
Accidentally Marked By The Ruthless Alpha

Rejected by her true mate and betrayed by her best friend, Enya’s life spirals when she walks into Saphire, her best friend locked in a passionate kiss with Alpha Eric, her fated mate but he had rejected her heartlessly with the flimsy excuse that she was weak. Enya endured maltreatment in the pack as she was considered weak and wolfless. Unknown to her, she harbours a special wolf, destined to restore Moonglade pack to its glory. An encounter with a mysterious stranger whose glowing amber eyes ignites an intense connection between them, results in Enya succumbing to her wolf's primal needs and ending up accidentally marked. She flees the pack but tragedy strikes when a ruthless new alpha conquers her pack, kills her parents, and demands the return of all pack members. Enya vows to avenge her parent's death even if it costs her life. Falling in love with the ruthless alpha whom she intends to kill and finding out that he is the hot stranger whose mark she bears, threatens to shatter Enya's plan. Enya is trapped in a dark web of hidden family secrets, ghastly serial killer allegations and a coven of evil witches hot on her trail engineered by her uncle, seeking to claim her blood for immortality. Torn between revenge and her growing love for the alpha, Enya must decide whether to give in to her desires or fight alongside the man who accidentally marked her, to protect Moonglade pack after all they did to her. Her life hangs by a thread when she's fatally shot with a silver nitrate bullet, only to be rescued by a witch, her unknown half-sister. Who must sacrifice herself on a blood moon to save Enya, or she will forever remain dead.

Prisca_Vitamin · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


"Come on Enya, show me what you've got!" Uncle Lucas barks at me during one of our training sessions.

I scoffed and threw a punch at him but I was no match for him. His movements were so precise and calculated that he grabbed me and pinned me down within a blink of an eye.

"You are always distracted, I've always told you to never let your guard down. Enya learn to think on your feet so that your opponent will not take you by surprise" he scolded me after releasing me from his grip.

Life here was different but in a good way. I must confess, I love it here. Our bond has gotten stronger and he is very fond of me. After a few weeks of living with Uncle Lucas in these woods, he finally decides to teach me how to defend myself in case of any rogue attack. Life in the woods was dangerous enough for a lone warrior like him to talk more of me, a little miss-naive she-wolf who just changed.

 Since then I've been taking self-defense lessons from him and I'm determined to learn every tactic he can teach me.

Uncle Lucas was an experienced fighter and one of the best warriors during the time he served in Moonglade pack. No one knew what happened to him that made him suddenly pack up and leave the pack.

Rumors say that he refused to be loyal to Alpha Eric and detests his recklessness.

 I suspect deep down there is more to the story but Uncle Lucas would rather gulp down wolfsbane than say what really happened.

"Focus Enya, don't let me get you this time. For god's sake, defend yourself" he barked at me as we circled each other. Each ready to pounce on the other.

He reached to grab me by my windpipe but I maneuvered around him and landed him a packed blow on his abdomen.

"Ugh…Nice one kiddo" he grimaced. "Seems someone is finally waking up from her beauty sleep" he teased me same time, he landed me a blow that nearly knocked me out.


"Ouch…" I mutter under my breath 

I struggled to maintain my balance, I can't let him know how hard that punch affected me, I've got this. He watched me with a hint of amusement.

I sucked in my breath and continued, determined to give him a taste of his own medicine…

I continued to dodge most of his blows, although I couldn't escape some but I made sure to return the same energy and threw him deadly punches as much as I could.

I noticed he was gradually getting tired and I was ready to take him down.

"it's time!" I heard Diana say in my head.

Then it happened, I felt a sudden unfamiliar surge of energy course through my veins like my body was possessed by another being. I don't know how it happened but I acted on instinct.

I let out a feral cry and quickly lunged at him with great force in a swift movement too quick for the eyes and it caught him off guard.

I grabbed him with my hands wrapped around his neck. His eyes widened in shock and I watched him struggle to breathe.

