
Add A Little Lightning

Goddess: You have 3 options: 1) Reincarnate with all your memories intact 2) Reincarnate with half your memories and 3 wishes 3) Reincarnate with all your memories wiped and 5 wishes ???: Easy. Option 3.

Lights_Out · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Chapter 25 - Maiden

The food fight, if you still could even consider it as one. Brought the ire of Glynda Goodwitch, but her misgivings were promptly dealt with by Ozpin.


A full week has passed since then, Lightning who had been enjoying her return to student life was sparing against the entirety of Team Light and Team Ruby.

With the Vytal Festival being merely a month away, It wasn't just them, but all participants started using whatever downtime they had to polish their combat skills and team chemistry.

Lightning had zero qualms with fighting One on Nine, using this time to gain more battle experience.

Even though Lightning's technique was unrivalled across the whole of Remnant, the one thing she sorely lacked was actual combat battle experience.

While her skill mastery skill along with the Gamer ability gave Lightning complete mastery and information of the skills she had learnt or copied. It didn't affect her battle instincts.

The people who benefited the most was most definitely Team Light and Ruby.

Having the chance to fight someone league's above themselves may demoralise other's, but who were they? They were the main character's of this world, overcoming mental blockades comes with the territory.

During the sparing Lightning had noticed three extra people entering her Physic Domain, thinking little of it she continued dodging attacks by a hairbreadth and stopping her attacks mere millimetres away from her targets.

Even after 55 minutes, these three newcomers hadn't given them the courtesy of introducing themselves.

With the Vytal Festival being so close, Lightning assumed the people watching them were spies sent by other teams competing.

While spying on other teams wasn't against any rules, it was still placed in a morally grey area. Some people like Weiss would argue you should do everything you can to gain the advantage and others like Pyrrha would say it ruins the credibly of the competition by giving one side an unfair advantage.

Lightning seeing Team Light and Team Ruby was beginning to show signs of fatigue, brought their spar to a halt.

Seeing as the 3 people who were presumably spying on them had no intention of introducing themselves, Lightning transformed her gunblade into its gun mode and fired 3 shots at the entrance of the auditorium.

The resting members of Team Light and Team Ruby were shocked when they noticed that she didn't fire at random but actually took aim at 3 people leaning against the wall inside the auditorium.

Each shot purposely missed their targets and impacted against the wall, just left to where their heads had previously been. One thing did Surprise Lightning, none of the 3 flinched and by what she could tell, they easily tracked her bullets.

Ruby was just about to rush towards the 3 people, she assumes to be students of another academy and apologise on behalf of her best friend, but before she was able to, one of the three started talking.

???: My, how unfriendly. The hospitality at Beacon sure has a lot to be admired.

The voice belonged to a woman sporting a beige sleeveless jacket and a sarashi tied around her chest and another around her hips. Her risque attire wasn't what caught Lightning's attention. The name above her head did that.

Cinder Fall.

Lightning: 'So, she's the one whose going to destroy Beacon? And the two next to her, Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black. [Observe][Observe][Observe]'

{Acquired skill: [Fall Maiden(Incomplete)]}

{Acquired skill: [Scorching Caress]}

{Acquired skill: [Hallucinations]}

{Acquired Additional status points: 122 Str, 148 End, 169 Agi, 112 Wis, Luck 300}

{Congratulations on reaching level 313}

Lightning:' "Maiden" again? The description says something about Vaults, but nothing of their locations. Guess I can try and get some information out of the maiden herself.'

Lightning: You were watching us for so long, I assumed you also wanted to spar.

Cinder: Isn't it normal to observe the upcoming competition.

Cinder's response was condescending as well as instant with zero hesitation in her voice and no changes to her body language, it almost seemed like she had already pre-rehearsed this possible conversation.

Lightning: Oh, so you three are students from another school. Which school would that be?

Cinder: Haven Academy

Lightning: I bet you're bored with just watching, how about we have a practice match? One maiden versus another.

Lightning was starting to get an understanding of just what type of person Cinder was, she wasn't the type to allow others to dictate the flow of a conversation. With that new knowledge, Lightning changed her approach.

Lightning cast her [Telepathy] skill directly on Cinder, enabling her to read Cinder's thoughts.

Cinder: 'Maiden? It's a common turn of phrase, probably a coincidence'

Emerald: You aren't worthy enough to fight our boss.

Lightning: "Boss"? Ah, that reminds me I don't know any of your names.

