

Shi Lang issued commands for everyone and the group moved quickly. The injured were all riddled with fractures of varying degrees, so it will take them a few minutes to come back for duty. The medicine was all advanced. 

The team leaders advanced and formed a circle around Shi Lang. The boy said, "We are changing tactics. We are going to move into four groups, Assaulters, Scouts, Medics, and Snipers. 

Objectives are as such, Assaulter will engage in a gunfight to attract attention. Scouts will sneak through and dig out the mines. How many people have abilities similar to Amelia? Have them carry the dug-up mines inside the enemy lines. One trench at a time. Medics are spotters, their task is to alert the scouts of potential threats. Snipers will have to take engage the precise suppressed fire. Make sure our scouts sneak in and get out safely. Any suggestions?"