In that instant, I threw him down with great strength that I heard his bone crack from the impact. I froze in shock as he lay motionless on the ground. 

There was an awkward heart-stopping silence, my heart racing in confusion as I stared at the damage I just created.

"Enya, what the hell was that?" Uncle Lucas coughed as he struggled to sit up. His voice was laced with shock and pain.

Thanks to the moongoddess for werewolf genes, I watch as his bones realign and heal almost instantly.

"I didn't mean to… I don't know what happened. I just felt this surge of energy and I couldn't control it" I stammer searching his eyes for forgiveness.

I have messed up again, what if he throws me out? Where will I go? 

"I haven't seen anything like this before" he mused to himself

"Here, lend me a hand. I need to head back to the cabin" I hurriedly grabbed his hands anxious to please him so I don't get sent out.



I kick ferociously into the air aiming and throwing punches against imaginary opponents.

 Beads of sweat run down my body, my breathing in heavy gasps but I don't care.

This is what I love to do. I've made huge progress all these months since that training where I almost killed Uncle Lucas.

And No!, he didn't throw me out. He rather taught me how to channel my strength only when necessary.

I was a fast learner. We were attacked some months ago by some rogue wolves who ambushed us right here in the cabin.

Uncle Lucas and I neutralized and sent them running within a few minutes. I will forever be grateful to him for teaching me how to stand up for myself.

Whatever happened in moonglade pack is in the past although the memories haunt me sometimes but I've moved on.

Lost in thoughts, I sensed Uncle Lucas watching me from a corner. He does that sometimes when he's in the mood which is quite often. He always insists that watching me train gives him a great sense of pride. I smiled at the thought of this memory.

But something was different about him today, I can't tell but he had this weird look in his eyes.

"You've gotten really good, kid" he compliments me as he walks towards me.

"What do you expect, I learnt from the best warrior" I teased him and it made him try to smile but his eyes remained weird.

"Kid, spare me some time. There is something serious that I need to tell you" The look on his face was enough to still my heart. Instinct tells me it's bad news but I remained tongue-tied to allow him speak.

I was panicking inside, I could feel my head running a marathon and asking "What happened?, what could be wrong?" nonstop. But I kept my cool.

"Something terrible has happened back home. A distant pack has attacked and overpowered Moonglade pack. Alpha Eric has been overthrown and banished. The new alpha runs Moonglade pack now" he said with a voice heavy with sorrow while maintaining eye contact with me.

"So?... I don't care what happens to Alpha Eric. For heaven's sake as far as I'm concerned he deserves worst." I reply with disgust wondering if this was the reason he got me all scared.

"There is something else kid, I don't know how to say this" he paused and moved closer to me. "Your parents… my sister and her husband, your father are both dead" 

"No!, it can't be true. I'm…I'm sure you're lying" I take a few steps away. Maybe he's playing a prank on me. He must be messing with me.

"You're kidding, right? Pl…ease tell me it's a joke" I pleaded.

He ignores my pleas and pulls me into a tight hug "You still got me kiddo, I promise we will figure this out. We are family. We will sort it out" he kept on saying this to me maybe as an assurance. Shock couldn't even allow me to fathom what was happening, my mind was blank.

Before I could process this piece of information and gather my emotions. Uncle Lucas delivered another news.

" We have to return to the pack! The new alpha has issued an ultimatum demanding the immediate return of all pack members back to Moonglade pack for proper identification."

" We must comply for your sake to avoid being ostracized from the pack forever. They may have treated you wrongly but they are still our people " 

"No ooo… I don't want to ever return there. Please don't make me go!!" I pleaded amidst tears as I feel my heart breaking into tiny pieces.

 I can't face them not again, not after all that has happened. "You promised to allow me stay here as long as I want"

"Enya, there's something about this new alpha that you need to know." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. I can see he's in pain too.

"He is the one who murdered your parents….but trust me, I have a plan. First of all, we need to return to the pack."