
Chapter 4 : FRAUGHT

I ran as fast as my legs could go as though, that way the problem before me could be outdone. Tears flowed free through my cheeks one that had chuckled and chuckled the previous day as made my way through the Grey tracks not mind what was before or behind me; the rage was intense coupled with the propensity of the race which must have had certain impact on my blood pressure or what could have result in the sudden short of breath ? this landed me on the floor and I could feel my head spinning. Manageably I got a seat , gulp down water from my racing water jar and called Ivan .

"how is my favorite girl " ivan said as he picked the call to wish I struggled to respond as I panted , he asked if I was okay , where I was? If I was sick? Why was I panting?

All I could was if he could come get me ; " where are you?" he inquired. I told him my location which he like an eternity to get here. Upon seeing him I ran to him, wrapped my arms around him as I burst into tears ; the embrace he welcomed and understood but the tears? That behooved him . at that moment my heart lightened and my face brightened as he suggested we go to a quiet place , sit and discuss over coffee loosening my tight grip over him

" milk and sugar please" I replied the waitress who inquired how I wanted my coffee after taking our seats at INN Café, famous for amazing breakfasts . Ivan could not comprehend what was wrong with me while I on the other hand did not know how to break the news of my proposed wedding ; nonetheless , after the coffee I regained my self and suggested to him we go to his place as I wanted to shower and rest to which he agreed.

On getting to ivan's place , I had a warm shower and devoured the takeouts from INN Café whereas he excused himself to return to work and atleast explain to his boss the reason for his abrupt absence from official duty. While Ivan was out , I had the rest of my life as I have been worn out; funny how much weary that unpleasant discussion caused me. All would have been seamless if not for the continued beeping of my phone as my folks particularly my kept calling and texting , all I did not respond .

When Ivan returned, we had dinner as he joked about his boss' response to his absence from work. The conversation continued as we did the dishes afterward retired to the sitting room as I watched my favorite tv show "fashion House and Glitz" while he scrolled through his phone till we both fell asleep. The night was peaceful as I folded myself in his arms; it was all nice and sweet till there was a bang on the door, guess who?

The bang continued as Ivan surprised as who that could be by 6:30am at his door

Your guess was right , it was my folks

Apparently my sister had directed them having called me severally without a response .

I must jumped out of my skin when I stood up and saw my mum, at that moment the peace I enjoined the last few hours had disappeared.

" why were you not picking your calls?" mum queried

I stayed mute. She repeated it again , turned facing Ivan as if to swallow him up , screaming and accusing him of kidnapping me. He was in beyond surprised but comported himself and replied politely that we were a couple and he did not do that rather willing I came to him. Grin with anger grabbed my hands and dragged me to the car, damn! I was dead embarrassed. I managed to signal Ivan that I was going to call him as he tried intervening in the grip mum had on me.

The ride home was longer than usual and felt suffocating ; this was evident in the fact that I appeared sweaty and choked in my tears as though my heart was going to burst out through my chest, I guess you've probably felt that at some point as one's heart pumps and you seem to stutter in the midst of uncontrollable tears.i wondered what how he was probably feeling right now ,

"Ivan didn't deserve that treatment" I voiced out to mum in the heat of anger alas all she did was let out a sigh . As I got down from the car heading for my room guess who I bumped into?

"Dad, goo good morning" I said stuttering

Looking at me with all the disdain there was he gave way for me to pass instructing me to go freshen up

I slammed the door behind me , fell on the bed continuing to drown myself in my tears till I dozed off having been burnt out.

The opening of the door and the tap on shoulder was what woke me up from lala land. It was dad and mum; well I welcomed them with a frown . Mum caressed my hair as she took her seat.

The usual ,,, of how he has always endeavored to provide our needs was put forward by dad " but business is not as it used to be , you know with all these unreasonable economic policies not to mention the continued effect of the global influenza and there are competitors" he continued as I starred in awe

" all we need is aligning with the right people so we can all save the business and in doing so, we all have our roles to play in keeping the company afloat"

"we all have our roles to play you say Dad?"

"yes" and yours Anna White is marrying Hugh" Mr. White replied.

"Dad, Hugh is a flirt with fleet of girlfriends not mention he has a baby mama " was all Anna could say as she fought the tears gushing down her cheeks.

" my baby girl , life has it's sacrifices ; mind you love could develop with time " her mother told her. " your dad and I weren't did not have it all figured out when we got married yet here we are , 3 decades of marital bliss , beautiful children, and an empire in our palms"

" an empire that needs saving ? one you are offering your daughter as a sacrificial lamb " Anna retorted ..then you compare what you have with dad to forcing me to marry someone I don't even know personally: atleast you married someone you loved" Anna yelled at her mum'

" young lady control yourself" dad yelled back at me . tempers were high and everywhere was tense .

Heading to the door , mum replied " Anna , think of the wonderful things you can achieve with Hugh's support " and for once think of the family and the good that would do for us dad complemented as he closed the door after her. The anger in me was so high that it burst into tears ; I flung across the room the items on my dressing table as I wondered how impossible my folks could be ?

The screaming attracted Rexxie , my brother who unlike him literally barged into my room; he held me closer and rocked me till I fell asleep .