
Accidental Gamer Hero

I accidentally saved the world and was granted three wishes when I died. Easy - first wish to reincarnate in the Naruto universe and second is to reincarnate with 'The Gamer' ability. Third wish? I'll save it for later. SI/OC Not harem | Naruto story with gamer elements, not a gamer story with Naruto elements. There is a difference. Schedule: 1 chapter/day

KnowingAutumn · Anime et bandes dessinées
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109 Chs

Graduation (3)

For the ninjutsu exam, we were supposed to show our proficiency with the three basic academy ninjutsu – Kawarimi, Henge and Bunshin. Since the three jutsus that was tested were the basics of the basics, it was with relative ease that everyone could pass them without further complications. However, there was only one who didn't.

While the rest of us were outside the academy celebrating our graduation, from the corner of my eye I saw Naruto dejectedly sitting at the swing and Mizuki slyly approaching him with what I presumed to be an offer of a 'special graduation' test by stealing the scroll of seals.

At that moment, a system notification entered my vision.

[Quest Alert!]

The Scroll of Seals:

Help Naruto become a genin!

Help Naruto steal the scroll of seals

Help Naruto defeat Mizuki




+10,000 EXP




Naruto fails to become a genin

You will be arrested and sent to jail


Accept? (Y/N)

What an interesting dilemma. For one, the potential rewards were very attractive, however if I somehow failed then the punishment would correspondingly be incredibly severe. Arrest and jail time was not something I looked forward to regardless of the quest rewards.

Although the prospect of learning the Kage Bunshin technique alongside Naruto was tempting to say the least, the risk-reward ratio was simply too outrageous for me to consider. Add that given I was confident Naruto would be able to safely retrieve the scroll and successfully learn the kage bunshin technique, subsequently defeating Mizuki and thus earning his hitai-ate, meant there was little reason for me to intervene.

The only plausible motivation for me to get myself involved in something potentially risking my liberty was purely greed. Although… I could also prevent Iruka from getting hurt if I interfered. Ahh, this was such a headache.

I weighed the pros and cons, and the disadvantages definitely far outweighed the potential benefits. But something was gnawing at the back of my mind. Was it my duty to prevent someone from getting hurt with the knowledge I had even if I could possibly get into massive trouble for being involved? Damn system and its lessons on altruism! That shit was messing with my brain. Screw that.

I shakily moved to decline the quest, but there was something inside me that made me hesitate.

Just as I was mulling over the decision, someone shoved me from behind and I accidentally pressed on 'Yes' instead of 'No'.

"Yo, Rookie of the Year! Wanna come over to my place and celebrate our graduation? Kaa-san and Nee-san asked me to invite you." Kiba loudly asked, not noticing the expression of pure dread that donned my face.


"Hm? What's wrong?"


"Wh-what the, what's wrong with you, ack! Let go of my throat you crazy bastard!"


Within a dark room filled with numerous jounin and a glow crystal ball, sat the Hokage surrounded by his most elite shinobi. For the past few hours, they had been watching the graduation exams.

"So what do you think of our latest genin?" Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage who once commanded the fearsome title, the God of Shinobi, but now more commonly dubbed The Professor, asked the room full of his subordinates. The Sandaime, although now wizened with age, still possessed an authoritative bearing and mighty aura.

"Looks like the Ino-Shika-Cho formation will be reformed this year." Someone suggested.

"Mm, indeed." The Hokage replied, stroking his beard.

"Hokage-sama, are we still following the traditional team composition of pairing the rookie of the year, the dead last and the top kunoichi?" Another jounin asked.

"Hmm? Most likely, why do you ask?"

"Well, I have some concerns over that particular combination in this instance. The rookie of the year, Shinji Ikari, top kunoichi, Hyuuga Hinata, and deadlast, Inuzuka Kiba. The three of them, as we have just seen, takes up three of the top four taijutsu ranking in their class. Wouldn't that be too unbalanced if we compare them to the other teams? If Uzumaki had passed the graduation exam, and thus become deadlast, that would not have been a problem. But the current composition is… just too strong." The same Jounin answered.

"Mm I understand your concerns. However, we have never been particularly concerned about the overall balance of the genin teams by comparing them to one another. We have a policy of grooming the ones with the most potential, so if one team consists of the ones who have the biggest likelihood to excel in our line of work, then so be it." Hiruzen smoothly countered.

Kakashi stepped forward and took this chance to add, "I call dibs on the Uchiha."

Several of the jounin instructors chimed in angrily, "You can't call dibs for your genin team, Hatake! The Hokage assigns the team with recommendations from their chuunin instructor!"

The one eyed jounin looked at them indifferently, "But I just did."

"You're not supposed to-"

The Hokage cleared his throat loudly, which silenced the argument. "Is there a reason why you want Sasuke, Kakashi? Perhaps we can come to an agreement if you have a good rationale."

"He will need someone to teach him how to use his Sharingan. With respect, Hokage-sama, I am the only one in the village capable of that." With a respectful attitude and polite speech rarely seen from the famed Sharingan no Kakashi, he answered.

