

Liliana Wilson. An extraordinary fashion designer with a brand to her name - petals. she is smart, confident, hard working, loving, famous and married to the love of her life. But it wasn't always like that. How was she able transform her life from that of a maid to a billionaire?. How did she meet the love of her life?. Why does she put up that confident look in face of challenges?. Read to find out

Queen_Ruby · Urbain
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Remember I

Breakfast had been wonderful although I had lost my appetite the moment the bacon was passed to me. This was quite unusual because I actually really love bacon. I didn't want anyone to notice so I forced myself to have one pancake and an apple. I was beginning to feel quite nauseous so, immediately I was done, I thanked everyone for joining me and headed for the back porch to get some air. Taking a few deep breaths helped erase the nauseous feeling so I decided to get some work done. I instructed Maria to get me my draft folder and journals ; where I had some designs we were working on in the office to release in six weeks. I also asked for my laptop and some water. She brought everything to me with a bottle of water. I informed her that I wanted to get some work done so except the house was on fire I didn't want to be disturbed. I sat on one of the comfortable reclining chair that overlooked the pool at the back porch.

I began checking the journals. It was a beautiful day. The skies was clear and the birds seemed to be having fun. I was finding it hard to concentrate. I breathed out heavily, closed the journals and took a sip of the water. I closed my eyes and remembered how happy everyone was at the table, how I was the owner of one of the world's largest fashion houses, how I was married to the Alexander Wilson . But as good and natural as it seemed it wasn't always like that . This beautiful story started seven years ago.