
Adult Academy Game : I'm Trapped

If I don't steal the hearts of sexy heroines of this game... Then I'm gonna go fucking mad....

WangJing · Politique et sciences sociales
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31 Chs

Baek Ahyeong

"I'm such an idiot."

It wasn't until Saturday morning that it hit me like a splash of cold water on a hot summer day—my moment of clarity. I couldn't help but feel frustrated with myself.

How did I fall into such a silly beauty trap?

But what's done is done. On the bright side, I did manage to make a connection with a professor. If I put in some extra studying and do well, it might turn out to be quite beneficial.


Usually, weekends are a time for no regular classes. Most students take a break, do some extra training, or hang out with friends. But not me. I've got a whole bunch of things on my plate today.

First up, I need to visit the black market, and then swing by the orphanage. Oh, and I almost forgot—I have a date with Lumi tomorrow.

"So much to do."

Yep, it's a bit of a complicated situation. In times like these, I should get organized.



1. Get stronger (for my own safety)

2. Woo the heroines (because surviving is important, too)

In the grand scheme of things, I've got two main goals. Charming the heroines is important, but I can't neglect my own personal strength either.

Right now, I should focus on coming up with a strategy to win over the heroines this weekend.

I've been putting in the hard work with my training all last week, and there's still plenty of time before any life-threatening situations come up.

"Oh, and I need to make some cash. What's the plan?"

Should I try selling information? But then again, who would I sell it to? I could go through the Information Guild, but those sly folks won't trust my info if they don't think the source is reliable.

Or maybe I should give gambling a shot, but I'm not exactly thrilled about taking that risk.

"I'll just have to buckle down and aim for a scholarship. First things first, time to get going."

If I want to avoid the dropout ending, I need to give it my all.

With my thoughts briefly organized, I headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day ahead.


Commercial area near the academy.

In contrast to the bustling infrastructure in the central area, the alleyways between buildings were nothing short of dim and gloomy.

"I wonder where I am…"

I pieced together the bits of information I had gathered from the game—the location of the large buildings, the position and angle of the shadows depicted in the game, and even the appearance of every utility pole. I had them all memorized to a T, allowing me to find the place I was looking for.


"Found it."

An alley tucked between Building 23 and Building 24.

A bunch of doors that wouldn't budge, except for one. It disguised itself as some night-only bar, but in reality, it was a shady spot to get your hands on black market passes.

Even in broad daylight, the joint oozed a nighttime vibe. A single dim light reluctantly tried to brighten up the dark pit.

Squeak, squeak.

Behind the counter, there was an old man with his snow-white hair busy polishing glasses. He spared me a quick glance, followed by a heavy sigh.

"Well, looks like all sorts of little brats are crawling out these days. Listen, I don't know where you heard about this place, but if you don't wanna see some nasty shit, you better turn around."

Ignoring the old man's words of wisdom, I plunked myself down at the bar and ordered a cocktail.

"Whatever, just give me any cocktail. Make it as strong as you can."

I placed 1.5 million won in cold, hard cash on the counter—money I had prepared in advance.

The old man glanced at the money, poured a cocktail without a word, and promptly pocketed the cash before retreating into the kitchen. And what do you know, underneath the cocktail glass, there was a small coin.

"What a useless method."

I pocketed the coin, bid farewell to the bar, and strutted my way out onto the street. In just an instant, the atmosphere underwent a complete transformation, morphing into a vibrant and lively ambiance. At its heart, stood Samro Department Store. I made my way toward the emergency staircase there.

The side door leading underground bore a sign that read, "Restricted access for authorized personnel only." I brushed it off, swung the door open, and descended into the depths.

At the entrance of the underground shopping area, two bulky men were obstructing the way. A simple flash of the coin made them shuffle aside. The area inside reeked of something putrid, and every shop lining the passage was desperate for customers, flinging their doors open wide.

Where is it? Where's the pharmacy?

The place I had come to find was a "pharmacy." Obviously, I wasn't here to buy cold medicine.

"There it is."

It was a decrepit pharmacy with a shabby sign that looked like it could crumble any moment. I recalled hearing that this was the only place in the black market that dared to call itself a pharmacy.

Creak… Ding…

As I pushed open the glass door, a pharmacist in a white coat greeted me.

"Oh, it's been ages since we had a customer. Welcome, what can I do for you?"

"Uh, I need some… aphrodisiacs…"

"Oh, you've come to the wrong place, my friend. We might deal with sleeping pills or narcotics, but we don't mess with that kind of medicine. If you get caught with anything other than that, it's game over!"

"I'm well aware of that. I just came to see what kind of stuff you have today."

"Well, we do love making money. We'd be happy to sell all sorts of medicine, but dealing with restricted drugs is a real pain, and the profit margins aren't great… This place specializes in narcotics, you see."

"I see. Anyway, I was referred here by Park Hyun-seok. I just came to see what you have today, that's all."

"Ah, you should have said that earlier, you damn brat! Haha! A sec."


Click. Click.

