, as to what his next move would be after all he clearly couldn't be ignored even the arrogant Devils backed away seeing the previous display of power, but contrary to everyone's expectations Asahi smiled happily like a child and waved at them, "Remember folks! I am just a side character!" he shouted cheerfully slowly dissipating. Remiel who had hurried over shouted at him, "Like Hell!" and stared at the distorted landscape and the frozen wasteland wondering whether she could have withstood that. She clasped her hands together and prayed for her fallen brethren before immediately shooting out spears of lightning at the Devils and Fallen Angels boosting the morale of the Angels, she knew she couldn't beat him and it was frustrating! But for now she had a job to do.

With Keiko,

Keiko stared at the man in glasses that was scowling at her confused, she slightly tilted her head to the side, "Eto...Do you want anything?" as far as she remembered this was the first time she had met him. "What is your relation to that accursed man?!" Beelzebub shouted at her in frustration. She pouted at him, "He isn't accursed! He is wonderful!" after all Asahi was the most wonderful person anyone could come across, this thought should make it clear that she herself was also indeed a bit wrong in the head. She started daydreaming and waving around her scythe as the chains attached to it made noises. Beelzebub was shocked yes he was shocked! "What the fuck is wrong with you girl?!" he shouted at her in anger. She placed her hands on her waist, "You don't have to be so rude! You know I'm right! Hmph!" she looked away pouting, what was wrong with this four eyes?! Her brother was wonderful!

Beelzebub pointed around at the scale of destruction brought about by Asahi, he was angry, he was jealous! He couldn't do half of this! Too much destruction he says! He wants that power for himself, "Look at all the people he killed!" he shouted at her. She pondered for a bit, "But weren't they attacking him too?" Beelzebub sighed, she was too far gone yup that's it, that's what he concluded from their conversation. "If only I could kill that brat myself!" he talked to himself, conversing with her was simply useless. However his words brought about a change in Keiko, she all of a sudden turned serious, "Kill him?" she asked causing Beelzebub to nod subconsciously before a chain smashed into his face faster than he could see making him crash into the ice. She slowly walked over to him with a bit of a crazed look, "Kill him? No no no no no no no no, kill you, yes that's it, you'll be the one to die." she quickly muttered cutting the blast of magic headed her way into two.

Beelzebub looked closely at the scythe after throwing away his broken glasses. "Runes?! How can they be so powerful?!" he shouted launching waves of destructive magic that were slashed apart by her. He started sweating seeing the distance between them decreasing, "It must be his fault! Damn brat! I'll kill him!" he shouted launching even more magics, it was no secret that the Devils practiced magic and had much weaker bodies as such if someone was given something like, let's say a scythe that can cut any magic then.... they lose! Asahi who was observing this scene as a black mist said to himself, "How about just not provoking her more?" after all he couldn't understand Beelzebub's motives.

Keiko slightly lowered herself and with a crazed look she shot towards Beelzebub bringing her scythe straight down on him but was blocked by a sword, which was wielded by Beelzebub himself always have a back up plan! Though what he forgot to account for was his own lack of technique. Keiko simply swerved his sword to the side and spun around tearing the Satan in two, though technique was necessary her weapon also had a huge part in her victory and Beelzebub lost due to his prideful belief that if he had a sword he'd automatically be good at using his two. Blood flowed out of his body which was now in two halves dirtying the ice, ignoring the bloodshed and constant magical explsions around her, Keiko returned to her usual self and wiped the blood from her forehead, "Yosh! All done!" she said dusting herself off. Asahi learnt that day however that his sister could be terrifying too.



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