
Adult Academy Game : I'm Trapped

If I don't steal the hearts of sexy heroines of this game... Then I'm gonna go fucking mad....

WangJing · Politique et sciences sociales
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31 Chs

Date with Lumi

Sunday morning rolled around. I reluctantly peeled myself out of bed, stretching out my tired limbs and shaking off drowsiness from my body.

Today, I had plans to meet up with Lumi and watch the special edition of the Idol Party movie. Frankly, I had absolutely no idea what this whole idol party thing was about or why it was even popular. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

But if I was going to sit through this movie, I figured I should do some research. It's the least I could do, especially for Lumi's sake.

So, I fired up my browser and searched for "Idol Party."

"What the heck is this Idol Party thing?"

As it turned out, it's a story about a bunch of students from a struggling school who formed their own idol group and miraculously revived their school.

Sounds like some sort of anime plot, I mean, seriously, who comes up with this stuff?

Thanks to my little investigation, I also stumbled upon terms like limited editions and gacha.

Those otakus were on a whole other level when it came to their favorite anime. Just to be safe and avoid any potential slip-ups, I randomly picked a character and declared her as my ultimate favorite. I went all in, delving into her personal profile. From her songs and dance routines to her preferred hairstyles, I memorized every detail.

"If this doesn't qualify me as a bona fide otaku, I don't know what will."

And just like that, I had successfully completed my otaku transformation.

Checking the time, I realized it was time to leave. With all my preparations complete, I donned my coat and left the dormitory.

Thankfully, the movie theater where we planned to meet was conveniently close to the academy, so I arrived in no time. Scanning the surroundings, it seemed like Lumi hadn't made it there yet.

[Subquest received]

[A memorable first date!]

[Your first date partner is Lumi!]

[Lumi is really excited about her first private outing with a friend!]

[Create an unforgettable memory for Lumi]

[Reward: Random stat increase by 2]

"Oh, a quest appeared."

An unforgettable memory? It sounds like quite a challenge.

After accepting the quest, I found a suitable bench and sat down, idly passing the time. Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind.

Come to think of it, when was the last time I went on a date with a girl?

Suddenly, a surge of nervousness engulfed me. I hadn't given it much thought before, but now that I was aware of it, the tension crept in. My heart started pounding, as if racing faster than usual.

"I suppose this might come in handy."

I took out a pill of cheongsimhwan, given to me by the eccentric old pharmacist. I swallowed it down with a gulp of water.

"What did you eat?"

"Khhk, Khohok!!"

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, because of me!"

"No, no, it's alright."

Lumi arrived wearing a bright dress, with her long black hair tied up in a red ribbon. It was the first time I had seen her in casual clothes, and honestly, I was excited.

The combination of an innocent charm and a petite figure with her undeniable volume created an impression that was both elegant and adorable. It was clear that she had put a lot of effort into her appearance.

"But what did you eat? Candy?"

"I took cheongsimhwan. I was feeling nervous."

"What's cheongsimhwan?"

"Well, it's a pill that's supposed to help relieve tension and lower body temperature. I took it because I was nervous about our date."

As Lumi listened to me, her face turned increasingly reddish, and she lowered her head.

"Yeah, yeah, a date? Um, I… I think it's better to take things slowly, one step at a time… It's not that I don't like you, Hoyeon, of course, I do… I like you… but…."

She crossed her fingers frantically, trying to figure out what to do, and it was incredibly cute.

"It was a joke, but did you really want to go on a date?"

"Huh? No, uhh… don't tease me."

Lumi looked at me, realizing she was being teased. I should have held back my laughter.

"Let's head inside quickly. Even if there's plenty of seating, we should still get popcorn, just in case."

"Yes, let's go!"

We entered the movie theater.

As I approached the self-service ticket machine to purchase our tickets, my eyes caught sight of a poster plastered next to it.

[Couples using the couple seats will receive an additional gift of an image board and a photo card!]

In no time, Lumi's attention was captivated by the eye-catching poster.


