
Adult Academy Game : I'm Trapped

If I don't steal the hearts of sexy heroines of this game... Then I'm gonna go fucking mad....

WangJing · Politique et sciences sociales
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31 Chs

Scandal (2)

"Hi there!"

"Oh, hey."

Moon Soorin had her platinum hair tied back in a ponytail and was sporting a school uniform that suited her role as the student council president. I directed my focus on her face, consciously avoiding letting my eyes wander over her body.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Oh, yeah. It's fine."

But suddenly joining me like this?

Moon Soorin seemed unaffected by my surprise. She casually placed her clutch bag on the empty seat beside me and hung her coat on the back of the chair.

"I guess you're a fan?"


"The Claire Rose Latte. The owner told me I was the only one who ordered it. They were even considering removing it from the menu, but when they saw how much I loved it, they decided to keep it. And now, it turns out there's someone ordering it. It's nice to know I'm not the only one."

"Oh… Yeah, I like it. It has this addictive spiciness to it."

"Right? How could anyone not know how delicious it is?"


It was adorable to see her enthusiastically sucking on the straw while complaining. I felt like I wanted to give mine too.

★ Heroine Status Window

[Moon Soorin]

[Affection: 25]

[Lust: 15]

[Appetite: 30]

[Fatigue: 70]

Her affection has increased by 5 compared to the last time we met. I didn't do anything though, so why did it go up?

"I apologize for earlier at the cafeteria. I wanted to have a conversation with you, Hoyeon, but the place was too distracting."

"Oh, it's alright. I was also impolite last time. I never imagined you were the student council president."

"Don't worry about it. We both made mistakes, so let's just forget about it."


Moon Soorin leaned her face closer to mine, and our eyes met. Startled by the sudden proximity, I unconsciously pulled my head back.

"W-What's wrong?"

"It's weird. Even though we haven't met many times, whenever I see you, Hoyeon, it feels like we've been friends for ages. I feel so at ease."


I couldn't explain it any other way than "the heroine's mindset is properly imprinted." But I was glad she felt at ease. It made it easier for me to seduce her.

"Oh, then feel free to speak your mind. After all, I'm just a freshman."

"Really? Well then, you too. Be casual with me, Hoyeon."

"Got it, Miss President."

"I said be casual. We're only two years apart."

"But still, how should I address you, Prez…"

She gave me an uneasy look.

"Call me Noona. Come on, give it a try."


"Hehehe… No, a little louder. That's it. Call me noona from now on. It would be even better if you say 'Soorin Noona.'"

"Okay, Soorin Noona."

"Heuungg… Hehehe…"

Every time I called her noona, she would squirm and wriggle, like a soldier returning from military service who got excited to be called oppa by his little brother.

Moon Soorin, why are you so damn easy…?

She was knocked out from the single word noona… Had there ever been a time in my life when calling a girl noona made her smile? It strangely filled me with pride.

I looked at Moon Soorin, her hand covering her mouth as she grinned with satisfaction, still giggling.


In an instant, the sound of a camera clicking reached my ears from a nearby window. I glanced over and spotted a man in a black coat dashing away in the distance.

"That bastard!"

I was about to give chase.

"It's fine, just stay seated, Hoyeon."

"Why? He's a paparazzi. If I chase after him, I can catch him."

I might be a mage, but there was no way I couldn't catch a fleeing civilian.

"That person isn't just an ordinary man. Even if you catch him, he'll deny taking the photo. Plus, it's just one picture of me with a guy. It won't cause much harm."

Moon Soorin had already resigned herself to the situation.

"Not an ordinary person? Is he some awakened individual or something? Does this kind of thing happen to you often?"

"Yeah, I'm already tired of dealing with it. I'm not even a celebrity. I didn't expect to be bothered by stuff like this."

Moon Soorin sighed and continued sipping her Claire Rose Latte.

It seemed like the stalking incident was about to unfold. In the original game, the main character solved this case and grew closer to Soorin.

Naturally, I knew who the stalker was, but currently, the stalking hadn't even begun. If I intervened now, I'd just be seen as a crazy person.

Besides, it's not the time yet.

"By the way, I watched your one-on-one sparring video, and you were amazing."

"Huh? Noona, how did you see it?"

"It was uploaded on EveryDay. Seems like it was posted without your permission."

The fact that my video got uploaded wasn't a big deal. The important thing was the main event—the stalking incident.

I had to get involved in the stalking incident. Not at the early stages, but around the time when Moon Soorin started facing difficulties.

I hate to admit it, but it would make it easier to win her over that way.

"Is that so? By the way…"


"Noona, if you need any help with anything, just let me know right away. As you saw, I have the abilities to assist."

"Hehe… Yeah. Thanks."

Moon Soorin looked at me as if she were seeing her younger brother all grown up. I felt a bit embarrassed.

"Okay, Soorin Noona, I should get going now."

