
Chapter 10: Love

"Well, she has four brothers, one of them she doesn't talk about so much and a little sister. You met only two from her brothers, and the other one, you don't need to worry about him. He only cares about himself and doesn't even like her." She says, I keep writing everything down on a small paper. So if I did anything to her, only two from her brothers would be against me, and her father.

"Now the daddy. Her father is a dangerous and mysterious man. Even his daughter doesn't know his job; he doesn't tell anyone about anything..... oh, and be careful he has weapons."

"He keeps it at home? What kind of weapons?"

"Yes, in his office. And I can't tell you what kind." She points her head down.

"Why?" I yell. I have to know every little detail about her. I need to know....

"It is a secret. Sorry but I promised her." She reasons. Wow, this is the first time I know that my sister is loyal, unlike her father.

"Are you being serious now?" I take a deep breath to calm myself. She nods. I immediately get out my gun, and she runs while laughing at the moment she realizes it is a gun. It is empty. Of course, I won't hurt my sister, never.

Now I have to get near her to be able to take the necklace. Maybe be her boyfriend... but her father is strict, so he won't agree. I know how to get close to her.

"Is Mason inside?" I hear Noah speaking to my sister behind my office door.

"Yeah, but I think I pissed him off. He got his gun out." Leonor giggles, such an annoying brat.

"Soo... can I get in now, or should I wait?"

"Come in, Noah." I speak, and I hear Leonor's gasp.

"Hi, boss, so about the mission. How are you intending to get closer to that girl?" Naoh doesn't like preliminaries. He always gets to the main subject.

I hate it when someone says 'that girl' she has a name. And soon it will be 'my girl'

"It's none of your business, but I will tell you. Her father is strict and doesn't even let her get out of the house, except for going to school, and obviously, I am not gonna get closer to her at school." I continue before he even could ask. I knew he would ask something like,'What about getting closer to her at school?'

"So what is the plan??.....wait a minute, you are not intending to be her boyfriend!! right?!"

"First, I am gonna take care from this mission, especially this one. So i don't have to tell you my plan. And second, no, I won't make her my girlfriend." Oh man, I have something much better in mind.


Adelina's prov:

I have done all the chores; cleaning the house, doing homework, making food, doing the laundry, and getting the groceries. Thanks to Isabella; she helped me with all the chores while the boys were studying and helping dad with cleaning his office, to be clear only the floor without any of them touching the office. Father says there are important papers on his office, so it is forbidden for us to even look at it.

Now, I have some time to rest and study for school.

When I knew that Leonor's brother is the owner of the school, I said that she is so lucky because she won't need to do her homework or study or even follow the school rules, but when I knew her brother now I feel pity for her. For sure, he loves her, but he doesn't try just a little bit to show her that. I have to help her. She gave me a list of the things that I should never do to him like:

never ask him out; he hates people.

No gifts.

No physical communication.

Don't make him food or share yours. It makes him feel like a kid, and he hates it.

Don't try, I am repeating it again. Never try to make him be a friend with someone. He will probably kill you and me and that person.

Don't ask him anything about dad. You know his relationship with him isn't the best.

And lots more in the text. What a ridiculous thing. How should I get closer to him now?! , but I understand if he doesn't like it, so I am okay with that.

I think a lot, I know and I know how to stop it, Sleeping is the only way, but I have lots of things to do, so I can't.

"Azzy, dinner!" Hugo shouts. This is the only thing he does in this house; gathering us to eat.

"Coming!" I shout back.

I go downstairs to the kitchen and sit on my chair. Everyone here has their own chair, even mom and Diago's chairs are still here, in their place. Dad comes and sits on his.

"How is studying going with you all?" He says while chewing his food.

"Good." Andreas says without looking in his eyes. And Ivan raises his thumb while Hugo is only busy with eating, not bothering himself to answer his father.

"Having some problems with mathematics, but it's okay." Isabella's soft and innocent voice follows Andreas's.

"What about you, Hugo and Adelina?" Father tilts his head while looking at me with a soft look in his eyes. It's been so long since I saw this look; he used to look like this during mother's presence.

"Good, thanks for asking, dad." I say while giving him a little smile, very tiny one. This is the first time I have called him dad for years.

Hugo nods his head without leaving his food. Oh man, just leave the food for a second!!

Father sends me a smile, which is weird for me. He smiles?! There must be something really good to make him smile. This smile made me forget what happened yesterday at school, I am not sad about what Mason did anymore.

If father smiles and becomes nice, then Mason surely will be.

I need to give him another chance, I can try again with him.....as a friend, of course, I don't love him anymore. But this time I will need Leonor's help and his father too; they know a lot of things about him and surely he was nice one day.....maybe one hour....or a minute.

Father keeps talking and laughing unusually. Every meal, we sit in silence focusing on eating only. Not even a word can be heard during eating, but today, this is weird. I am not complaining, I like it.

"Adelina, I have something to tell you, and I hope you have the same opinion as me." Father's voice reaches my ear, and I find it difficult to swallow the food, specifically, chicken. But I give him a nod.

"There is a man who wants to marry you." Father's words make me choke my food.

"What? Who?" I yell.

"I can't tell you. He asked me to keep it till he tells you in person. I asked him if you can continue your studying and education or, you can marry him after you finish it, and he doesn't have a problem with it." I am shock, why?? No, I don't want to marry someone I don't know.

"But father -"

"No buts!! It's not your opinion, it's mine. You are gonna meet him when he is ready. He is suitable for you. You don't deserve someone as wealthy as him." He yells at me, and I feel broken inside. He was just nice and smiling. What happened?!

I stand up and head to my room without finishing my food.

Father is going to sell me to a wealthy man that I don't even know!! I don't want this to happen!

I wish that either me or him die before the marriage, no before I could even meet him. But it isn't his fault, right?! So it's better if I die, I will get an entirety rest from everything and everyone, I am pretty sure that father will like it as he will finally get rid from me as he wanted, but this time, I won't bother anyone else.

Of course, I am not thinking of suicide, am I? I better not. But before I die, I need to help Leonor either to understand her brother and get used to the way he treats people or change him.


I stay in my room for about five hours ,and now I begin to feel pain in my stomach; maybe because I haven't eaten anything since morning and this was the first meal I eat but I haven't finished it. I know I am harming myself and my body. I need to get something to eat without anyone seeing me. My pride...

I sneak to the kitchen and get some pasta and chicken, and go back to my room to eat.

Still thinking of what my father said and that none of my siblings even disagreed, makes me feel pain in my chest and makes it hard to breathe..... but he is my father. I have to obey him... at last, I love him, I can't hate him, I am his daughter..... I love him, right? Yes, I do. Yes.. and he does so... maybe he does... I don't know... but for sure, he does, I am his daughter.