
chapter 4

Sophia's eyes fluttered open, her head pounding like a drum. She winced, her vision blurry, and her mouth dry. She tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over her, forcing her back onto the seat.

As she regained her bearings, she realized Alexander was still fast asleep beside her. She gazed at his peaceful face, her heart racing with a mix of emotions.

Tears began to fall, streaming down her face as she felt the weight of her situation crash down on her. She was overwhelmed by the night's events, her sister's betrayal, and her own confusion.

Sophia cried silently, her body shaking with sobs. She felt lost and alone, unsure of how to face her family or herself.

Without disturbing Alexander, Sophia carefully extricated herself from the car, her tears continuing to fall as she walked away into the morning light.

Sophia's mind raced as she tried to recall the events of the previous night. She cringed, remembering the vulgar words she had spoken, the things she had said in the heat of the moment. Her face flushed with shame and embarrassment.

She quickened her pace, her heart heavy with regret. How could she have been so reckless, so thoughtless? The weight of her actions settled upon her like a burden, a constant reminder of her mistake.

Sophia's thoughts swirled with anxiety as she approached her home. She dreaded facing her family, especially her sister Rachel, who had always been critical of her. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the confrontation ahead.

As she entered the house, Sophia was met with an eerie silence. Her parents and Rachel were seated in the living room, their faces stern and disapproving. Sophia's heart sank, knowing she was in trouble.

Sophia's sister had told their parents a distorted version of the truth, and they were furious. Sophia tried to explain, but her words were met with anger and disbelief. Her father's face turned red with rage, and he lashed out in a way that left Sophia reeling.

"How could you do this to us?" he thundered. "We took you in, gave you a home, and this is how you repay us? You're a disgrace!"

Sophia felt a deep pain in her heart as her father's words cut her to the core. She had never felt so rejected and unloved in her life.

"I wish we never adopted you from that orphanage," her father spat. "You're not our real daughter anyway."

Sophia felt like she had been punched in the gut. She couldn't believe her father could say such a hurtful thing. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that her parents' love was conditional, and she had failed to meet their expectations.

Rachel, Sophia's sister, continued to fuel their parents' anger, manipulating the situation to her advantage. "She's brought shame to our family," Rachel said, her voice dripping with malice. "We need to protect our reputation."

Sophia's parents, blinded by their anger and disappointment, agreed to Rachel's suggestion. "Lock her in her room," they said. "And freeze her credit cards. She'll learn to behave when she realizes she has no freedom."

Sophia felt a chill run down her spine as her parents' words echoed in her mind.

Sophia's heart sank as her parents' words became a harsh reality. She was confined to her room, cut off from the outside world. Her credit cards were frozen, and her phone was taken away. The only connection she had was her laptop, but even that was monitored closely.

Rachel gloated in the hallway, a smug smile spreading across her face. "You should have thought of the consequences before you acted so recklessly," she sneered.

Sophia felt a surge of anger and frustration but knew she had to remain calm. She needed a plan to clear her name and regain her freedom. She began to think of ways to appeal to her parents, to make them see the truth. But there was actually no truth as she actually slept with a man even if he wasn't the designated one.

Sophia's confinement dragged on for what felt like an eternity. Days blended together in a never-ending cycle of loneliness and isolation. Her parents' silence was deafening, and Rachel's occasional taunts only added to her misery.

As the days turned into a week, Sophia's hopes began to dwindle. She had tried every approach to appease her parents, from apologetic letters to promises of good behavior. But their resolve remained unshaken.

The room that was once her sanctuary now felt like a prison cell. Sophia's thoughts raced with despair, her mind a maze of desperation. She felt like she was losing herself, her identity erased by the harsh realities of her confinement.

Time seemed to warp and distort, stretching out the minutes into hours, the hours into days. Sophia's sense of reality began to blur, her connection to the outside world reduced to mere fantasies of freedom.

Oh let's we forget, let's move on to Alexander pov .. I'm sure you would want to know what happens when Alexander discovered that he has been ditched for the first time in his life ..

When Alexander woke up the next day, he saw the car empty. She left without an explanation, Alexander felt hurt, used and for the first time Alexander hated the girl he wanted to take responsibility for the previous day.

Alexander's anger and hurt simmered as he went about his day, trying to shake off the feeling of being used. He didn't have friends to confide in, and his usual charm and cold face was felt more violently in the company. The one-night affair with Sophia had left him feeling vulnerable and exploited.

For the first time in his life, Alexander had felt a genuine attraction to someone, and she had repaid him by disappearing without a trace. He couldn't understand why she had done what she did, and it grated on him.

Determined to move on, Alexander threw himself into his work, trying to distract himself from the lingering emotions. But he couldn't shake off the feeling of being taken advantage of.

On a whim, he instructed his personal assistant to dig up information on the mysterious woman who had spent the night with him. He needed to know more about her, to understand why she had used him like that.

"Find out everything you can about her," Alexander told his assistant, his voice firm. "I want to know her name, her background, everything."