Cinder/Emerald/Mercury: Cinder Fall/Emerald Sustrai/Mercury Black

Lightning: 'Not even using an alias? Are you guys really the one's what will destroy Beacon? The world quest only mentions the name Cinder, if it wasn't for this maiden ability, I would genuinely believe these three to be innocent.'

Just by looking at Cinder, you could tell she was the incredibly prideful type and the fact she had her 'team' refer to her as Boss. Only gave Lightning more validation to her assumption.

Lightning: 'You know what they say? Pride before the Fall. Now let's see how fragile your ego is.'

Lightning: "Lightning Farron. So how about you three join in with the sparring, I can even make it twelve on one. Wouldn't want to make it too unfair for you three after all."

Cinder: 'Arrogant brat.'

Mercury: Don't you think, you're all that.

Lightning tilts her head slightly with a look of complete confusion written over her face and 'innocently' mutters.

Lightning: I don't understand, aren't you three just weak. I mean how insecure about your abilities must you be to spy on a random team.

Hearing Lightning's clear provocation was enough to anger the trio greatly. Cinder's left eye begins to gleam with a shade of Red, while Emerald drew her two pistols out of their holsters and Mercury took a fighting stance.

Lightning who was laughing to herself inside her mind had never thought that simply being called weak would be enough to anger them. She had planned to keep this up for much longer.

Lightning: 'So these three have a power complex, guess that made my job a lot easier. Suppose I shouldn't let this opportunity slip.'

Lightning: "My, don't you all look so fierce. BUT are you sure you want to do this? Wouldn't fighting me ruin your plans?"

Cinder: 'Plans? She can't possibly know anything unless she's part of Ozpin's inner circle and he's already onto us. She also mentioned Maidens before could she be Ozpin's guardian candidate...No if she was with Ozpin and they were onto me, I wouldn't be standing here. I'm overthinking this.'

Cinder: "What plans?"

The murderous glare Lightning was receiving would be enough to make nearly anybody feel tense but Lightning was one of the few exceptions. Instead of feeling any fear, Light was inwardly pleased she got another lead on maidens.

Lighting: You said you were here to scout us for the Vytal festival, right? Surely you're planning on winning the competition... Why else would you lot be here?.

Cinder: Of course that's our plan, anyway we've seen enough

Cinder who was seething with anger began to leave, she knew if she stayed any longer she would end up killing Lightning, ruining her later plans. The fact a mere child was looking down on her for being weak was unforgivable. As if all she had given up and trials she had survived was all meaningless and she still her weak self from the past.

Lightning who was still smiling waits for them to start walking off and does the same but her direction was towards her team. While walking she noticed someone inside her Domain was quickly approaching from directly behind her.

Lightning swiftly turns around, that's when she notices a black boot was nearing her face. The owner of this boot was Mercury.

Lightning swatted away Mercury's attack with ease, then reached for his face grabbing it in a claw-like motion before slamming his head into the ground.

The noise of the back of Mercury's head colliding with the floor echoed throughout the auditorium.

Before this Lightning had no malice towards Cinder and her team, they were simply people who had information she wanted, but the fact they would sneak attack her over a few words really annoyed her. It may be hypocritical knowing she was the one who purposely provoked them, but she couldn't care any less.

With her hand still clutching Mercury's head, Lightning coldly looked up, making eye contact with Cinder. Lightning only said one word, the one word Cinder least wanted to her right now.

Lightning: Weak.

Releasing Mercury who was still alive but had his Aura completely shattered, Lightning continued going back to her friends. Deciding if they attacked her again, she wouldn't hold back.

Cinder ordered Emerald to retrieve Mercury while scornfully glaring at Lightning's back.

Cinder: 'I promise! I'm going to kill you, but not before I do away with your precious friends. Once I see your face dyed in desperation after losing all you hold dear, then I'll finish you off.'

Lightning at this point had already stopped using her telepathy, not putting Cinder in her sights at all. She would rather use her time digesting the information she received prior to the sneak attack.

Lightning: 'Again with Ozpin. Something about an inner circle of sorts and they seem to know about maidens but just what is Ozpin's guardian... Why does a headmaster need a guardian? He sure keeps a lot of secrets.'

Right, I guess it's been a while. If you're still here. Thank you, I do appreciate it.

A little explanation of my absence is in order.

Without going into too much detail, I caught covid looking after someone I care for and shortly after the place I was working at closed down. I simply had to prioritise other things over writing.

Blah, Blah, Blah, I came back and realized I had no idea what I had written up until this point. Then noticed, I had this chapter saved, but not posted. A little bit of proofreading later, here it is.

For what I plan next, honestly, I'm thinking of dropping this and writing something else, but I'm not sure yet.

Thanks for reading.

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