
Brightest star

The hall is breathtaking, its grandeur nearly overwhelming as we follow the Emperor and Empress. I carefully watch my step, wary of Artem's ability to catch me if I should stumble. The polished stairs seem treacherous, and I half-worry that my misstep might drag him down with me. The thought brings a faint, amused smile to my lips.

Finally, we reach the bottom of the seemingly endless stairs. Why are they so long? The Emperor halts, prompting the rest of the assembly to bow as etiquette dictates. I'm grateful for my royal status; I don't think I could handle the knee and back pain that must come from bowing so deeply.

The Emperor motions for everyone to stand and begins a stereotypical speech, the kind we've all heard countless times before. I let my mind wander until the end when three individuals with striking blue hair step forward. Is that really blue? I think to myself, still amazed by the vibrant hair colors in this world. After all, I have white hair, so I shouldn't be too surprised.

"We greet your Majesty," the trio says, bowing slightly in unison.

They must be the royalty from the Brendholm Kingdom, I conclude, watching their graceful movements and polished demeanor.

Soon, the Emperor and Empress depart, and the banquet comes alive with the sound of chatter and glasses clinking in the magnificent hall. I hold onto Artem's hand as we descend the final few stairs. At the bottom, he quickly slips away into the crowd. I attempt to follow suit, but my escape is cut short.

"Sister." Luan's voice stops me in my tracks.

I force a smile and turn to face him. "I need to introduce you," Luan says, motioning for me to join him and the trio of blue-haired royals, along with Stella.

Reluctantly, I walk over and stand by Luan, remaining silent. "This is my fiancée, Grace Brendt, the only princess of Brendholm," Luan announces, indicating the lean, cute blue-haired princess in a purple gown with soft brown eyes. She's stunning, and I can't help but think that Luan's admirers in the Empire are in for a tough competition.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Grace says, bowing gracefully. I respond with a simple curtsy.

"And this is the Crown Prince, Gerald Brendt, and that is Prince Fredrick Brendt," Luan continues, introducing the other two princes.

Gerald gives me a polite nod, which I return. Fredrick, however, takes my hand and places a kiss on it. "You are even more beautiful than the rumors," he says with a charming smile.

"You flatter me," I reply, pulling my arm away. The youngest prince is known for being a notorious playboy, and I have no desire to get involved with him. After all, I spend most of my time surrounded by extremely handsome men. His charm holds no sway over me.

"I speak nothing but the truth," he says, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. As I glance around, I accidentally make eye contact with Stella, who clearly isn't pleased with my presence. Well, the feeling is mutual.

Determined not to get drawn into an uncomfortable conversation, I muster a polite smile. "If you'll excuse me, I need to attend to something," I say, making up some vague excuse. Without waiting for a response, I gracefully step away from the group.

I take in the decorations; it looks like a scene out of dreams as I walk around the hall. The grandeur is mesmerizing, every detail meticulously crafted to create an atmosphere of elegance and splendor. My eyes catch sight of a table laden with snacks, and I decide to help myself, appreciating the momentary distraction from the formality of the event.

As I sample the treats—not quite as exquisite as Valendor's creations but delicious nonetheless—I see my savior approaching: Helena. Her presence brings a sense of relief.

"I greet Your Highness," Helena says with a bow, her tone respectful yet warm. I motion for her to stand.

"Lady Marwood. I am glad I get to see you," I reply, filling a plate with snacks.

"You look stunning, Your Highness," Helena says, taking her place beside me.

"I must, considering my maid and Kai spent hours on my current look," I say, taking a bite of a delicacy.

"Clearly, it was worth it, for you are the brightest star in this place," Helena continues, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

"Oh my, you don't have to fatten me up with compliments," I say with a chuckle, feeling a bit lighter in her presence.

Helena and I fall into a pleasant, aimless conversation, exchanging light-hearted banter and updates on recent events. I can't help but notice a few eyes discreetly watching me. I pay them no mind, choosing instead to focus on my treats.

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