

Liliana Wilson. An extraordinary fashion designer with a brand to her name - petals. she is smart, confident, hard working, loving, famous and married to the love of her life. But it wasn't always like that. How was she able transform her life from that of a maid to a billionaire?. How did she meet the love of her life?. Why does she put up that confident look in face of challenges?. Read to find out

Queen_Ruby · Urbain
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14 Chs



That's one word that still confuses me. Sometimes when I look back , I realise how far I've come through that word.


"madam" called my reliable assistant, Sally.

"yes Sally". I replied with my eyebrows raised in anticipation for the information she was about to relay.

"He's here". Those words caused a bright smile to surface on my lovely black lips. When I look back on how much he's made my life worth happiness, it only seems to broaden my smile. I quickly pack up my laptop and a few account documents that were delivered to me about two hours ago. I would have to take care of them at home. I practically skipped to my private elevator, punching in the floor of the indoor parking lot. Soon ( although it could have been sooner) I heard the elevator door ding open . I walked into the parking lot frantically looking around until I spotted it. The vintage black mercedes . It was quite obvious he heard my footsteps because he immediately look up from his phone . He froze, assessing my body from my hairdo to my shoes, his eyes showing how impressed he was - I mean- I own a fashion brand ; I have to dress nicely. I couldn't wait any longer, I ran into his arms kissing him in the process. He chuckled deeply. " I miss you too, love" . I couldn't let this man go, that's just how much he owned my heart. I was his.