The pharmacist spat on the floor and pulled out a cigarette from his pocket. He bit the end, lit it, and took a drag.

"Phew, hits the spot."

It was quite a surprising reaction. By the way, Park Hyun-seok was an extra who ended up getting busted while using narcotics later on.

"Apologize for the misunderstanding. We've been seeing a lot of undercover customers from the association, so I've been a bit rude. Take these as an apology."

He extended a box of cigarettes from one pocket and a small cheongsimhwan—a traditional herbal medicine—from the other.

Is he offering it to me to relax?

"It's a 'sample.' It's about a 3rd level out of 10, so give it a try and see how it goes."

I didn't need to ask what level it was. I had a pretty good idea.

"And how much does it cost?"

"It's 300,000 won for one pill. The better ones are pricier, but once you try it, you won't feel like it's a waste of money."

Since it's a sample, I might as well take it. Freebies are always nice.

"Judging by your face, it doesn't seem like you're in a situation where you'd need a non-consensual sexual encounter, so I gave you that. We have discreet powdered pills and various other forms… Wanna see?"

"No, I'll just take this."

"Alright, considering you came to a place like this, I thought you were a desperate soul, but surprisingly, you're a polite young man. If that's the case, I apologize for my earlier insults."


What kind of nonsense is he suddenly spouting? Does he have anger management issues or something?

"Now, take these too as a bonus."

"No, I mean, it's just a sample, right? you're giving me a whole pack?"

"What? These are genuine cheongsimhwan. It helps you relax and brings peace to your mind when you take it."



This old man is seriously off his rocker, I swear.

Well, both the cheongsimhwan or the sample, I don't know when I'll get a chance to use them, but it doesn't hurt to take them.

"Catch you later, kid. Those who try the sample always come back."

Leaving behind the cryptic pharmacist, I walked out of the black market.

"It feels a bit unsettling."

Even though I didn't want to go back to that place, you never know what life had in store. It might be a good idea to establish a bit of a connection with the pharmacist, even if it's just a quick chat.

Next up was the orphanage. I was actually going to volunteer there.

The gate that was appeared in the heart of Gangnam, Seoul, caused significant loss of life and assets before disappearing. The urban area turned into a desolate wasteland, and in its place, Victoria Academy was established.

Being located in central Seoul, the surrounding commercial area was already thriving, and there were plenty of facilities like orphanages and also shantytowns on the outskirts.

I was heading to Sunshine Orphanage. It was a place that took care of kids who lost their parents during hunter missions in those gates or dungeons. The heroine, Baek Ahyeong, volunteered there on weekends.

On my way, I stopped by a convenience store and grabbed a few snacks that kids would enjoy. I also called ahead to let them know I'd be coming.

I changed out of the clothes I wore to the black market and put on the Victoria Academy uniform.

The building was fenced with white walls. I opened the front gate and rang the doorbell.

"What brings you here?"

A lady who looked like a daycare teacher came out. Maybe because I had my uniform on, she didn't seem suspicious at all.

"Hey there, I'm the person who called earlier. Um, I want to personally make a donation."

"Oh! You're Lee Hoyeon, right? Welcome."

The inside of the orphanage was well-organized. It wasn't a huge place, but the kids and the daycare teacher had such bright smiles that it created a pleasant atmosphere.

"The director's office is this way. Please go inside."


Knock, knock.

"Come in~"

As I opened the door and stepped inside, a friendly-looking guy was sitting in the director's office.

"Welcome. Ah, Hoyeon, right? Your voice sounded young. Are you a student at Victoria Academy?"

"Yes, that's me. As I mentioned on the phone, I don't have much, but I want to make a personal donation. And whenever I have some free time, I'd love to join in on volunteer activities."

"We really appreciate that. Donations have been slowing down lately, so thank you so much. How about a cup of tea?"

"Tea sounds good. By any chance, could I meet the kids right away? I want to know them."

"Well, it's not something we usually allow for outsiders… But it just so happens that we have someone here, and since you're a student at Victoria Academy, we trust you. Follow me."


Volunteering at an orphanage isn't a walk in the park. If you bail halfway through taking care of the kids, it can really mess them up emotionally, not to mention the risks of crimes against children.

It's not easy to determine if someone is trustworthy at first glance. But this time, thanks to the Victoria Academy uniform, I managed to breeze through, so lucky me.

"Guess what? We also have a famous hunter volunteering here. Kids, meet our new friend!"

The children playing in the orphanage's courtyard turned their attention towards us. Among them, Baek Ahyeong gave me a curious look, like, "Who's that?" It seems like I'm pretty popular among the kids.

"Hello, kids!"

Summoning my courage, I greeted them, but their response was less than enthusiastic. Maybe they're not at an age where they're easily impressed by someone in a Victoria Academy uniform just yet.


[Subquest Received]

[A Passionate Spirit of Volunteering!]

[Baek Ahyeong is seeking someone who genuinely enjoys helping others, just like herself!]

[Successfully complete volunteer work with Baek Ahyeong and win her affection!]

