
17. Chapter 17

AN: Words about things. Oh right, I would have gotten this done quicker, but I ended up losing a big chunk of this chapter to a save hiccup, and had to rewrite it. Which is a shame, because I'm almost certain that the version I lost was way better written.

"Trust me Linky, this layout is going to make your booth look totes amazing!"

Lincoln smiled to himself as he looked over Leni's proposal for the upteenth time. In addition to sewing costumes for him and his sisters, and agreeing to work the booth with him, Leni had also taken it upon herself to figure out how the booth should look. Lincoln had been somewhat apprehensive initially. The diagrams he'd been presented with were crude, covered with superfluous hearts and smiley faces, and occasionally resorted to use of the word "thingy", supplemented by an excessive number of arrows and squiggly lines to indicate placement. There were also tiny versions of what appeared to be himself and Leni, standing side by side, smiling, and presumably selling comics.

And despite all that, once he'd started implementing her suggestions it all came together somehow. The promotional art he'd drawn for the occasion. The brightly colored tablecloths they'd brought with them, emblazoned with the Clincoln McCloud publishing label. The little display dolls Leni had surprised him with, each bearing the crude, but undeniably adorable likenesses of him and his sisters. While the individual pieces were undeniably amature, including his own contributions, the booth was more than the sum of its parts. It was homely. Lived in. Possessed of its own brand of charm, and characterized most strongly, not by the materials used in its construction, but by the efforts of those who had constructed it. Egotistical though it may be, Lincoln liked to think his comic was the same way, and it was for this reason that he felt this booth was perfectly suited for him. For them, he corrected himself, determined to give credit where credit was due.

He withdrew from his musings and glanced around, taking in the surrounding area. Booths as far as the eye could see, in neat, orderly lines. Within each were his fellow vendors, scurrying around their respective lairs in anticipating of money that would soon be thrust upon them by all too willing customers, each desperate to complete one collection or another. Capitalism and addiction meeting in a glorious, harmonious blend. And at the center of it all was a large stage, to be used for announcents and events. Its surface littered with elaborate displays, props, sound equipment, and advertisements from their corporate overlords (Ace Cola! Deal Me Another!).

Lincoln's own preparations were nearly complete. All he needed to do was unload and unpack the last of his boxes of product. Fortunately for him, and his noodly arms, his female companions had agreed to help him with that last part.

There in the distance he saw Sam, manuvering her way through the pre-con detritus while simultaneously managing a large, heavy looking box, accomplishing both tasks with surprising ease. Their eyes met, and her lips curled up in a sultry smile. Once again Lincoln felt what was becoming an all too familiar sensation; that unique combination of heat and terror that only Sam could inspire, which only grew in intensity as the distance between them closed.

Lincoln struggled to regain control of himself, determined that this time, he would not allow the blonde girl to intimidate him so. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth, intending to call out a greeting to the older girl...

"On your left, Sharp!"


...when the situation suddenly resolved itself. With a sqwak of surprise Sam Sharp was sent flying, a tangled bundle of cyan limbs propelled by all too oppressive kenetic forces. In an instant, golden haired rocker gave way to chestnut tressed sports star, and it was now Lynn Loud who was striding towards his table, three extremely, heavy looking boxes held effortlessly aloft in her arms.

Lincoln, trying to ignore how Lynn's impressive display of physicality caused her arms to bulge in a way that was strangely alluring, greeted his sister with the first thing that came to mind.

"You were behind her." He observed.

"Yes." Lynn said, looking extremely pleased with herself. "Yes I was."

Luna sighed, and gently pulled her downed girlfriend to her feet, wrapping one arm around the blonde's waist in an attempt to steady her.

"Any chance you'd be willing to let that one go?" She asked, hopeful even as she saw the glower forming on the other girl's face.

"She keeps sucker punching me." Sam grumbled, as she wobbled towards equilibrium.

"Just you wait. Next, time, I'm gonna..."

Luna rolled her eyes and dutifully waited for the girl to finish. When it became apparant that no such conclusion was forthcoming. She turned to see what was wrong, and saw Sam gasping like a fish out of water. She followed her girlfriend's gaze to the apparent culprit. Lincoln's booth, now pretty impressively decked out, especially considering how little time he'd had to prepare.

"Everything alright, luv?"

"Clincoln McCloud" Sam murmured, eyes wide with shock. "Cliiiiiincoln."

"Oh, right..." Luna said, thoughtfully. "I guess we never got around to telling you. Little bro's the one who makes those comics you read."

Again Luna waited for some kind of reaction, but Sam simply stood there, staring.

"Everything alright, luv?" She asked again, this time gently nudging the other girl with her elbow.

