
Out burst.

Shi Lang ran away from the encounter site with an injured body. He made a beeline for the swamp. That was the only place he could think of to provide him with a temporary refuge. The shamantis will be chasing after him like mad dogs out for blood. 

He was aware that despite the mud and other things over his body, his open wounds will leave a slight trace of blood in the wind. The Inu-la could distinguish a scent from others like day and night and they were trained to sniff out Terrans in the territory. How could he be safe with gashes over his body? 

The boy did not spare any effort to think at the moment. He was first going to hide, and let these wounds scab. The medicines he had were strong enough to aid him with this. The journey that earlier took him two days, was now completed in one. That was not all, on the way he did come across three patrol units and clashed with them.