She let out a strange exclamation, darting her gaze between the poster and the ticket machine. Then, she turned her head towards me, a glimmer in her eyes. No words were necessary to understand what she had in mind.

Well, since I had decided to play the otaku role, I might as well go with the flow.

"Lumi, how about trying out the couple seats? They come with an image board and a photo card."

"Oh, yes! Let's go for the couple seats!"

Just like that, the mere thought of sitting in the couple seats ignited an extra burst of excitement within us.

Could they really be that amazing?

Regardless, we secured our couple seat tickets and indulged in a popcorn purchase before venturing further into the theater.

"Are we the only couple here?"

"Seems like it…"

To our surprise, all the couple seats, lined up in a row of about ten, were occupied by same-sex couples.

What's the deal with those strange glow sticks they're carrying anyway? And why are glow sticks even a thing in a movie theater? And why is Lumi looking at them and radiating excitement from her eyes?


"Sniff, sniff…"

"Don't cry…"

Lumi seemed genuinely passionate about the Idol Party.

When she found out it was the final installment in the series, she started sniffling and shedding tears about ten minutes before it ended, and she continued to do so as we left the theater.

"Here, take my card. So stop crying."

I handed her the couple seat card, along with the standard perks of a poster and a coupon that could be used in the game.

"Hoyeon, you shouldn't just give away something so valuable!"

"Just accept it when it's offered. Or you don't want it?"

"I'm sorry… Um, yes I really want them… Sniff…"

Even while crying, Lumi made sure to take what she wanted. She was like an adorable puppy. If I had more money, I would have bought her even more, but after donating to the orphanage, I was really short on cash.

"Let's go grab lunch together. I'm starving."

"Yes! I'll treat you to a fantastic tteokbokki place! Let's go!"

Tteokbokki again. Well, I don't mind tteokbokki.

"Here it is! Right here~!"

Lumi eagerly rushed toward the spot she was pointing at. It turned out to be a place called Yukjeon Grandpa Soju, famous for their delicious tteokbokki.

"Lumi, this doesn't really look like a tteokbokki place. Looks more like a bar, doesn't it?"

"They say their tteokbokki here is incredibly delicious. It's well-known even on EveryDay!"

"Really? I guess so."

I entered the establishment together with Lumi.


"Welcome~ Are you two together?"


"I'll show you to your table over there."

We were led to a cozy corner table for two.

"We'll have the chadol gopchang tteokbokki, please!"

"Got it. Your order is placed."

"Is their tteokbokki really that famous?"

"Yes! It was all the rage on EveryDay. I wanted to try it myself, but Lucy doesn't really like tteokbokki…"

Ah, Lumi couldn't come alone because she didn't have any friends. I remember struggling to dine alone in the past, but once you got used to it, it became quite comfortable.

Come to think of it, can you enter a place like this alone since it's a bar?

"Lumi, is there something you've always wanted to do?"

"W-Why are you suddenly asking that?"

Lumi's innocent gaze was a bit overwhelming. I wanted to tell her that I would create an unforgettable memory for her, but it felt almost criminal to say those words.

"Well, just something you've always wanted to do but haven't had the chance. It would be nice to do it together now, don't you think?"

"Ahh, Hoyeon, you're so kind… But to be honest, I'm already so happy!"

Phew, that's enough. She's too kind and pure-hearted for me to say those words out loud.

"Your tteokbokki is ready!"

As the server brought us the tteokbokki, the conversation naturally shifted in that direction.

"Wow, they even added brisket and giblets to the tteokbokki!"

Lumi used her chopsticks to cram the brisket, giblets, and rice cake into her mouth all at once.


She shook her head vigorously from side to side, just like a dog shaking off water.

Why does she remind me of a puppy? She doesn't look like one, but her actions are so puppy-like.

Watching her wagging tail was oddly amusing. Doesn't she get dizzy from all that shaking?

My curiosity got the better of me, so I decided to take a bite.

"Wow, this is really delicious!"

"That's right! It's so yummy!"