The Hokage looked around and asked, "Is there anyone who opposes his justification?"

The jounin remained silent, aware that it was simply the truth. Only a Sharingan user could teach another Sharingan user how to properly utilize their doujutsu. Though Kakashi's attitude might irk them, they could only accept the truth for what it was.

"Very well then. Now we have to decide who else to put on his team. Any suggestions?" The Hokage remarked.

"If team balance makes no difference then might I suggest having Shinji Ikari on my team as well?" Kakashi suggested.

Yuhi Kurenai, who remained silent thus far, could no longer tolerate the absurdity of Kakashi's request, "Ridiculous! Having the top two genin in the same team is just plain unreasonable."

Kakashi levelled his gaze on the newly promoted jounin and genjutsu specialist, "The academy records state that the only other student Sasuke is remotely close with and willing to tolerate is Shinji Ikari. For the sake of teamwork and in the spirit of cooperation, I think it would be best for them to be in the same team. Besides, Shinji Ikari's potential is arguably lacklustre if compared to the other more promising graduates."

Kurenai scoffed, "Outrageous."

But the Hokage seemed interested in Kakashi's claims, "Hoh? Could you elaborate on that, Kakashi?"

"Hai, Hokage-sama. Even though Shinji is the Rookie of the Year, he does not come from a shinobi family. I am not one to discriminate based on background, but it is undeniable that it is a proven statistic that civilian born shinobi do not often go far as a shinobi. Yes, he would undoubtably be an excellent genin, and even possibly make chuunin, but any further than that is inconclusive."

"The other clan members on the other hand, have the potential to reach jounin rank given enough time. Thus, I am willing to give up on the other promising genin and compromise with just Sasuke and Shinji. I am even willing to have just the two of them on my team and forgo the third member if necessary. I am magnanimous enough to concede the more talented genin to my fellow jounin."

"What nonsense!" Kurenai protested, as did the rest of the jounin who saw through Kakashi's ploy to hoard the top two students on his team.

"Enough." Hiruzen spoke, once again silencing the emerging argument. "Even if that was true, Kakashi, you know that no one receives special treatment. Not even the last Uchiha and neither do you. The four-man team with three genin and one jounin has traditionally been the best method to groom our most talented, and that too is a proven statistic. I have heard your case and will take your opinions into suggestion but apprenticing just two genin is impossible."

Satisfied with the Hokage's answer to Kakashi's outrageous request, the other jounin remained silent, whereas the one eyed jounin bowed and stepped back into line.

"And the rest of you? Any more recommendations?"

Kurenai stepped forward, "Hokage-sama, I have a suggestion."

"Speak." Hiruzen prompted.

"Forgive my impudence, but might I suggest breaking the Ino-Shika-Cho formation?"

The rest of the jounin rumbled in curiosity and discontent. The Ino-Shika-Cho combination was a tried and proven success. Their team composition which consisted of reconnaissance from a Yamanaka, capture by the Nara and heavy assault with an Akimichi, a highly effective and versatile formation that synergized greatly.

"Oh? And what is your rationale behind this?"

"I understand that is a controversial statement to make, I am also well aware of the long established alliance between the Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans, as well as the conventional tradition of pairing their scions together whenever possible. However, I also believe that this is a formation that is too famous for its own good. Our enemies are well aware of our tendency to put them together –"

"For good reason." Asuma interjected but quieted down with a nasty glare from the kunoichi.

"But that also means that they have long since formulated strategies to counter this very formation. Innovation is the way forward and if we only stick with what is orthodox and conventional, then sooner or later we will fall behind our enemies. The Ino-Shika-Cho combination is effective and has a precedence of performing well in the field; but my belief is that we cannot always rely on the philosophy of 'don't fix what isn't broken', and instead we should pursue the philosophy of innovation, that is, to improve on something even if it is not broken. That's all I have to say, Hokage-sama."

Some of the jounin gathered still look unconvinced while the rest seemed deep in thought. The Hokage's expressions were undiscernible but the fact that he hadn't outright shot her down like he did Kakashi gave Kurenai some comfort.

"Then how would you suggest dividing the three younglings from the Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clans?" He asked.

"If we take the top nine genin, taking into account overall potential and not just academy grades, we have Shinji Ikari, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuuga Hinata, Aburame Shino, Nara Shikamaru, Inuzuka Kiba, Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choji and Haruno Sakura. From these nine we can further separate them into four categories – reconnaissance, capture and heavy assault or versatile. Some of them will have overlapping roles, but from there we can mix and match them to form new combinations our enemies have never encountered before." Kurenai elaborated.

She hesitated slightly before adding, "I would suggest leaving the rookie of the year and top kunoichi in the same team – with Shinji as the frontline fighter, Hinata as both a taijutsu specialist and recon expert, as well as an additional member that fulfils the capture criteria meaning Shino, Ino or Shikamaru. As for the other teams, I will leave it up to your discretion, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen nodded, appreciative of the well thought out and meticulous explanation.

Seeing no obvious protests to her suggestions from neither the Hokage nor the other jounins, she celebrated internally, 'Hinata, I've done all that I can. The rest is up to you.'