"Yeah, take care on your way. Oh, wait a moment!"

Moon Soorin rummaged through her clutch bag and handed me something.

"Take my number before you leave."


EveryDay was an internet community used among students of Victoria Academy. It contained useful information such as issues related to abilities, guild information, new dungeons discoveries, and more, shared among the students.

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a little corner for free expression—a bulletin board where all the magic happened. And one post that had been uploaded on Wednesday night completely turned EveryDay upside down.

[BREAKING NEWS! Student Council President Moon Soorin spotted on a romantic date?!]

The post had minimal content, with just one photo uploaded. It showed Moon Soorin, with her hand covering her mouth, giggling, and a man opposite her, smiling. Clearly, it was a snapshot of a lovey-dovey couple enjoying their time together.

That post garnered over 500 recommendations, shooting it straight to the top of EveryDay's feed.

[I mean, isn't it odd for Moon Soorin to be single?]

[What's the big deal? Remember that other photo? Turned out the guy was just her junior in the student council.]

[No, no. That time, the guy was ugly as fuck. But this photo… It's something else.]

The seemingly insignificant post caused quite the ruckus, spreading like wildfire throughout the once peaceful community.

[BREAKING NEWS! Mystery guy's identity finally revealed.]

[So, who is he? A model? A celebrity?]

[Nope, it's Lee Hoyeon, a freshman in Class A at Victoria Academy. Funny, 'cause I'm in the same class.]

[Wow, seriously? I'm a second-year student and haven't even exchanged a word with Moon Soorin. Tomorrow, I'm marching my ass to Class A to teach that punk a lesson!]

[Wait, isn't Lee Hoyeon the one with those flashy golden eyes in that one-on-one fight video? Looked pretty damn tough, if you ask me.]

[This message has been deleted.]

[LMFAO He swiftly wiped it clean and vanished into thin air. Coward!]

During the previous exam, Lee Hoyeon managed to defeat the level 7 Scrap Golem, catching the attention of the professors and Alice. However, most of the students remained oblivious to his existence. Despite the upload of a 1-on-1 duel video against Lucy, not many could connect it to Lee Hoyeon.

[I heard Lee Hoyeon effortlessly took down a level 5 virtual monster during today's training and went on to knock out the level 7 Scrap Golem.]

[What? How the hell did a measly level 5 end up in Class A?]

[Well, even if he didn't actually reach that level, apparently he's cozying up to the chairman's precious granddaughter. As if anything could stand in his way.]

[Ah, isn't life just so unfair? Haha! He's got the looks, the talent, and he acts like he couldn't care less. Seriously.]

[But you know what's truly infuriating? It's the fact that he's dating Moon Soorin. Un-freaking-believable.]

[Yeah, that lucky bastard is living the dream.]

The most surprised individuals were the freshmen in Class A. One of them blurted out, "Hey, did you see EveryDay? They're saying Lee Hoyeon is actually dating the Student Council President."

"What? Is that even real?"

Within the confines of Class A, one frustrated guy couldn't contain his agitation from the morning.

"I mean, seriously, what's so special about Lee Hoyeon that he's dating Moon Soorin?"

"Do you seriously not know? With a face like that, he could coast through life solely on his looks."


The brutal truth delivered by a female student left the guys speechless.

Considering it was early in the semester, there weren't many noteworthy incidents to stir up conversation. So, naturally, all the attention shifted to the scandal involving Lee Hoyeon and the Student Council President, Moon Soorin.

Of course, there was no official confirmation about their relationship, but Lee Hoyeon's name had spread like wildfire throughout Victoria Academy.

And then…

Lee Hoyeon, the epicenter of all the commotion, strolled right into the classroom.



Today, it was just theory classes scheduled without any sparring sessions. So, I went all out in magical training until late last night. I had already finished reading the theory textbook once and skimmed through the major papers, so I figured it was time to take a break from theory for a while.

"Ugh, so tired…"

Waking up in the dormitory had become a routine by now.

As I pulled back the curtains, the unpleasant morning sunlight embraced my body. Since it was a no-shower morning, I tied up my hair, washed my face, and splashed some water on myself.

I quickly threw on my student uniform and headed out of the dormitory. Being back in college still had that exciting feel to it. At least for now.

On my way to the academy, I noticed some strange glances directed my way. Those guys sneaking looks from the corner. It felt like they were staring at me, but maybe it was just my imagination.

"Lee Hoyeon… murmurs and whispers…"

"…I'm going to kill…"

I couldn't quite catch what they were saying from a distance, but it seemed like my name was being whispered. Could it be because of that 1-on-1 video that Moon Soorin mentioned yesterday?

Feeling an uneasy sense of suspicion, I hastened my pace and made my way to the first-year classroom building.


The moment I stepped into Class A, all eyes turned in my direction. They didn't just glance away—they kept on staring.

