

Follow the journey of Lumiere Addington as he figures out his life after his most unfortunate death. Hopefully, I'll make you laugh and maybe even cry. After a tragic accident, Ethan lost his life. But that was just the beginning of his story. Now he lives in a world full of possibilities.

Oddly_flamboyant · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

The Birdcage

"As Lumiere made his way out of the Hall of Elders, he shut the massive doors behind him. But as he turned to make his way down the corridor, a sudden jolt threw him off balance, and he plummeted down a gaping hole that had appeared beneath him. He landed on a plush, oversized bed in a large circular room. 

"For the love of god, can we stop with the falling? All I've done since entering this world is fall, blackout, and wake up in unknown places. It's like college but with less tequila." 

As he sits on the bed, Aurora phases out of his body.

"you literally have wings. It's not my fault you don't use them. Also, what's tea-key-la? You know what? It doesn't matter. This is the birdcage. It's neither here nor there, almost completely cut off from the rest of the world because it's in its own dimensional space. Any questions yet?"

"oh, only a few hundred. This seems like some advanced quantum physics, and I majored in humanities. I understand this building is neither here nor there, but where does it end? I can see out the windows, but I would assume the larger the space, the harder it is to maintain."

"You have a good mind. It took fae 1000s of years to learn how to work around the spacial pressure, and the last I checked, humans can only maintain medium-sized rooms for two months without a recharge. To answer your question, only the building is in the dimensional space. The view is of the actual world. In fact, we can change it to any place at this moment in time. lookup."

Lumiere raises his head and marvels at the sight of an enormous dome-shaped skylight. He is captivated as he witnesses the sky transform from the warm hues of a sunset to the smoky haze of a battlefield, from the serene beauty of snowfall to the electrifying chaos of thunderstorms.

Aurora looks at Lumiere. She takes a moment to smirk before looking back up.

The sky changes one last time, this time a meteor shower. Lumiere watches in awe as a tear rolls down his face. 

One meteor shines brighter than the rest, but just for a second, going unnoticed, the meteor heads straight to the skylight. Unaware of the meteor heading for them, he keeps watching.

The meteor hits, and the skylight shatters. Glass rains down on them, and fire engulfs the room. The world slows as glass creeps closer and closer to him. he feels a heat inside of him, the same he felt in the forest, only this time, he understands it more. A shard of glass, now centimeters away from his eye, turns to bubbles. Soon, all the other shards turn into bubbles. He blows toward the sky, forcing the flames and bubbles out.

"wow, you're a natural. Sorry for the stress test. I had to see what your affinity for mana manipulation was. I could give you all my knowledge, but then you would be robbed of the joy that is learning. The real question is whether you want a teacher or a thief. Your future depends entirely on your choice. This space is linked to your mind, so ask for anything within reason, and it shall be provided. I need to rest, take care."

Aurora faded away, and Lumiere was left alone in the birdcage. He took his time to really get to know his surroundings.

The room's centerpiece was an enormous bed, measuring ten by twelve feet. It was perfectly positioned in the center of the room, surrounded by twelve windows spaced ten feet apart from each other. About 60 feet up, the dome skylight started. Other than that, the room was empty.

'I did always love playing those simulation world-building games. Ok, so based on what she did to the skylight, I should be able to change the actual room. I just can't exceed a maximum volume.' 

He closes his eyes, and thinks. He sees the room in his mind and he starts rethinking how the room looks. he opens his eyes and frowns.

'Damn, this looks like some geometric abstract painting you would find either at an elementary school show-case or at an auction with someone bidding at least five-hundred-thousand... I need to change how I approach this.'

Lumiere stands in the middle of the room tapping his foot while he thinks, after a few taps he notices a wave of energy washes the room starting from his foot.

'Thats intresting, well this is going to be my home and whats home if not your heart and soul,

Still taping his foot he started singing

"Heart and soul-"

The room starts to spin slowly and Lumiere smiels

"I feel in love with you. Heart and soul, the way a fool would do-"

The room is spinning so fast he can no longer make anyrhing out but he keeps singing


The room stops and is once again empty other than a bed and 12 windows.

"Because you held me tight, and stole a kiss in the night."

The room shakes as a ten foot tall platform emerges from the wall behind the bed to create a loft, with built in bookcases and comfortable sitting areas. He starts a improv tap routine as the rest of the room comes together.

By the end of the song the room looks completely different

-3 hours later-

Aurora reapers to find lumiere sleeping in the large bed.

"what the hell happend here?"