The chewy and savory giblets, the marinated marbled brisket with that mouthwatering grill aroma, and the delightful chewy rice cakes. It's a truly heavenly combination.

"This makes me crave a drink."


"Yeah, alcohol. Having a glass of soju here would be perfect."

"Should we order some drinks, then…?"

"I'm good. Lumi, can you handle alcohol?"

"Um, I've never tried it before. Hehe."

I found it. A potential unforgettable memory. Can it really be unforgettable if it's the first time she's trying alcohol? It's a bit questionable to introduce such an innocent person to it, but someday she'll have to learn. If she ever ends up in trouble with the wrong crowd, I'll be there to protect her.

"Are you sure? Then let's try it together this time."

"Yes! Sounds like fun!"


"Boss! Can we have two bottles of soju, please?"

"Yes, coming right up!"

Wait, isn't soju too strong for someone trying it for the first time?

"Boss, make it one bottle of grapefruit soju."

I recalled hearing that women enjoy fruit-flavored soju. So, I switched one bottle to grapefruit flavor.

The soju and glasses arrived, and I poured some for Lumi as well. Surprisingly, she handed me a glass too. It feels odd to receive alcohol from such a beautiful woman.

Instead of looking at the dull faces of the men around, I found myself sneakily glancing at the girl's blossom in front of me. It was truly overwhelming.

"Now, let's say 'cheers' and down it with a shot glass. Cheers!"


Chug, chug.


Drinking alcohol for the first time after being transported to this world. It had been a while, but it tasted too bitter. Maybe it's because Hoyeon's body never had alcohol before.

Lumi, on the other hand, couldn't finish her glass.

"Ugh, it's too bitter…"

"Have some tteokbokki first, and drink this one. Here, I'll pour it for you."

"Okay… but this is too bitter for me to drink…"

"Oh, let me…"

I took Lumi's glass and drank the remaining half shot of soju.

"Um, I still wanted to drink that…"

"Oh, sorry. Since you said you couldn't drink it, I didn't want it to go to waste."

"It's… it's alright."


Lumi's cheeks turned red as she picked at the tteokbokki and brought it to her mouth.

"Ahem, want a taste of grapefruit soju? It's really delicious."

You know, when things get a little awkward, one more drink usually smooths it all out.

"Sure, pour me a glass."

Lumi stared at the bottle and the shot glass with intense concentration, as if she were a general preparing for battle. She was making a big deal out of having a glass of soju.

She went for the grapefruit soju, while I stuck with the regular one. We raised our glasses for another toast.


Chug, chug.

"Hmm, still a bit bitter, but it's not bad because of the sweetness."

Good call on ordering this one.

"But Hoyeon, they say people get drunk when they drink alcohol. When will I start feeling drunk?"

"It varies for everyone. Don't you notice any change in your mood or a warm sensation in your face?"

"Um… I don't think I'm feeling anything like that…"

Lumi placed her hand on her forehead, mumbling softly. Based on her already twisted tongue, it looked like she might be feeling it already.

"I think I've been handling the alcohol well, but let's have another!"

"Don't you think you should slow down a bit?"




"I did tell you to take it slow."

"Ugh… My head hurts…"

"There, there…"

As we walked away from the bar, I gently patted Lumi's back on the street. She ended up completely gone after downing five consecutive glasses.

Normally, when the alcohol is this weak, you should at least feel some warmth in your face or a headache. Is it the inevitable fate of a heroine to get drunk easily?

"I'm so sleepy…"

"No, if you fall asleep here, it'll be troublesome. Lumi, Lumi?"


I slipped my arm through Lumi's armpit and helped her up. No matter how much I shook her, she didn't seem to have any intention of getting up.


"She's completely out of it…"

I couldn't just leave her here now she's completely passed out.

What should I do?


A brightly lit sign caught my eye in front of a building.

[Grand Motel]

There's no other choice. Yeah. There's really no other choice. It's just how it is. Really.

I'm really sorry for being late for literal 3 days!!

Enjoy new chapte :)

WangJingcreators' thoughts