What's the deal? Why is everyone acting like this?

It felt eerie, with over 30 people silently drilling holes into my soul.

Should I turn back and make a swift exit?

I was seriously contemplating it when Kim Yeonghan broke the silence and greeted me, "Morning!"

"Uh, morning. What's with the atmosphere? Is something going on?"

"It's all because of you, buddy. You're the scandal guy."

Scandal guy?

I briefly pondered what that could mean. Then, the incident with Moon Soorin from yesterday flooded my mind.

"Wait, is this about that photo of me with Noona, uh, I mean, the prez?"

"Haha yeah. Thanks to that one photo, the academy is in complete chaos. Are you really dating her?"

Hmm, what would happen if I claimed we were dating right here? The best-case scenario would be actually dating Moon Soorin. But my goal isn't to be in a relationship with her. It's all about winning over and seducing all the heroines.

The worst-case scenario would be failing to date Moon Soorin and losing her favorability. Maybe it's best to play it safe and act like nothing happened.

"No, we just happened to bump into each other at the cafe. We found out we both liked the same drink, so we exchanged a few words, that's all."

"Just because you have the same favorite drink, you ended up hanging out together?"

"We've known each other for a while."

"Really? That's a relief."

Though there was still a hint of unease in Kim Yeonghan's expression, what could I do? I was the one in the picture.

He continued chatting with other students, "See? I told you it wasn't a big deal."

"Yeah, yeah~ I heard you were making a fuss about leaving her fan club."

"Can you just drop it?!"

Navigating through the lively classroom, I took my seat. With some time before the class started, I pulled out my smartphone and noticed a new message on the screen.

[Hoyeon, you're not actually dating the Student Council President, right??]

The sender was Lumi. I glanced at her, who seemed to be engrossed in a lively conversation with Lucy, as if she had no knowledge of it.

[No, I'm not.]

[Really? Phew.]

People might assume we're already dating. Since I didn't feel the need to reply, I ended the conversation.

"Well, good morning."

Just then, Kim Jinhyuk, our assigned professor, entered the classroom, sporting his usual salt-and-pepper hair and a black suit.

"Good morning, everyone. Today, I have an announcement. Starting next week, freshmen will be allowed to participate in club activities. You'll need to choose at least one club of interest and submit your selection by next Friday…"

After the mundane announcement concluded, everyone busied themselves with preparing for the morning class.

"The next class is Mana Research. Ugh, sounds boring…"

"Why? I'm actually looking forward to it. They say it's the most practical class in the academy."

Although Mana Research fell under theory classes, it emphasized practical applications. It taught various skills essential for active hunters. I was genuinely excited about the class.


While I should be focusing on seducing heroines, I realized I had been giving too much attention to the academy lately.

I had plans to date with Lumi over the weekend. As for Nam Daeun and Alice, I could only begin the pursuit after excelling in written or practical exams. Moon Soorin belonged to a different grade, and I intended to meet the remaining heroines during the weekend.

That left me with Lucy as the only heroine I could approach at the moment.

Glancing around the classroom, Lucy was packing her belongings alongside Lumi, getting ready for the Mana Research class.

★ Heroine Status Window ★


[Affection: 27]

[Lust: 5]

[Appetite: 40]

[Fatigue: 20]


★ Heroine Status Window ★


[Affection: 35]

[Lust: 30]

[Appetite: 15]

[Fatigue: 40]

Their affection levels weren't bad.

Should I strike up a conversation? Since Lumi and I were in the same group, I could use that as an excuse to start talking.

"Hey, Lumi, did you show our picture to the professor?"

"Oh, Hoyeon, yeah. I sent it right away."

"You two seem pretty chummy, huh?"

Lucy chimed in with a slightly snarky tone. It was quite sharp, considering her affection points were at 27.

Lucy tended to be overly critical when it came to Lumi's friends. Little did she know that it was partly because of her that Lumi had difficulty making friends. Lumi, being the kind-hearted person she was, didn't voice her frustrations, resulting in an unfortunate cycle.

"Well, hello there, Lucy. Since Lumi and I are in the same group, I figured we should at least get along."

"Well, you're not a bad person. But don't get too cozy in private, got it?"

"Haha, as if that would ever happen…"


"What's the matter, Lumi? Why are you suddenly so quiet? It's not like you two have a weekend date or something, right?"

"N-No, it's not like that."


Lumi's eyes looked lost and flickered uncontrollably. It appeared that lying wasn't her strong suit.


"I think we did a decent job on the assignment, so I'll head out. See you next time, Lumi. And bye, Lucy!"

In situations like this, it's best to make a quick exit. After all, I'm Lee Hoyeon, the so-called "bad boy."

"Hey, come here, Lee Hoyeon. What have you done to my innocent sister?"

"Lucy, hold on. Let me explain. You can't use magic here!"

Wasn't the bad boy type exactly what she was into?!