

Shi Lang stood in the void, looking at the young lady before him with a faint smile. Shi Tao was observing every inch of the man in front of her. Shi Lang asked, "You have yet to answer me, Tao." 

Shi Tao could hear the doting tone, and she said, "General Lang, if you pull back from the war, we will not fight you." 

Shi Lang smiled and said, "It was never going to be a war but a death match between him and me." 

Shi Tao felt cold and said, "Then we have nothing to discuss. The Guardian spears will now take action." 

Shi Lang's smile did not falter as he kept looking at the lady. In the blink of an eye, twelve people stood surrounding the man. The terran general looked at the people and said, "Hmmm, a good team you have here. Twelve Mahayana, shall I feel honored." 

Lili sighed and asked, "Sir, will you not take a step back?" 

Shi Lang shook his head and said, "I cannot back down is more likely to define my circumstance."