"Better than alright, Luna." Sam said, motioning as if to wipe away an invisible tear. "In fact, I can honestly say I've never felt better."

"Alright." Lori announced to the assembled Louds and the sole Sharp.

"Looks like you're good to go, Lincoln. I promised Carol I'd meet up with her, but I've got my phone. Call me if literally anything happens. and I'll rush right over."

She waited for the younger boy to nod in acknowledgement, then continued.

"Leni and Lynn are going to be helping you with your booth. So again, call me if anything happens. At all. And I will rush right back."


"Talking is happening. Is talking a thing? Linky, maybe you should call Lori just in case."

"...Moving on." Lori said, dryly. "As for Sam and Luna, I guess you guys are free to—"

"Weeeee're going to be helping out Lincoln too." Sam smoothly interjected, grinning from ear to ear in a manner that was...not quite unsettling, but was certainly...something.

Lori blinked in surprise. But seeing no objections from her younger sister, simply shrugged.

"Fair enough." She said. "Then I guess I'll see you guys later."

Lori spared Lincoln one last look. Feeling that it was her duty as the eldest sibling to say something encouraging, or inspiring...but nothing was coming to mind. Instead she took the younger boy aside, a short distance away from their group for privacy, and gave him a quick hug.

"Good luck, Linky." She murmured.

"Thanks Lori." He replied, squeezing her back in response.

Though her every instinct implored her to do otherwise, Lori reluctantly released her little brother. She dallied for a bit, watching the boy make his trek back to his booth.

"Alright girls." She heard him call out. "Clincoln McCloud Publishing is open for business!"

Lori allowed herself a smile, seeing the boy taking his place at the counter amid the enthusiastic whooping of Sam and Lynn. Finally she worked up the resolve to start walking away. As she did so, she saw Leni pick Lincoln up, and set him down next to her in a single, smooth motion.

"You're supposed to be standing here, Linky."

Lori shook her head in amusement, and continued on her way. Clearly, the young boy was in good hands.

Lori strode through the crowded convention hall, confidence growing with each passing minute. She had, initially, felt silly for donning the outfit of her fictional alter-ego. Leni had done a fantastic job on the costume, but the whole cosplay thing wasn't really her scene. And so, despite her show of bravado, she'd been feeling self conscious all morning. But the fact that Lincoln hadn't been able to take his eyes off her had done wonders for her self esteem, and the sidelong glances and outright stares she was getting from passers by only served to reinforce that confidence. Maybe she'd head back to the booth and join her siblings when she was done with Carol. The other girls certainly looked nice in their outfits, but she knew for a fact that none of them could "bring it" the way she could.

Lori smiled, imaging how grateful Lincoln would be when his sexy older sister showed up to save the day. So grateful, in fact, that he'd probably end up using some of his earnings to repay her. Take her someplace nice, like that new French restaurant that had opened up recently. She'd politely refuse, of course, she was just doing her job, there was no reason for him to use his hard earned money to reward her. But Lincoln would insist, and, well, if that's what it took to make her little brother feel better, who was she to refuse?


Lori was abruptly drawn from her imagination as a large crowd of men (and women, wow) started barreling towards her. She initially froze up, not unlike a deer caught in headlights, but quickly composed herself.

"Chill, Lori" she told herself. "They clearly can't help themselves. Just shake a few hands, pose for a few selfies, and make sure to plug Lincoln's booth."

She settled into what she imagined to be an alluring pose, and waited for the approach of her adoring public. She tensed as the crowd barreled down upon her, getting entirely too close for comfort, given the speed they were traveling at, and for an instant, her resolve broke, and her eyes squeezed shut.

There was a rush of wind, and then...nothing. Lori cautiously opened one eye, and then the other. Nothing. The crowd was gone. She looked around, and it wasn't until she looked behind her that she found her adoring public. Still running, having gone right past her.

"Literally, what?" She asked the empty air, dumbfounded.

Lori jogged a short distance down the aisle, still trying to puzzle out what had just happened, when she caught up with the crowd. Now, having been assimilated into a much larger crowd. Curious, Lori pushed her way through, trying to ignore the noise, and the constant camera flashes going off around her. After what seemed like hours, she managed to push her way towards the front of the group

It was only then, that she managed to grasp the full scope of the sight before her. An extremely large crowd of men and women, cheering enthusiastically, screaming praise and encouragement, and frantically taking pictures.

...And at the center of it all stood Carol Pingrey. Dressed in an identical High Card outfit.

"Literally, WHAT?" Lori shrieked in disbelief.

"Hi Lori!" called Carol, waving to her friend as she seamlessly shifted into another action pose, much to the delight of the crowd.