[Reward: Random stat boost of 2]


Anticipating this, I came prepared with a secret skill.

"Hehe, looks like the kids still find you a bit awkward. That's how it usually goes at first."

"Don't worry. Hey, kids, want to see something cool?"


Three fireballs ignited in my hand. Even the hesitant kids were suddenly captivated, directing their attention towards me.

"Alright, here we go!"

I tossed one fireball from my left hand upward, simultaneously threw the one from my right hand, and caught the one I had just thrown. Then, I repeated the process, juggling the fireballs flawlessly.

"Wow… awesome!"

"Whoa! That's amazing!"

"Hey, can't you do it with four?"

I had practiced juggling for about 30 minutes in the morning to master the fireball trick. It wasn't too difficult since I could control them with mana and catch them if they slipped from my grasp. The positive reactions from the children made me feel even better about it.

"Hey, who wants some snacks? I brought some."


The sun had already begun to set, casting a warm glow. The kids were tired and resting indoors.

"You did great, Hoyeon."

"No, you worked even harder, Ahyeong."

"Haha, coming from the person who spent over an hour juggling fireballs, it's not something you should say."

[Subquest Complete!]

Baek Ahyeong and I sat down on a sofa inside the orphanage building, taking a moment to relax. Playing with the kids had naturally brought us closer.

"Why did you decide to volunteer, Hoyeon? I heard you also make donations. You're a student, do you have enough to donate?"

Baek Ahyeong had a kind-hearted nature, and her motivation for volunteering came from a genuine desire to help. Because of this, she felt a connection with those who shared her spirit.

"I'm dividing the support funds from the academy, and I've been interested in volunteering for a long time."

"But the funds don't amount to much, and being a student at Victoria Academy, don't you find it hard to make time for studying, let alone volunteering?"

"You're quite blunt, haha… I feel weird for some reason. What are you trying to do by taking an interest in a student like me? Isn't this a crime?"

"I graduated from the academy not too long ago, you know?"

"I was just joking. Just kidding."

"Hoyeon, you're truly fascinating. Other volunteers I've met at the orphanage tend to lose interest in the kids when they see me, but you genuinely care about them more than me."

Naturally, I had an ulterior motive. I had seen it in the game, and the quest provided hints. Baek Ahyeong sought someone who volunteered with a pure spirit and found joy in doing so, just like her. While I wasn't that person, I could play the role if I knew the conditions.

We had developed a certain level of closeness, and it was time to play the emotional card. I pretended to wipe my eyes, giving them a dry and reddish appearance.

"To be honest, I'm an orphan too. I lost my parents in a gate incident."

"Oh, that's why you came to Sunshine Orphanage… I'm sorry. It must be painful for you, and here I was only thinking about myself while joking around."

"I don't remember much about it. It's alright."

I continued the conversation with the saddest expression I could muster.

"I also grew up in an orphanage, just like this place. I did everything I could to survive and eventually got admitted to Victoria Academy. I thought things would get better once I got in, but life had other plans."

"… "

"It was tough, not only financially but also emotionally. I couldn't laugh when others laughed, constantly worried about my balance every time I ordered a drink at a cafe, and even endured drinking only water for a while after eating an expensive meal with friends. Well, I suppose it all comes down to money in the end. Anyway, I don't want these kids to experience those kinds of emotions."

As I acted out the scene, it felt like a story that could bring tears to my eyes. According to the setting, Lee Hoyeon's parents had indeed died at the gates, and he truly was an orphan. It was likely that he also came from an orphanage, although I wasn't certain which one.

"These kids… They deserve better."

With a faint smile, I delivered the final line, tugging at her heartstrings. Moisture began to well up in Baek Ahyeong's eyes, adding warmth to her gaze as she looked at me.

"Hoyeon… don't worry. Everything will work out. I will definitely help you."


★ Heroine Status Window

[Baek Ahyeong]

[Affection: 50]

[Lust: 30]

[Appetite: 20]

[Fatigue: 70]

Current Status: Feeling extremely happy about the connection with her junior.

Damn girl, we just met today, and your affection is already at 50. This number makes it worth the act.

"It's getting late. You look tired too, Ahyeong. Shall we call it a day?"

"Yes. By the way, Hoyeon, I heard you're a freshman, right?"

"I am."

"Well, I'll see you soon then. Hehe…"

"Really? What do you mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing~ See you next time!"

Giggling, she cheerfully left the orphanage.

Of course, I knew when we would meet again. The Hunter Association would send support during the upcoming dungeon training. It was only natural for Baek Ahyeong, a healing-type hunter affiliated with the association, to provide assistance.

"Should I go as well?"

I left the orphanage. I didn't realize playing with the kids would be this exhausting.

Maybe I should just send money and skip the volunteering part next time.

"Big bro! Take care!"

"Oppa! Show us five next time!"

When I turned around, two kids who had been following me diligently waved their hands at me.

"You got it! See you next time!"

Well, I don't want to raise any suspicions with Baek Ahyeong. Maybe I should come a few more times.