
Accidentally Marked By The Ruthless Alpha

Rejected by her true mate and betrayed by her best friend, Enya’s life spirals when she walks into Saphire, her best friend locked in a passionate kiss with Alpha Eric, her fated mate but he had rejected her heartlessly with the flimsy excuse that she was weak. Enya endured maltreatment in the pack as she was considered weak and wolfless. Unknown to her, she harbours a special wolf, destined to restore Moonglade pack to its glory. An encounter with a mysterious stranger whose glowing amber eyes ignites an intense connection between them, results in Enya succumbing to her wolf's primal needs and ending up accidentally marked. She flees the pack but tragedy strikes when a ruthless new alpha conquers her pack, kills her parents, and demands the return of all pack members. Enya vows to avenge her parent's death even if it costs her life. Falling in love with the ruthless alpha whom she intends to kill and finding out that he is the hot stranger whose mark she bears, threatens to shatter Enya's plan. Enya is trapped in a dark web of hidden family secrets, ghastly serial killer allegations and a coven of evil witches hot on her trail engineered by her uncle, seeking to claim her blood for immortality. Torn between revenge and her growing love for the alpha, Enya must decide whether to give in to her desires or fight alongside the man who accidentally marked her, to protect Moonglade pack after all they did to her. Her life hangs by a thread when she's fatally shot with a silver nitrate bullet, only to be rescued by a witch, her unknown half-sister. Who must sacrifice herself on a blood moon to save Enya, or she will forever remain dead.

Prisca_Vitamin · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


"Enya, can't you see that you missed that spot there? You good-for-nothing wolfless b*tch" Derek, the head cleaner sneers at me as he snatches the iron mop stick from me and hits me so hard that he draws blood.

 I've gotten used to this kind of treatment not just from him but from other pack mates, they always find a reason to bully me or beat me up at any slightest provocation, and the bruises that adorn my skin are like a souvenir from the relentless attacks that marks each of my day.

But Derek's own was different, he had sworn to make my existence a living nightmare ever since I rejected his sexual advances, he just couldn't come to terms that a wolfless she-wolf like me who ranks lower than servants could reject him. 

To make matters worse, I am assigned to work under him as a servant cleaner in the pack house. 

"I'm so sorry that I skipped that spot, forgive me master…let me scrub it again" I wince with pain and bite my lips to fight back my tears as I try to scrub the same spot that I can swear, I just scrubbed thoroughly moments ago. I just don't want to cry, not today.

In case you are wondering, I am Enya, the only she-wolf in Moon glade pack who couldn't shift on her eighteenth birthday. I don't know who started the rumours that I am wolfless but that is my reality now. Being wolfless in Moonglade pack automatically ranks me below the servants and the omegas.

 Every pack member treats me with disdain even the servants in the pack house views me as an unwelcome presence which is why they all minds their business and look elsewhere, when that creep Derek tries to run his hands down my skirts multiple times.

 Today is my twentieth birthday but nobody knows except my parents and Saphire my best friend. Not like it matters anyway, my birthday doesn't change a thing.

I have had this eerie feeling since I woke up from that weird dream last night. I can't really process my emotions at the moment. I just have to put myself together and focus on work. I can unwind after work hours or maybe cry my eyes out then.

I just hope to catch a glimpse of Alpha Eric today, that's the only birthday gift I asked for from the moon goddess. I don't get to see him often but working in the pack house, has its perks after all, I smiled just now thinking about him. At least I get to see the man I have a huge crush on even if he doesn't know I exist.


I'm at the waterfall. Predictably, my feet led me here after work hours to calm my nerves since the waterfall brings me an odd sense of peace. As beautiful as it is, I do not know a soul who comes here, it is always deserted whenever I'm here. Maybe, that is why I like it so much.

I try to savour the tranquillity and beauty of nature. But my joy was cut short when suddenly, I could feel a sharp pain all over my core. Am no stranger to pain but this is another degree of pain. Far greater than what I am used to.

"What is happening to me?" I fumbled over and grabbed my stomach as I mouthed "Help me" but I'm sure no one was near.

Craa-ck!! My bones make strange splitting sounds as all turns black around me.

 "Y-yes, easy dear"

"You're doing just great all by yourself. Now open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and immediately noticed that I was not human anymore. My feet and hands were paws. I walked to the edge of the waterfall and looked into the water that pools there to check my reflection… instead of my face, I saw a strange red wolf staring back at me. My heart stopped. 

I have seen different types of wolves in the pack - the alpha wolves, beta wolves, gamma wolves, warrior wolves, omega wolves etc. Each category varies in sizes, colours and markings but the wolf that is looking back at me is entirely different from what I've ever seen.

Her fur was a beautiful rouge colour, resembling the warmth of a sunset that almost glowed. Her chest bears a crescent marking which gives her an enchanting aura. In addition, I also noticed that she was huge. Although it was tough to tell, it appeared to me that she was at least as large as some alpha wolves.

"Who are you, why can I feel you inside me but I can't see myself?" I asked in my head.

"I'm Diana, your wolf given to you by the moon goddess. I've waited all these years to finally be with you Enya" I hear a soft voice reply in my head.

"Wa-it, you mean you're my-my wolf?"

"What type of wolf are you, Diana? I have never seen your type before"

"A special type. You will learn more as time goes on, but know that the Moon Goddess has blessed us" 


I was rendered speechless, I couldn't say anything. 

Does that mean that I'm no longer wolfless?! I pondered. But nobody in the pack has ever shifted on their 20th birthday. 

Maybe I'm imagining things again or have I officially lost my mind? With the way my life has been, I know that I will eventually end up mad someday.

