

Stas starts school at Ancefera High but everyone is different you'll come to find. Everyone has a mutation but not in the way you think.

Greater_Oat · Fantaisie
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51 Chs

A new path

The bus passed over a bridge overlooking the Nefa Channel. The golden rays of the glorious sunshine rippled over the sea. Warships move in and out of the docksof Ancefera. A boy around the age of eleven sighed as the girls screamed over the existence of Rama Garcia. "Hopefully I will be left alone" thought Stas Waygand. As a girl, the same age as him would sit next to him. Twentyother seats on the bus and the newcomer sat next to him of all people. This was going to be a long bus ride.

Five then eight then three would get on. The girl next to him would say something but nothing he would care about. He would finally perk up as the girl would ask for his name as with a quick word say Stas. "Stars?" With an annoyed look would repeat "Stas". "Oh Stas. Stas what?" The girl had completely black hair with red eyes and a noticeable bust. He would think to himself why would this girl want to know his last name. With an audible sigh would say " Stas Waygand". "That's an interesting name, I'm assuming you've never been to Ancefera". Why was this girl asking too many question a quick no would shut up. "No" he would reply as the girl would stop talking.

"This bus terminates at Portside and Channel" the intercom beeped out. The school was 1 stops away as the bus slowed to halt the red light "The next stop is Ancefera High". The girl would stand to get off the bus Stas and Rama would stand up as the same time, Stas would gesture for Rama to go before him as Rama would say "watch it nerd". Stas would retaliate with "Dicks first". Rama would get off the bus and Stas would move to get out the door when Rama would throw a punch.

This isn't based on anything. Characters, Plot and places are all made up and are thought up by me and me alone.

Greater_Oatcreators' thoughts