
Achievement System (Martun)

I was born with a system and grew up quite quickly due to it more so than others I had Learned super quickly but was diagnosed with Visual hallucinations due to trying to share it with my parents. I was pressured by society to be better to do better after all I was a genius who at the age of 7 was in college. I remember all the pressure I was under I couldn't even make any friends my age I was outcast, so I just accepted it. The only friend I had was the system itself with the Achievements it beckoned me to do I managed to complete only 6% of the achievements listed in it before I died and got reincarnated to a world of magic and my friend was still with me.

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

The First Adventure

I ran through the forest with complete silence feeling the wind on my face it was amazing it had been so long since I felt this free, I constantly tried out creating new words of power, but most attempts failed, and I felt that I did not have enough "free" energy. The energy within my core's seemed bound to the water affinity currently I than tried my best to think of words that would not have an affinity I came up with Power Rune Sight.

It would half form than crumble meaning I was right in some way but not able to because of realm limitations.


<You 1 are allowed Rune at 1st Circle it adds x4 each level (unique to you)>


Well, that answers my questions. Wait usually it never speaks to me. I ask aloud "Are you able to converse with me or will you just answer certain questions?"


<Limit 1 for questions per Year is>


I'm going to wait than because I want to understand what you are in being able to psychically and mentally improve me. I begin to run hunting on my way, but it still takes me 3 weeks when I see a group of hunter beast-folk hunting a giant bear-like creature with scales and a wicked sharp tail I see one of them get impaled and tossed to the side so I quickly come over pouring a potion I had made while on my way to the beast-folk empire it was a much higher quality than the ones before.


The wound began to heal at a rapid pace his organs which had been lying upon the ground dissipating and began reforming back in his body one of his lungs had been touching the ground and his whole intestinal system was gone. I placed a hand on his shoulder and forcefully ran my energy through his wounds healing him. I could feel them approaching and one of them had swung at them I could feel the energy within the blade, so I pulled out my chakram trying to deflect the blade instead I sliced it in half.


The Minotaur just looked at me in complete shock as I said "So this is how you treat a traveling alchemist who helped cure your allies' wounds. I don't fear you all, but I won't kill you either." I simply looked upon the three beast-folk one a wolf with flaming red fur, a Minotaur with milk white fur and a Hyena person who looked upon me with fear and interest.


I picked up the alchemist's bag I had created during my travels and then asked "Are you all from a beast-folk village or from your empires capital because that is where I am wandering?" None of them said anything for a while so I simply pulled out a potion tossed it to them and said "This should heal any wounds you all have please be aware this potion won't save you if you're missing your heart or head or be above 3rd circle."


I got an identify ability now strangely enough after making a pseudo sight Rune of Power. I was very happy with this because it helped me research things about this world, but it was very basic and the ability itself uses my knowledge even if it's wrong, so it doesn't really help me at all except knowing what I already knew quicker or refreshing my brain. I could though find some hidden ideas I didn't know I had allowing to drag more protentional out of my brain.


They seemed quite grateful and didn't doubt my words for a second due to my overwhelming strength compared to them. I brought my attribute into the air forming ice strangely my water affinity wouldn't help me, but it had slight give, so I had been pushing it towards freezing. It slowly crystalized than I got a notification so I subtly smiled.


<Forcefully make a Transformative Affinity (2.5 phases)>


So, it counts the progress I have made towards steam too many I can eventually make my own new affinity than have it just be a singular one. I could try to separate the affinity to make two new affinities but when I have tried this, I felt a sense of danger so Immediately stopped.


I opened my eyes to see them marveling at their wounds being perfectly healed seems they still had some doubts that I was a great alchemist. I forcefully replenished each of their energies and also just began to absent mindfully listen to their whispers.


"He Speaks the Common Wolf-kin language so easily it's almost as if he has lived among them for years with the growled pitches and innovation is perfect he even seems to know higher Wolf kin noble language because once we hesitated he seemed about to say something else."


"No your wrong Gorstat it is perfect, and we know he's an alchemist most likely of a higher level then 3rd circle those 3rd circle potions we had were much more efficient than any third circle potion we have ever had he must be a master of his craft and the fact he can keep up with you in battle is frightening no alchemist should be on the frontline."


"I just want to say Gorstat and Nubji you are both right and wrong haven't you noticed we can't hear him now not even his breathing if we focus, we can't even smell him it's like he doesn't exist to anything but our eyes."