 I paused to steal a glance at my paws and they were still there. I take another look at my reflection in the waterfall and Diana stares back at me.

I sense she can feel my inner struggle and I know she finds it funny. She definitely looks like she's smiling back at me but do wolves smile? I can't even answer that question. Of course, I have lots of questions going through my mind that I have no answer to.

I was immediately knocked out of my confusion as Diana sensed a presence in the nearby woods and started pacing back and forth in my head, seems someone is approaching the waterfalls and this person is making Diana restless. All these years, I have never met anyone here and I just couldn't trust anyone to meet my wolf yet, until I can process everything.

" I need to shift back now!" I told Diana in a panic. Thankfully, she understood what was at stake and heeded my plea even though she didn't want to.

I had earlier changed into my personal clothes after work hours before I shifted. Now they're all scattered on the wet ground, shredded into pieces. I searched my bag and frantically changed into my work clothes. Anything to cover up, I just couldn't allow whoever was coming here to catch me stark naked.

Satisfied that I was dressed, I looked around for a place to hide but couldn't find any. Feeling helpless, I tried to brace myself for any attack because I was sure this person would definitely bully me or beat me up as I was the pack's punching bag. "Heaven knows the torture that awaits me this time" I mutter under my breath in resignation.

My heart dropped when I spotted a gigantic black wolf with piercing silver eyes running headlong to the spot where I was standing…I sigh

Who could this be? I have seen this wolf somewhere before.

Then it hits me…the overwhelming scent of dark chocolate mixed with musk. How can this creature smell so heavenly and delicious?

"Mate!!" Diana echoes in my head, prancing restlessly so that I find it hard to catch my breath.

This cannot be happening!! My heart is pounding out of my chest, I can feel butterflies in my stomach and a great heat overwhelms me craving his touch. 

The approaching wolf suddenly stopped a few meters away from me. Recognition registering in his eyes, I watched as his demeanor changed from astonishment, warmth, and love then rage. 

Before my very dear eyes, I stood spellbound as he shifted into Alpha Eric in his naked glory.

 Staring at his human form, I immediately experienced millions of mixed emotions. I fixed my eyes on the ground as fear couldn't allow me to meet his gaze or even enjoy the view of his body. 

 I have always loved this man even as a baby pup, and realizing that my fate now lies in his hands gives me no consolation. 

"Diana you're joking with me right?" I whisper in my head.

"Enya dear, I'm not joking, he is our mate for real" she bluntly replies to me.

"Who are you and why are you dressed in servant's uniform?" he barked at me, his eyes hardening as he stared at me

I stammer "Sir-I'm…I'm" "Speak before I cut off your head, I don't have time to waste" he growled

I swallowed hard and managed to summon courage "I'm Enya, I- I work in the pack house as a cleaner" 

"I see" he mused as he paced forth and back before me.

The other wolves finally catch up with him, about five of them-each with different colours and sizes. I knew they were his men -beta, warriors and enforcers. Probably they went hunting and decided to drop by the waterfalls.

 Each of them panting heavily, out of breath quickly shifts into human form. My eyes were fixed to the ground but the flurry of movements tells me they're each getting dressed as fast as possible. 

Seems one of them finally gave Alpha Eric some clothes to wear. Because when I stole a look at him, he was already fully dressed.

"Does any of you recognize this servant?" Alpha Eric asks his men.

"She's the wolfless girl who works in the pack house as a cleaner, I'm sure I've seen her a couple of times there" the mean-looking Beta snickered and replied him 

"She isn't wolfless anymore" he growls at them

"Look here servant girl, I saw you shift just now. With the way you struggled with it, it's obvious that is your first shift. Am I right?"

Flustered, I nodded in agreement with fear.

"How old are you?" "I-I just t-turned twien-ty" "Hmmm…Twenty and you're just shifting. I can't accept this"

" I Alpha Eric cannot bond with a weak she-wolf talk more of a servant girl who just shifted" he announced arrogantly. "Look at me!!" he commanded with disgust 

I managed to meet his gaze, trying to keep Diana under control. She is protesting to come out and show our mate that she is not weak. But I knew better.

The strength of our mate bond pulls us together, I can feel the intensity of our connection deep in my core. Alpha Eric must have felt it too as I noticed his hands vibrating before he clenched them into a fist but the gasp that escaped from him gave him out.

Then he said those words that I will never forget. 

"I, Eric Moonstone, Alpha of Moonglade pack hereby reject you…emmm…what's your name again?"

 Suddenly I started feeling too hot, my vision became blurred. A cold sweat breaks out of my forehead as I brace myself for what is coming, trying my best to ignore Diana frantically scratching my heart out to let her out so she can stop this.

"Enya" I replied weakly "What's your full name, stop wasting my time you fool!" 

His words were cold, jolting through my heart like a dagger. I try to silently plead with my eyes to not reject me. I swallowed my tears and answered.

"E-Enya Rosfield" 

He ignores my silent pleas and continues

"I, Eric Moonstone, Alpha of Moonglade pack hereby reject you, Enya Rosfield as my so-called mate and future Luna. I refuse to accept you because you're weak"

His words sent fresh stabs of pain to my heart, I couldn't take it any longer as I allowed the tears to flow freely. I'm glad my parents aren't here to see me make such a mess of myself like this, it would have broken their hearts. They're already struggling with the wolfless rumours and how callous the pack treats me. 

I knelt before him, crouched in shame and pain of rejection. The strong farcade I've put up, all vanished. Willing the ground to open and swallow me up but even the grounds rejected me.

"Plea…see, don't" I managed to whisper, raising my hands to beg hi

m before the sharp pains overtook me. I can hear Diana, howl in pain within me as the mate bond binding us to him snapped into two.